Black Belt Grading
Monday, June 28, 2010 @ 1:31 AM
::27th June 10::
I was invited to view an Aikido black belt grading at Poh Leng Building; which I have no idea where is that located at. Heh, it's Joshua's grading; a test for him to advance from brown-gold belt to black! I always wonder how does a martial arts grading looks like and now finally I get a chance to see :X
Uh, the highlights of the grading are:
1) Disarming Techniques (
3) Seated Techniques
Armed with the information from and a camera screenshot of the map, I made my way there. I followed the directions/instructions given by very closely. 21 Moonstone Lane; Poh Leng Building. But I was still lost! I have totally no idea when to alight, there's no distinctive buildings for me to note my location. The reason was... there was a massive construction there! Along the roads and stuff... probably constructing another MRT station/tracks. So the bus stops were shifted and I alighted 1-2 stops late :(
So I was pretty much lost... Tried calling Yusri (because he is the only one I knew who will be there) but there's no answer. Didn't even bother to call Joshua because his grading has started already at 1.30pm. Yes, I am lost and late! D: Viewing the very small map on my camera and my okayish sense of direction, I walked till I saw Poh Leng Building in the distance and also finally found this Moonstone Lane.

Old, remote looking building (@.@)
The tricky thing was to find a path to get around the front buildings so that I can reach my destination, Poh Leng Building. I was unable to make up my mind which way I should go because I didn't want to waste my time retracing my steps back. Anyhow, I managed to get there after all the trouble and panics.

Yay, destination reached!

Yay, destination reached!
I advanced up to the third floor where the Aikido Shinju-kai Headquarters is located. Now... I don't know where the spectator room is (@.@) This was pretty much becoming a nightmare for me. It was already 2.30pm; an hour late! I saw some sections were crowded with people standing in front of the doors; another place with shoes placed outside. It was very confusing. I tried calling Yusri again but no one answer. So I decided to approach someone to ask them where is the spectator room. And yea, it's the place where the shoes were placed outside; and when I looked in, I saw there was a television inside to view the grading from the screen.

Closer look of the viewing from the screen.
After I took off my shoes and walked in, I found Yusri sitting at the corner... SLEEPING! No wonder he didn't pick up my calls!!! D: I woke him up immediately and asked him where is Joshua :P He told me that Joshua is #180 and he can't be seen from the television screening; as he was positioned somewhere in front. Hence if I want to see Joshua, I have to go to where the people were crowded at. And so, I proceeded.
It was really crowded. I tried my very best in spotting Joshua by tiptoeing and peering pass the gaps between the people. & I found him :P He was quite in front like Yusri has mentioned and far off the side. I put in lots of effort in trying to take decent pictures after locating him. I had to stretch my arms above the people's heads (do take note that I'm not very tall...), steady my hands before pressing down on the shutter. It was very tough! Did I mention that there's a lot of people blocking and I'm not very tall?
Anyway, there was one point in time I climbed up and stand on a chair (which was left on the side of the door) so that I could have a better view and also better attempts of phototaking.
Now with extra information from Joshua's blog about the techniques in the pictures taken.

Joshua: Help!! I'm being oppressed into submission!
(Joshua, being locked down with Nikyo - Second Lock)

Joshua: Come, let me teach you how to dance... the waltz~♥
(Old man performing a basic movement to break out from Joshua's attack from the back)

Joshua: Okay, okay, I accept your marriage. Please stand up! (O.Q)
(Grabbing Attack - Hami Handachi, Gyaku Hami)

Joshua: Why are you kneeling again?! Really, please do stand up.
I told you that I will marry you!
(Hamihandachi Shiho Nage, 4 Directional Throw, Seated Version)

Joshua: *moves away* Okay, since you still continue to behave like this.
I don't care about you anymore! Hmpt~
(Joshua, getting ready to strike)

The Spectator Room.
The Spectator Room.

