Happy MooDay!!
Saturday, August 14, 2010 @ 11:13 PM
::13th August 2010::
Moo's secondary school friend, EnPing invited some of us, his tertiary school friends, to celebrate his birthday in advance (which was also one day before). Shuhua, Joshua and I accepted the invitation and were to meet at *SCAPE @7.30pm to 7.45pm - fifteen minutes of late allowance was issued. Audrey was unable to go in the end; due to overtime at work.
And so,
I met up with Joshua at Somerset MRT station after my work. Either he was really late or I was really early. Anyway, I still waited for him for a really long time. Like forty-five minutes or so! I sat there like a hobo; facing the control station and read my book. & finally, he reached and we met up with Shuhua (@Somerset) and EnPing (@*SCAPE) later on.

EnPing has already made reservations at the Raindrop Café at *SCAPE (obviously!! if not, why are we meeting there?!) Soon everyone - that is of Moo's secondary school friend status; arrived and including Moo, himself. And the ordering of food began :)

The menu was really interesting :D
Lots of pictures and quotes like a scrapbook!
& yeah, I took the longest to make up my mind on what to order D:

Stoning, while waiting for the food to come~

And they're here!~ :D
(my order:- Fish 'N' Chips)

A closer view of my fish and chips.
"Deep fried Fish Fillet coated with homemade Beer batter, Fries and baby greens Salad"
- quoted from the menu.
The food was okay only; of course I have eaten better tasting fish and chips. Anyway, once everyone was done with their dinner. Out comes the birthday cake :D It's birthday time!~♪

Lovely, huh?

HAPPY 21st BIRTHDAY in Advance, MOO! :D

Lovely, huh?

HAPPY 21st BIRTHDAY in Advance, MOO! :D

with his cake and present~

And his secondary school friends :P
Group pictures first; before leaving the mess behind for the waitresses/waiters to clean up :X

WE (#1)
(top:- Nicholas, RuiQin, ShengSheng, EnPing
btm:- Shuhua, me, Moo, Joshua)

WE (#2)
Not knowing where to head next, we went up to the roof of *SCAPE to stand/sit around and chill out/chat. And also, took pictures :X Yeah (^o^)b OH! Shawn joined in at the very last moment as well :P

RP people :P

Secondary school people.

WE (#3)

RP people :P

Secondary school people.

WE (#3)
Then someone brought out the idea of drinking. I was kinda reluctant to go but since Shuhua really wanted to go; so I just went along to accompany her. If not, she would be alone with people that she wasn't close with! D: b'cos Joshua was going to follow whatever decision I were to make :X & the bar was decided:- Eski Bar! The bar that we didn't go to for the previous DDD session. And moreover, this outing has evolved into a DDD session as well!
Took two cabs among ourselves... when we reached Eski Bar, we found out that the bar was full! So we ended up wandering around Circular Road, looking for less crowded bar and found ourselves at the Cannery; Clarke Quay - still looking for a place to drink (@.@) It's a Friday; for goodness sake! Everywhere will be crowded!! D:
Finally, we managed to get seats and settled down at the Clinic - a really interesting and unique bar with a pharma-kitsch décor with paraphernalia in all manner of the clinical :D The drinks were really expensive to me; so I didn't order anything. The rest did and I just took sips out of everyone's glass. I love what Joshua ordered - Grasshopper (cocktail). It has this really minty and refreshing taste to it :P

The Clinic - Ready for your medicine? :D

Look at all the hospital stuffs - operation lights and privacy screens!

Drinks here~

I spot the Grasshopper~~ xD

Looking pretty drunk already (@.@)
Took two cabs among ourselves... when we reached Eski Bar, we found out that the bar was full! So we ended up wandering around Circular Road, looking for less crowded bar and found ourselves at the Cannery; Clarke Quay - still looking for a place to drink (@.@) It's a Friday; for goodness sake! Everywhere will be crowded!! D:
Finally, we managed to get seats and settled down at the Clinic - a really interesting and unique bar with a pharma-kitsch décor with paraphernalia in all manner of the clinical :D The drinks were really expensive to me; so I didn't order anything. The rest did and I just took sips out of everyone's glass. I love what Joshua ordered - Grasshopper (cocktail). It has this really minty and refreshing taste to it :P

The Clinic - Ready for your medicine? :D

Look at all the hospital stuffs - operation lights and privacy screens!

Drinks here~

I spot the Grasshopper~~ xD

Looking pretty drunk already (@.@)
After all those very many sips, I was completely knocked out until they woke me up later when it's time to leave!! (@.@)!! For a moment, I didn't remember where I was and so much for dreaming that I was at home in my wonderful bed sleeping... Followed Shuhua and Joshua to the taxi stand; shared a cab home together. Moo and the rest went on partying at some club! Power were those. For me, it's bed bed bed bed bed!♥
Labels: birthday, celebrate, drinking, RP friends
Akira Star
Akira Star