Monday, September 29, 2008 @ 12:24 AM
It's a Saturday. And I'm going back to school. Why? Because I'm doing my cosplay photoshoot in school! Yep, Republic Polytechnic! Thank you Windy for once again coming along to help me with my wig and such, even though it's just a short while, also ahsie for accompanying me and Rayblade for the photoshoot :)
So this time I'm cosplaying a girl from a PC game~ It's been a long time since I last cosplayed, thus meh... Pretty rusty, I guess. I got tired so fast!! Maybe because of the lack of sleep... D:

Character: Yuki Haruna (悠木陽菜)
Location: Republic Polytechnic
Photographer: Rayblade
I really like this photo here with ahsie :) So cute!
Windy doesn't like taking pictures with me :(
So right after this, I met up with my Keng Seng Primary school classmates at the Heeren, Orchard. They are Jesslyn, Wileen, Jason, Ivan, Elton, Rachel and Bernice(?). I remembered most of them but some I don't remember at all!! D: Dine at Waraku~ This time is not the pasta one :( So I tried this!
Katsu Don.
Don. Don don. Don Don!
Labels: cosplay, outing, photoshoot, sad, school
Akira Star
Double Ouch...
Friday, September 26, 2008 @ 1:10 AM
Today Haematology lab session was once again fun!! :D I have to "donate" my blood too due to my teammate's idea "One for All, All for One". So everyone in my team have to donate their blood for testing. So what type of testing I did today! Wright-Giemsa Staining for white blood cells :) So let's begin~

Finger prick with a lancet. "Ant bite" Like real!!!
Facilitator helped me to squeeze 0.5ul of blood out.
SO PAINFUL! I pain until wanna die.
And you all don't feel pain one?!?!!? :\

Anyway, Cheers to my vial of delicious blood~

My blood smeared slides :)

Staining in Process...
Little did I know that I have over stained them :(

See... Over stained... Cannot see properly and clearly...

So pretty, right?! *click on the picture!!*
So yep, this test is the stain the white blood cells (WBC) so you can differentiate them from the red blood cells. The purple stained ones are the different type of WBC as you can see from the different morphology (structure & stuff). And the rest are the red blood cells :)
Tomorrow there is another blood drawing... This time for glucose testing... And my first Understanding Test (UT)... T_T
Labels: fun, lab, pain, school
Akira Star
Thursday, September 25, 2008 @ 12:54 AM
Went to take my Typhoid Vaccination Injection today! FINALLY! Met up with Puikwan. Overslept a bit. Gosh! I can't seem to stop oversleeping... What's wrong with me? Lack of sleep for sure :P
First, head up to GV office to get money for the injection!! I don't have enough with me for it. One jab cost $28!! Then got lost trying to make our way to the Great World City Office Tower. The sign so small D:
Went 9 floors up and into the Twin City Medical Centre~

Picture with a weird angle of our plasters.

Certs and receipts~
And now to say,
HAHA!! I'm vaccinated against Typhoid and you are not! :D
Though my arm feels weak and throbby.

I HATE YOU, Surbex - Zinc.
58 more tablets to go........

Lay all your love on me
Don't go sharing your devotion
Lay all your love on me
Akira Star
Tuesday, September 23, 2008 @ 2:13 AM
Since I have started working at GV, there's a lot of movies that I wanna watch! And I can tell due to the number of tickets sold which movies are worth it to watch! xD Cool, eh? Patrons also sometimes recommended me which movie is a must watch as well.
So today after school, Audrey and I decided to watch Mamma Mia! at Causeway Point Cathay. Shuhua was supposed to join us, but she went home instead :(
Shuhua, we watch other movies together, okay?

