::Heartland Explorer II::
Sunday, June 13, 2010 @ 1:17 AM
Related post: ::Heartland Explorer::
::12th June 10::
& so, after three months later... Woodlands YEC finally organized the second night cycling activity of the year :) However this time, a new route will be taken on by us, the night cyclists. A much longer journey.
I started gathering all the previous party members. I did not succeed. Joshua was too stressed to cycle and Edmund wasn't free. But I managed to replace them with my brother, Damien and his friend, Gavin. They were totally psyched about it. Well, me too :P
Cycling details:-
Start Date: Saturday, 12 June 2010
Meeting Time: 10.00pm sharp
Meeting Location: Woodlands Community Club, lobby area beside office.
Flag-off location: Woodlands Ave 2
End Date: Sunday, 13 June 2010
End Time: 7.00am (Estimated)
End Location: East Coast Park Area C
Distance: 75km (Estimated)
Duration: 8 hours (Estimated) including pit stops
Average Speed: 20km/hr (Estimate)
Rain or shine this event will not be cancelled.
The route will start from Woodlands CC, will bypass Changi then end at East Coast Park Area C.
On the actual day itself, we (damien, gavin, me) made our way to the 963 bus stop in front of Hort Park; and waited for that particular bus that Puikwan has boarded. However, the bus was too fast and we weren't really paying attention to the road. So we didn't manage to flag it down. We have missed the bus!!! Puikwan had to alight a few bus stop down (near NUH) and wait for next 963, which we would have boarded later.

Traveling from point to another~
We reached the Woodlands Interchange at approximately 9.30pm. From there, we made our way to the Woodlands Community Centre to register our attendance and also, to meet Moo there. Since we were late, all the S size shirts were all given out! So we just took the M size one for keeps and changed into our own shirts that we have brought along with us. Yep, it's the previous shirts that we have gotten at Heartland Explorer 1; and it's of S size! :D

& we went out of the toilet to collect our $8 worth of stuff - rental of bicycle, helmet, lights, energy bar, bottle of water.

The lorry that carries our bicycles.

Rows of bicycles! Looks a bit better looking than the previous batch.
But it's still a tad too tall for me :(

Have chosen a much cooler looking helmet this time xD
*points at silver blue helmet - mine!*

A bottle of newater, energy bar and emergency poncho;
because regards of rain or shine, the activity will be carried out as per norm.
Come to think of it, it must be pretty exciting to cycle in the rain :X

Lightsticks! :D
Though they aren't very bright :(
I started gathering all the previous party members. I did not succeed. Joshua was too stressed to cycle and Edmund wasn't free. But I managed to replace them with my brother, Damien and his friend, Gavin. They were totally psyched about it. Well, me too :P
Cycling details:-
Start Date: Saturday, 12 June 2010
Meeting Time: 10.00pm sharp
Meeting Location: Woodlands Community Club, lobby area beside office.
Flag-off location: Woodlands Ave 2
End Date: Sunday, 13 June 2010
End Time: 7.00am (Estimated)
End Location: East Coast Park Area C
Distance: 75km (Estimated)
Duration: 8 hours (Estimated) including pit stops
Average Speed: 20km/hr (Estimate)
Rain or shine this event will not be cancelled.
The route will start from Woodlands CC, will bypass Changi then end at East Coast Park Area C.
On the actual day itself, we (damien, gavin, me) made our way to the 963 bus stop in front of Hort Park; and waited for that particular bus that Puikwan has boarded. However, the bus was too fast and we weren't really paying attention to the road. So we didn't manage to flag it down. We have missed the bus!!! Puikwan had to alight a few bus stop down (near NUH) and wait for next 963, which we would have boarded later.

Traveling from point to another~
We reached the Woodlands Interchange at approximately 9.30pm. From there, we made our way to the Woodlands Community Centre to register our attendance and also, to meet Moo there. Since we were late, all the S size shirts were all given out! So we just took the M size one for keeps and changed into our own shirts that we have brought along with us. Yep, it's the previous shirts that we have gotten at Heartland Explorer 1; and it's of S size! :D


The lorry that carries our bicycles.

Rows of bicycles! Looks a bit better looking than the previous batch.
But it's still a tad too tall for me :(

Have chosen a much cooler looking helmet this time xD
*points at silver blue helmet - mine!*

A bottle of newater, energy bar and emergency poncho;
because regards of rain or shine, the activity will be carried out as per norm.
Come to think of it, it must be pretty exciting to cycle in the rain :X

Lightsticks! :D
Though they aren't very bright :(
Introducing the night cyclists of the party :3

(from the left)
Damien, Gavin, Moo, it's me and Puikwan.

(from the left)
Damien, Gavin, Moo, it's me and Puikwan.

