Well, Hello There...

Malaysia - Tioman (Day 2)

Wednesday, July 21, 2010 @ 2:15 AM

::Malaysia - Tioman Trip; 17th July to 19th July::

Tabs to visit the other parts of the trip:
Malaysia - Tioman (Day 1)

Day 2 (18/7):

Yet another morning here at Tioman :) Woke up at 7.30am to get ready for breakfast. We thought of having our breakfast earlier, due to the fact that we would be doing snorkeling later so our food would be digested by then :P

View of the calm sea; early in the morning.

We walked over to the main foyer of the resort... however we were pretty early, thus breakfast wasn't ready yet (@.@) So we decided to take pictures with the resort surroundings :D!

The main foyer area~

The morning us...
still got the sleepiness lingering around xD


Day 2 is just about to begin!! :D

Breakfast was ready and placed on the tables at 8am on the dot. It didn't have a wide selection of food like in hotels. It was just toasted breads, sausages, sunny side-ups and baked beans... and when combined together, it made up a simple, delicious breakfast :) Nothing fanciful.

Ah~ Lovely :3

My picks :P

Gonna have breakfast together :P

After breakfast, we went back to prepare for our Day 2 activities :D Swimsuits, sarongs a.k.a wrap-wraps, sunblock lotions and everything else that was necessary :) Locked my baggage with my valuable red passport in it.

Not forgetting the waterproof camera!~

Puikwan went over to room 2B first to get the wound on her leg bandage up nice and proper with waterproof plasters and stuff. Hope that salt water won't enter and sting her wound. But that is unlikely not to happen :( Because water is very powerful... especially moving water. Oh well...

With her bandaged knee~

Since we have some minuscule time left, we decided to take pictures outside the resort huts. Puikwan lent Daphne her sarong to test wear. Shalee and me were already wearing our own. Shalee purposely bought hers during Day1 so that she could wear it now :P




With beach scenic background~

Do-re-mi? xD

Now it's time to proceed back to the main foyer to listen to a briefing and collect our snorkeling equipment. Why, all the snorkeling equipment were already placed nicely out on the table for us to take :P So we each grabbed a life jacket and a snorkeling mask; and started putting them on :) Come to think of it... the snorkel mask piece was really gross! Think of how many hundreds of people that had put that piece in their mouth to bite/suck/lick D: MEGA GROSS!!!! :\

Equipment getto! :D

The girls :)

+ me!
(can't actually be in the picture if I'm holding the camera, right?? xD)


All geared up and ready to go!~

With that, we set off towards the jetty for our boat ride... Gosh, boats and sea sickness comes together; hand in hand.

Making the long journey out to the jetty~

Waiting to board the boat :)

Time to board!~

Look at all the fishes!!! :D

We were one of the first to board the boat... so we got to choose where we want to sit :P We have chosen to sit at the bow of the boat! Right in front :) Got a pretty nice view of the sea + the sun and wind blowing through our hair~


I have no idea why we didn't take picture of
Audrey and Daphne on the opposite side (@.@)

As the boat moves off, we started taking pictures :D But after awhile, I got kinda seasick and had to lay back to rest for the rest of the journey... Well, well... it's pictures time! xD

Individual shots :)

Pairing shots :D

Moar shots! ;D

Boat drivers shot :X

Here is Audrey again, helping Puikwan
with her bandages and applying of sunblock lotion xD

Are you ready to take a plunge into the sea?!

Waterproof cameras all ready up! :)

Say cheese!~ :D

Lol'd :P

Suntanning at the bow of the boat!

After around forty minutes of boating, we have finally reached our very first snorkeling destination!! Renggis Island :D

Land AHOY! \(^0^)/

Welcome to Renggis Island~

We put on our snorkelling masks and with our waterproof cameras in hand; we plunged into the cooling blue waters :) Puikwan was a little hesitant about going into the sea, due to the wound on her knee... but she still went ahead with it :D Yay! Swimming with the fishes; or should I say chasing them was so much fun. The corals were okay... not as pretty due to the coral bleaching :( The fun lasted until I got a little dizzy from the waves pushing me about! D:

Right onwards would be pictures taken from the waterproof cameras!~~

Lots of different type of fishes, although there seem to be more of those striped fishes...
a whole lot better than the small yellow with black striped fishes at Krabi :P

Pretty corals that's showing signs of coral bleaching :(

There's one point where the life guard, ZiMing, picked up a weird looking sea cucumber from the seabed and showed it to us. I grabbed the funny pink sea cucumber from his hands and asked Audrey to take a picture of me holding it :P But right after the photo was taken, I immediately flung the sea cucumber at Audrey. The expression on her face and the way she tried to dodge was priceless xD We had much laughs!!