A really really really fun show!! :D
I say this movie is definitely better than High School Musical, regards is it show 1, show 2 or the upcoming show 3 (Looks like I'm pretty confident to say this :X). And yep, it's also one of the best musical movies I have ever watched on the big screen *^_^*
Gosh, I really love some of the songs sang in there, like Dancing Queen, The Winner Takes It All, I Have A Dream, Super Trooper.
And those of you who have not watched it yet.
*stares at Yehoshua*
Meh... Looks like I'm spending lots of money on movies...
Akira Star
Saturday, September 20, 2008 @ 12:33 PM
The cinemas at CCK is Shaw Theaters'. Although it's like 50 cents cheaper, I still like GV's cinemas! The employees do not wear uniform, thus they looked like toilet cleaners to me. The seats there are horrible. So uncomfortable and rocky. Yep! The seats can rock somemore!! How terrible is that! And the screens are not as good quality as GV's. :( It was not a good movie experience for me. Thus I want to watch it at GV again, using my blue complimentary pass :D

This movie, Mirrors, has a pretty good storyline. For once, I thought "Yea, the ang mo can finally come out with a good horror plot." But nooo, the ending credits said it's a remake from a korean flim "Into the Mirror." Such a let down. Oh yea, the movie is not scary at all :)
So why is this movie rated M-18? :O! It's because of the gory scenes in it! The show starts with the guy's reflection slowly slashes his own throat with a piece of mirror, and the guy dies, experiencing the effects of his throat being slashed despite not doing it himself. So much blood and you can see the parts of the throat inside xD! Another scene would be the main character's sister reflection tearing off her jaw. This particular scene, I could even feel her pain... Ouch...
So yep! Do watch this show. The storyline is pretty well planned out. The ending is really creepy! Puikwan, I will watch with you okayyyyy?
Next movie I want to watch is Mamma Mia! and Painted Skin. Who is up for it?! :D
So, how was my first day at Floor? It's CRAZY! The Gala night, Painted Skin, brought in alot of people! They are all like ready to rush in for the seats, because 3 of the theaters are of free seating. Luckily there are barricades separating me from the crowds. I do not like crowded places. Anyway, I saw the artistes of Painted Skin, Qi Yuwu, Donnie Yen and a handful of Mediacorp artistes as well. And also Joel, my secondary school friend. Why is he there!! So shy. Finally when the movie ended for all of the 5 theaters, I have to clear the rubbish D: Such a sad ending for me...........
Akira Star
Thursday, September 18, 2008 @ 9:01 AM
I'm going to start on Floor today!! That means tearing of tickets, clearing of cinemas and of course, toilet auntie...... Puikwan, You better not call me a toilet auntie... You are also one of them. Soon I'm going to complete my marathon of all the three stations too!!
My first day at Floor is going to be a Gala Night... For the new movie, Painted Skin. Six fully booked theaters!! Die already... My first day like this... Unlucky. Hope that my "amulet of protection" bear bear badge can protect me from patrons' scoldings.
By the way, the bag of soil, shit and spores which I got from the "Mushroom from Marvelous Materials Workshop" like two months ago, finally grew a mushroom. A pretty big one as well!! It looks like a mini tuba~ xD So cute! It was kinda shocking as I didn't notice it until it was so big! I left it outside my house at the corner to rot. And... A mushroom popped out!!!

Looks pretty weird, right? It's because I didn't open up the cap for it to come out, thus the mushroom forced its way out through the plastic bag instead!
Anyway I like touching it... It feels so damp and soft ;) Sounds so wrong!
You better not think dirty :X
Akira Star
Bloody Tubes! xD
Saturday, September 13, 2008 @ 2:48 AM
I had my first labwork of the semester!! Haematology~ And it is Oh-My-Gosh so fun!! :) I get to learn how to use vacutainers and draw out blood from the antecubital area of the arm! And of course, I didn't draw blood from my classmates' arm or even mine. But from a dummy arm!! xD

But our team's blood is too diluted!
The other two teams got fake blood that looks more like real blood! *jealous* *ENVY*

These are the equipments used!

And if you poke correctly, the blood will get suck into the tube almost immediately by the vacuum!