Closer look of the viewing from the screen.
After I took off my shoes and walked in, I found Yusri sitting at the corner... SLEEPING! No wonder he didn't pick up my calls!!! D: I woke him up immediately and asked him where is Joshua :P He told me that Joshua is #180 and he can't be seen from the television screening; as he was positioned somewhere in front. Hence if I want to see Joshua, I have to go to where the people were crowded at. And so, I proceeded.
It was really crowded. I tried my very best in spotting Joshua by tiptoeing and peering pass the gaps between the people. & I found him :P He was quite in front like Yusri has mentioned and far off the side. I put in lots of effort in trying to take decent pictures after locating him. I had to stretch my arms above the people's heads (do take note that I'm not very tall...), steady my hands before pressing down on the shutter. It was very tough! Did I mention that there's a lot of people blocking and I'm not very tall?
Anyway, there was one point in time I climbed up and stand on a chair (which was left on the side of the door) so that I could have a better view and also better attempts of phototaking.
Now with extra information from Joshua's blog about the techniques in the pictures taken.

Joshua: Help!! I'm being oppressed into submission!
(Joshua, being locked down with Nikyo - Second Lock)

Joshua: Come, let me teach you how to dance... the waltz~♥
(Old man performing a basic movement to break out from Joshua's attack from the back)

Joshua: Okay, okay, I accept your marriage. Please stand up! (O.Q)
(Grabbing Attack - Hami Handachi, Gyaku Hami)

Joshua: Why are you kneeling again?! Really, please do stand up.
I told you that I will marry you!
(Hamihandachi Shiho Nage, 4 Directional Throw, Seated Version)

Joshua: *moves away* Okay, since you still continue to behave like this.
I don't care about you anymore! Hmpt~
(Joshua, getting ready to strike)

Joshua: Please... I begged you. Get up or... I will...

Joshua: ...RAPE YOU!!!
(Hami Handachi, Shoumen)
(Lol... Joshua, hope you don't mind and not be angry, okay? :X
If you really don't like the captions, I will removed (O.Q)
If only, you insist and willingly to be my scratching post forever!!! kidding :X)
Well... after awhile, it was getting pretty boring. Maybe, it's because I have no idea what they were doing. Probably some locks and throws and some more locks... Meh, still I was clueless! And also, I was growing a wee bit tired in taking pictures of Joshua :X So I went back to the spectator room and sat beside Yusri, watching him draw one of his girls in Aikido uniform, gi! :)

Was surprised to see a RP plaque on the wall! xD

Really nice sketch done in such a short time!♥

Was surprised to see a RP plaque on the wall! xD

Really nice sketch done in such a short time!♥
At 4pm, it was the end of the grading. Everyone in the grading room, packed their weapons and stuffs, left the room ratherly briskly. If I was in there, I would be the first ones to leave the room... it must be really stinky with all those sweat odors! (@.@) AND! Those everyone who left the grading room came pouring into the spectators room D: Soon, the room was overcrowding with people... sweaty people :X Joshua found us and we snapped a few shots together before leaving the Aikido Shinju-kai Headquarters; Poh Leng Building.

#180 - Joshua!

He can say good bye to the brown-gold tip belt when he knows the results and passes!
& he did pass! :D Congrats kor! :P Yay! Black Belt!!~

with Joshua~

with Yusri :P

#180 - Joshua!

He can say good bye to the brown-gold tip belt when he knows the results and passes!
& he did pass! :D Congrats kor! :P Yay! Black Belt!!~

with Joshua~

with Yusri :P
AND I found out that I could actually walk to Poh Leng Building from Potong Pasir MRT station! I don't have to take a bus at all and lost my way as a result :( Yep, you guessed it. Yusri, Joshua and I walked to the MRT station to take the train back to where ever we were supposed to go next.
As for me, I packed a $2 nasi lemak for my lunch/dinner and made my way to Great World City... So sad that I have to go to work instead while Yusri and Joshua get to go home (O.Q) & I had double lunch/dinner because WenJie bought for me beehoon as well! He was afraid that I might missed the food order because I start work at 6pm xD Woah, bloated... wek :X
& so,
As for me, I packed a $2 nasi lemak for my lunch/dinner and made my way to Great World City... So sad that I have to go to work instead while Yusri and Joshua get to go home (O.Q) & I had double lunch/dinner because WenJie bought for me beehoon as well! He was afraid that I might missed the food order because I start work at 6pm xD Woah, bloated... wek :X
& so,
Thanks Joshua for inviting me to your black belt grading!
You did great from what I have seen, even though I have no idea what you were doing :X
Heh. Yay!! Black Belt!!!~♪
You did great from what I have seen, even though I have no idea what you were doing :X
Heh. Yay!! Black Belt!!!~♪
Labels: event, panic, RP friends
Akira Star
Akira Star