This is definitely much lulz xD!

Puikwan and I had a great time bullying Audrey :X While Audrey was snorkeling with her breathing tube above the waters, Puikwan poured in seawater down the tube; causing Audrey to breathe in seawater instead of air :X As for me, I just covered the breathing hole and Audrey had to rush up from beneath the sea to breathe. Oops~ :X

It was really hard to recognize each other with our similar looking life jackets and snorkeling masks that covers almost all of our facial features. So most of the time we ended up calling each other with the wrong names! xD Well, I stuck to Puikwan most of the time because we were sharing one of the waterproof camera :P


Heh, my solo! :D

So much fun drifting in the sea :X


Puikwan and I just lazying about :P


Me :P

Puikwan and I trying to camwhore underwater...

YAY @ Renggis Island!! :D
(Lisa as photographer of this shot)

At 11.30am, it was time to get out of the salty waters and return to our boat. We have actually spent an hour snorkeling by Renggis Island! (O.O) I guess time really flies when you're having fun... :(

With that, we were on our way to our next destination, Tioman Marine Park Centre.

All wet with salt water :P!


So tired... xD

Puikwan redid her bandages again; this time using a plaster and Leukoplast to secure it.
For me... I accidentally kicked a coral while snorkeling earlier,
thus scrapping one of my little toes :( It was a weird type of pain (@.@)

After twenty-five minutes of sea journey, we have reached our next destination, the Marine Park. Time for more snorkeling, I guess (O.o)


All of us alighted the boat with nothing in hand except for the waterproof cameras and of course, the snorkeling masks . It's time to finish the shots up! xD Moreover, we had to walk barefooted all the way~~~ The ground was covered with rough grits of sand and pebbles... It was really hard to walk on such ground, especially barefooted! We clenched our teeth and made our way to the very first stop... the toilets!

But first! A picture taken at entrance :P

And then,
We headed to the Marine Park Centre which is like a museum/exhibition hall. It was really cold in there with the air-conditioning switched on to full blast. And we were still wet from the previous snorkeling + in swimsuit! Audrey, Daphne, Puikwan and I managed to explore the whole centre - enduring the cold; leaving Lisa and Shalee to wait outside for us xD Anyway, the place was pretty lame; so to say.


Looks like the waterproof cameras were unable to take pictures indoor :X

Dolphin statues outside of the Centre.

Finally, we decided to go down to the park waters - pretty much like a mooring-buoys-barricaded section of the sea... The waters was not as blue/clear/pretty as Renggis Island. Probably due to tourist pollutions... (O.Q) We were supposed to meet up with the life guard, ZiMing, at the floating platform near to the jetty. Since the waters didn't look very pleasant to the eyes, we were debating whether to swim to it or made our way to the jetty and then swim out to the platform from there (which is of a nearer distance).



The result, as voted by the majority, was to swim to the floating platform. I guess no one really wants to suffer another round of the nitty gritty pathway. And so, we started swimming... making our way through the waves that were washing us back to shore. It was tough and making it worse for us was the buoyancy of our life jackets (however without it, we would drown...)! But through hardwork and determination, it was not impossible :)

Let's swim, be it breaststroke or freestyle!~

And we REACHED the FLOATING Platform! :D

There's nothing much to do but to snorkel again, look at fishes and feed the fishes with bread provided. However, the longer I stay in the waters or on the platform, the giddier I have gotten - caused by the push and pull of the tides :(

This is me feeding the fishes and trying to take
pictures of them snatching the bread our of my fingers... GREEDY!!!

Final group picture taken by ZiMing; before we head back to the boat.

It's 1.20pm and we were off to our third destination, Tekek for lunch! :D
My goodness, I'm starving! :X Too much energy taken for snorkeling...

Wow, the more I see myself in swimsuit...
the more I think I looked like a primary school kid! D:

The endless stretch of sea and skies meeting at the horizon.



With just a short ten minutes ride of the boat, we have arrived at Tekek. Here, we will be having lunch and also to do some light shopping (O.o)!

Alighting from the boat~

Found a map of Tioman!
Now we can see where we have been to :P

Not a lot of food stores were opened... and there were only those malay economy rice. We were too hungry to care and just eat whatever they have to serve! Lisa was the only one who changed out of her wet clothes and into a sundress (after confirming that, there will be no more sea/snorkeling activity); while the rest of us stayed in our wet attire throughout.