These are the vacutainer tubes that I have successfully drawn blood with :D
My room is gonna get redesign(?)... Like with more shelves for me to put my stuff, etc. So most of the stuff like one of my tables is being removed and there is like an empty space at the corner of my room for me to EMO there and /wrists :D

Here is what it looks like... SO MESSY! I can't even walk about. Everything is in the middle of my very very very small room. I felt awkward and rather uncomfortable sitting there using my laptop. My desktop has been removed as well... Because I didn't use.
(Actually those who have seen my room previously before this so-called construction, will know exactly what I'm typing here.)
Hope these changes better come quick... >:(
Labels: fun, lab, room, school
Akira Star
And then...
Wednesday, September 03, 2008 @ 11:19 PM
Happy or Sad?
Labels: school
Akira Star
@ 2:35 AM
Finally... I have watched Wall·e!!! I have been waiting to watch this movie ever since I saw the trailer~ And next, to actually find someone to watch with me :\ Most of my friends either don't watch this type of cartoon movie or have watched it without me already!! >:( So yea, I got Johnatton to watch it with me :)! Yay!~
So... I went to buy the tickets at 12.15pm at GV Tiong Bahru. Two student price $6 tickets for GV Jurong's Wall·e at 2.30pm. I can choose any seats I want as the theatre is still empty xD After that, I wandered about Jurong Point for 1hour, waiting for Johnatton to come. And then it's show timeeeee!
One very special thing about this show is most of the characters do not have actual human voices, but instead communicate with body language and robotic sounds that resemble voices. I found it uncomfortable at first because I'm not used to not hearing people talking in shows. But slowly I did get used to it and enjoyed the show tremendously! I really love the part where WALL-E and EVE introduced themselves!! :D
This show opened my eyes to an alternate future for Earth. With a lot of new stuffs being invented as technology becomes more advance, which means more and more old stuffs had to be thrown away. And soon, there will be no more place to throw it away and Earth will become so polluted that even humans can't live on it anymore, only robots and cockroaches :(
Afterwards, I have to go to GV Grand for workkkk... Box Office!! My first day. My trainer is Xue Ting! So funny! Xue Ting teach Xue Ting. Anyway, I'm terrified and very very very stressed. This is so much harder than Candy Bar. So many things to remember and press! The only thing good about it is... You get to sit down and don't have to clean up stuff. I think I will be a failure for Box Office... There's even TWO times I forget to keep the money and return it back to the patrons!!! Luckily they realized and returned it back to me... If not, I have to fork out $30 from my own pockets. I really really hope I can master this box office stuff soon and not down any money!! :( *prays*
Akira Star
Tuesday, September 02, 2008 @ 2:50 AM
Today is a weird salamander day, I think... (Yup, salamanders are often related to fire if you didn't know that.) Because everything happened is something to do with it! Flame, Fire, Burn.
First was FYP... FYP on Monday totally brings the whole week's mood down. Anyway, for this semster's FYP, seems like I'm being "forced" to cut plants up... So I had to sterilize the forceps and scalpel each time I cut something with ethanol and bunsen burner. At one point, my scalpel caught aflame and I didn't realize it until Joshua told me. xD
Then very soon after that... A FIRE BROKE OUT IN THE LAB!! In the laminar flow, precisely. The GA7 container that holds the ethanol for flaming caught on fire. Looks like... we put the bunsen burner too near it. We (Audrey, Joshua and I) dropped everything immediately and pushed everything away from the flame... We started panicking as well because we didn't really know what to do and our facilitator wasn't in the lab (Nice timing hoh?). Audrey really looked like a panicking chicken. Kenneth poured RO water on the fire, causing it to spread further. Joshua tried to remove the GA7 but was stopped. I quickly ran out to find the TSO. (What did Kerus do anyway? And who was it that suggested to use the fire extinguisher... =__=) Luckily the fire was put out in time and we got scolding, including Ritu, the facilitator! I was trying to stop myself from laughing when she was being told off. I didn't really like her anyway... After all the commotion, I left for work! So sudden! xD Btw, this is the 2nd time a fire broke out in the PTC lab.
At work, it was my last day at Candy Bar and Puikwan's first. It was a really great last day for me. I enjoyed working together with Puikwan and Umar!!! Hope there will be more days like this... AND! My finger got burned by a sweet popcorn...... Pregnant already, got baby (bubble) also... Now I realized how painful it is. Last day already!! Still get burned. Unlucky. The manager, Jet, so nice... Helped me to apply antiseptic and put plaster on my finger :) Anyway, my next duty will be BOX OFFICE!!! I had a bad feeling about it already... :\
Labels: FYP, lab, panic, school, work
Akira Star
Happy Teachers' Day!
@ 1:23 AM
Wah~ I purposely took off on this day to go back to my secondary school to celebrate Teachers' Day! How many of you actually did that?! A show of hands please?? Anyway, I was suppose to meet my friends at 9.30am, however I overslept... (not surprising anymore huh?) So waited for Jackie (she also overslept!!!), by the time I reached the school hall, the concert was already about to end! D:
Teachers and their teacher pledge!
A handful of my classmates came back as well, the rest having exams, school or not free at all. The school really changed alot... All the wall painting were gone, study corner also gone. Meh~ I still prefer the school during my year... That holds more memories for me.
Walls all white! :(
After this, we took pictures like crazy. Be it with each other or with teachers.
With Gladys (Gladiator) Pang, my history/social studies teacher~
With Mr. Chua, our favourite form teacher of 4N1/5N1.
With Mr. Wardi~
(This photo was on purpose!!)
After this, Fazillah, Puikwan and I hurried down to GV Plaza to catch the movie, 4Bia. However we were late and missed the 1.30pm timeslot. It was such a pity. Didn't know when we will meet up to catch it again... We just bought the 4.10pm show instead. With all the extra time before the movie starts, we went to waste it by walking around the whole of Plaza Singapura. One of our stops was at Spotlight where we took lots of pictures as well.
Then finally we can watch our long awaited movie!! 4Bia...
The theatre was packed and the audience were very spontaneous throughout the movie. They really brought the word "FEAR" into the whole ambiance. They screamed/laughed and held their silence at appropriate parts. *two thumbs up!* There's one guy who sat beside Fazillah, he covered his ears and looked down the whole entire time. Omg... Scared until like this...
The title of the movie is a pun on the word "phobia". The number 4 is in reference to the Thai horror film's four short stories. So it actually feels like a horror movie marathon.
To me, the movie is not scary at all. But I admitted I jumped at my seat for the first story. Fazillah was screaming along with them and Puikwan was totally enjoying the whole thing happening.
First Story - Happiness (Thai title: Ngao/Loneliness)
You guys love to sms right? Wait till this happens to you... :)
Anyway, this was the story that made me jumped at my seat and held me in false suspense. Everyone was frightened at that particular part, there's even one guy who shouted out "I wanna watch Wall-e!!~"
Second Story - Tit for Tat
This particular story totally reminds me of Final Destination where everyone died in the end but this happens to students and took place in the school. Pretty gory... but the ghost (or whatever it is I couldn't tell at all) was horribly created, just like the ghost in Body #19. I bet it's the same person...
Third Story - In The Middle
About Camping!!! This story is really funny and not one bit scary. They had conversations that bring references of other movies into the show (movies like shutter, titanic, 6th sense and the others) One of them is
"This really feels like Titanic."
"Don't tell me about it!! I haven't watch it yet."
"This show same as Shutter. The ghost sit on the guy's shoulder. This one Rose sit on Jack's shoulder. Shutter copied Titanic, you don't know?"
"Damn Thai movies..."
Fourth Story - The Last Fright
The all famous Princess Sophia story. To me, it was boring and very predictable so I sat there with a bored look on my face. While Fazillah was screaming away with the audience.
The stories are actually linked together if you put them in their time chronological order.
You actually can pop by Wikipedia to read a brief summary of all the 4 storys if you want. :)
My next movie. Wall-e! xD
Labels: celebrate, fun, movie, school
Akira Star