Thank goodness that there's ice milo :)

Ready to eat!! :3

This kitten kept pestering us for food (@.@)
When we gave it some of our leftovers, a bigger cat came over,
pressed the kitten's head to restraint it from moving and snatched its food away... :\

After our satisfying lunch, we strolled over to the duty free shop located in Tekek to do some spending of money xD However, the stuffs over there were mostly tourist stuffs like Tioman shirts, gifts, souvenirs and local products of food - chocolates, tidbits, etc.


Strolling to the duty free shop :)

As we walked on, we heard lots of loud noise and realized
that this huge tree was the source of the racket! They were produced by
hundreds over bats hanging upside down on this particular tree! D:

Really looks run-down... so does the insides :\

In less than thirty minutes, we were done purchasing our selected items and we had to walk back to jetty to meet up with the rest of the activity group.


But we got distracted by this lovely scenery and
we definitely must take pictures with it :P


Okay... for the next part of the activity - waterfall visit, the entire activity group would have to split up; as not everyone wanted to go for that activity. So those who have paid the extra fees for this part of the activity (which includes us), will be taking the speed boat instead. And for the rest of them, they would return to Kampong Genting by the same boat.

In the end, only the six of us and two couples were proceeding on with the waterfall visit activity. We transferred all our stuffs to the speed boat, said our goodbyes to the people on the other boat and off we go! Speeding forth to Asah Waterfalls~~


The speed boat was pretty alright. Didn't feel much of the waves as the speed boat cut through them! A little bumpy when the boat encounters bigger waves - boat will fly, we got lifted off our seats and landed back repeatedly. After awhile, a light drizzle passed by. I'm already getting wet from the seawaters and now I'm gonna get more wet by rain?! (@.@)

Whee~ Look how fast we were going!

Land on one side; great vast sea on the other.

So cold!! I had to cover myself with the towel!
Same for Shalee as well xD

With that,
@3.30pm, we have arrived at our final activity destination; the Asah Waterfalls. The drizzle hasn't stopped at all! No time to waste, we have to move on!~ Can't wait for the drizzle to evolve to a full fledged rain, right??


However, the three of us kept making the others wait :X
Because we were busy trying to take pictures with the beautiful nature scenery!!

Moving on, moving on...


It was a very long walk... trust me...
Up, up, up stairs and slopes!

Wrecked signage. Kinda like Jurassic Park? :X

Have we reached???

Why, OF COURSE!!! :D

Pretty!! :D

This is my first time seeing a natural waterfall!! :D Singapore only has man-made ones like the one in Jurong Bird Park. It felt very... serene... like all my tiredness and weariness from walking all the way up, were washed away by the very sight of the waterfalls :)

The tour guide who came along with us for this part of the activity, suddenly dived down into the plung pool below and he urged all of us to join him as well. We immediately discussed whether to go down or not... For me, I was very keen to gooooo!! It's like since we've already walked so far to get here, it would be a waste if we complete the activity!!! And this could be the only time I get to gain such an experience. Sooooo, it turns out that Audrey, Puikwan and me were the only ones going down to the waterfalls :P

Going down; not jumping down :P
Wouldn't want my head to be smash against the rocks or
my body to be pierce through by sharp rocks D:


Yay! We were down by the plung pool :D

"As you can see..." said Daphne.

I was a little scared about going down into the plung pool... The waters were so dark... I don't know how deep is it; what are the creatures lurking beneath the dark waters; any of those nasty slimy rocks?!?! AND the waters were extremely FREEZING COLD!

Me trying to test waters and asking lots of questions;
with Puikwan and Audrey queuing up behind me :X

And without further delays, I gathered all my courage and plunged into the freezing waters. I kept swimming and swimming until I reached the base of the waterfall. I wouldn't want to touch the ground of the plung pool at all! :\ It's like mighty gross!! And... I accidentally kicked against a rock as well :( Ow.

At the base of the waterfall, we struggled to get up on the slippery rocks and climbed to the middle of it :) There was a couple who got to the waterfall first; the guy gave way to us so that we could get up there as well... leaving his girlfriend behind :X

Swimming~ Climbing~

Together we squeezed at the midsection of the waterfall (that's includes the abandon girlfriend :X) and posed for the camera~ :P


What an experience! :P

All of a sudden, the waterfall's falling water seems to be increasing in... water(?) xD It just seems heavier. Then we realized that it was raining heavily!!! It was not the waterfall waters but the rainwater! We quickly got off the waterfall and swam our way back to the rock that we started from. It was really hard to get up on the rock; I was like hugging the horrible algae covered rock and Audrey was pushing me up from behind..

The three of us then went back to the top to grab our bags and slippers. Daphne, Lisa and Shalee were really drenched from the rain. With that, all of us (including the guide and two couples) took off for the nearest pavilion for shelter; with towels covering the top of our heads.


We sat under the pavilion, trying to wait for the rain to stop. It was a really long time... so we actually ended up introducing ourselves to each other. The couple who climbed the waterfall were actually one year older than us :P For the other couple, they kept their age as a secret but... the girlfriend was a Japanese!! :D

Later, there's a tour team of Singaporeans strolling under the rain; walking away from the waterfall direction. We didn't see them earlier at the waterfall, because they actually trekked higher up than us!

The rain didn't seem to be stopping so we decided to stop waiting for the rain to stop :X And ran to the next pavilion shelter - hugging our bags closely to ourselves and with towels on our heads. Actually come to think of it... the towels made a useless shelter :\

@ second pavilion shelter.

The guys went to look for big leaves to be used as shelter from the rain. But they were unable to tear it from the trees... mother nature was too tough! So since we were already so drenched, a little more rainwater wouldn't make a difference! So we ran all the way back to the jetty, it's like a race against the droplets :P

The towel covering my head was getting heavier and heavier with rainwater and each step I took was getting heavier as well D: As we reached to the bridge of the jetty, one of the guys told us that we better run faster... since we were out in the open with no trees around, we were like perfect targets for any lightning strikes :\ So we ran across the bridge like the wind!! xD

Chiong ar!!!!

Once we were back at the jetty, we immediately got
on task to squeeze the rainwater out of our towels!!

All drenched! Smile :D!

Whee :3

The skies really looks very ominous :(

The boat uncle has a difficult time trying to station the boat near to the jetty. The wind was really strong and the waves were really choppy. The boat uncle threw over a rope that was tied to the boat, to the guide. With combined strength and determination of the guide and boat uncle, they managed to station the speed boat near to the jetty for us to board. And we boarded immediately (in case the boat drifted away again!).

Need to get speed boat near the jetty for boarding!!

Once we were on the boat, we immediately put on our life jackets, interlocked our arms together, grabbed any railing for support so that we won't fall off the boat when the boat is speeding back to Kampong Genting.

The ride back was even worst... the waves were really choppy and it drove my endurance for seasickness to its limits. They passed me a plastic bag where I puked generously into it :\ Luckily for me, we were reaching our destination. When we have reached, my legs were really weak and Audrey had to support me out of the boat and onto a bench at the Kampong Genting jetty. I was shivering from all the cold and from the vomiting.

From there, we slowly made our way back to our resort. One of the guys who went back to put his stuffs first, came back to help us carried our stuffs back to our rooms. Thank you :) Anyway, once we were back to our rooms, we immediately took turns to bathe and changed out of our wet clothes. When everyone was dry and clean, we went out for dinner.

So cold, still pose! xD

My, I'm starving!!! With food all gone from my stomach, I'm really looking to dinner with each step I took. And that's a lot of steps!

Chosen to order from this place for dinner.


Drinks up first!!
Hot drinks more than cold ones! :X

Ordered egg prata and Ramly burger for dinner :P

With our individual orders :P

With our dinner over and done with, we walked back to our resort in darkness... until Audrey took out lightsticks for us! :D

Green and blue~

And I found a toad which I picked it up and posed for the camera. Puikwan and Shalee knew that what I was going to do next after the flash and took off screaming and running into the darkness. Once the flash of the camera was done, I threw the toad at Audrey - just like what I did for the sea cucumber :P

Yay~ Toad! xD

All of us were back in the rooms 3A/B to spend the last of nights here in Tioman together :D

My two days worth of spoils and souvenirs :)

Look at Puikwan's nice Leukoplast marking xD

Audrey, helping Puikwan with the bandage again.

And we spammed pictures!!! Camera, tripod, timer and us - all ready!! :D

Lisa - 喜 (happy)
me - 怒 (angry)
Puikwan - 哀 (sad)
Daphne - 乐 (overjoy)
Audrey - 疯 (crazy)
Shalee - 怕 (scared)

More expressions - this time as a group!! :D


Flattening Audrey at the bottom :P!

More random shots!

Final ♥ group shot!


Finally, we uploaded all the pictures of Day 2 on Puikwan's laptop and began the transfer of photos to each and everyone :) Before heading back into the covers of our own beds for the night's rest @12.30 midnight.

Good night and good bye Day2!

& that's the end of Day 2 of the Tioman trip!!!~♪♫♪

=Credits to Daphne, Lisa and Shalee
for the pictures that were used=


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