We thought we were able to set off after that... but we were very much delayed, due to the traffic conditions. Waiting for time to pass, we sat around and chatted; at the same time listening to the noisy racket of the uncles were making while watching the world cup at the community centre. GOAL goal goal, they shouted (@.@) Stupid Damien took my horse lighter and started burning the lightsticks :( The lightstick's fluid dripped into my lighter and this led to the death of my lighter (Q.Q)

& we were ready to set out at 12+ midnight! It's still pretty exhilarating to cycle at night. It has that different kind of feel. Night breeze, twinkling lights, silence :) The interesting part of this night cycling #2 was the entire route was different from the previous night cycling activity :P Well, of course the end point will not change. It will still be at East Coast Park; as we have to return our bicycles to the shop.
Sigh~ I have suffered the same problems as my previous night cycling... Tall bicycle frame, unable to fully touch the ground with my foot, problems starting up due to that as well and of course, the infinite amount of steep up slopes :( I think my stamina was really weaken due to the flu I had the previous days... I got tired very easily after cycling for a short while (O.Q)
And with that, we have reached our first pit stop for a short break :) This Selatar Club Road is like in the middle of nowhere! Just for us to catch a breather :D After a while, it's time to set off again~
Woodlands ► Selatar Club Road (1.10am)

@ Pitstop one!

Let's go!~

& we were ready to set out at 12+ midnight! It's still pretty exhilarating to cycle at night. It has that different kind of feel. Night breeze, twinkling lights, silence :) The interesting part of this night cycling #2 was the entire route was different from the previous night cycling activity :P Well, of course the end point will not change. It will still be at East Coast Park; as we have to return our bicycles to the shop.
Sigh~ I have suffered the same problems as my previous night cycling... Tall bicycle frame, unable to fully touch the ground with my foot, problems starting up due to that as well and of course, the infinite amount of steep up slopes :( I think my stamina was really weaken due to the flu I had the previous days... I got tired very easily after cycling for a short while (O.Q)
And with that, we have reached our first pit stop for a short break :) This Selatar Club Road is like in the middle of nowhere! Just for us to catch a breather :D After a while, it's time to set off again~
Woodlands ► Selatar Club Road (1.10am)

@ Pitstop one!

Let's go!~
Now, I totally have to take back my words saying that this route is interesting... or should I say that I would like to add onto it. This route is interesting but TORTURING! There's lots and lots and lots of steep up slopes. Absolutely more than the previous route! Every time I have to alight from my bicycle and push it all the way to the top. As a result, I'm of the last and everyone have to wait for me... like non-stop (Q.Q) So embarrassing.
Well, I have tried my best and also using food as my motivation. I managed to reach the second pit stop @ Jalan Kayu after another half an hour of cycling. It's time to have supper~ :3
Woodlands ► Selatar Club Road ► Jalan Kayu (1.45am)

@ Pitstop two!

The place that we are dining at :)

Coloured drinks and Roti Pratas! :D
Well, I have tried my best and also using food as my motivation. I managed to reach the second pit stop @ Jalan Kayu after another half an hour of cycling. It's time to have supper~ :3
Woodlands ► Selatar Club Road ► Jalan Kayu (1.45am)

@ Pitstop two!

The place that we are dining at :)

Coloured drinks and Roti Pratas! :D
Surprisingly, the place was bustling with people! Heh, but we kinda occupied like one-third of the place as well. I ordered ice milo and two pratas - egg and mushroom. And I regretted ordering two pratas!! Ended up, I forced myself to finish it and went to puke afterward for overeating :(
After the prata supper, we moved on~ The route to the next pit stop was undulating... full of up slopes. It pwned me deep deep and I was forced to go up the lorry as ordered by JinPeng, the organizer. I was making them lagged behind time because of all the stoppages they have to make for me. Keeping my pride, I finally gave in and went up the lorry at the Bedok area. JinPeng promised to let me down after they have passed the undulating part of the route.

On the lorry, trailing the cyclists at the back.
After the prata supper, we moved on~ The route to the next pit stop was undulating... full of up slopes. It pwned me deep deep and I was forced to go up the lorry as ordered by JinPeng, the organizer. I was making them lagged behind time because of all the stoppages they have to make for me. Keeping my pride, I finally gave in and went up the lorry at the Bedok area. JinPeng promised to let me down after they have passed the undulating part of the route.

On the lorry, trailing the cyclists at the back.
I felt pretty miserable on the lorry. I felt that I have failed my quest, my mission. I felt that I was using hack - ability to use lorry mode. But I managed to get some sleep on the lorry... like for an hour or so :) (SEE! Am Playing Cheat!) I pretty much lost track of time when I'm on the lorry. I woke up when we reached the third pit stop @ Pasir Ris West Plaza. Woah, I was kinda shocked that we have reached Pasir Ris already. Throwing me on the lorry was probably the right thing to do :(
Woodlands ► Selatar Club Road ► Jalan Kayu ► Pasir Ris West Plaza (4.35am)

@ Pitstop three!
Woodlands ► Selatar Club Road ► Jalan Kayu ► Pasir Ris West Plaza (4.35am)

@ Pitstop three!
And after this, I still couldn't get off the lorry (O.Q) So I continued my sleep~ Halfway during the journey, one of the cyclists seem to be in terrible pain and wanted to get on the lorry. Because there was no more remaining seats in the lorry, he offered to take the back instead. I quickly voiced out saying that I will switch with him. And they allowed! So finally I managed to got off the lorry~ ;D So glad. I took the cyclist-in-terrible-pain's bicycle and rode on! And then I realized I had less difficulties with the gears on this one :\ Maybe the whole wasn't my fault and the previous bicycle's.

Detour to the toilet at a Shell station before catching up with the rest :X

Detour to the toilet at a Shell station before catching up with the rest :X
& so, we reached the fourth pit stop @ Changi Village!~ Closer and closer to our final destination!! Most of the cyclists were exhausted and could be seen sitting around on the ground and benches, trying to catch forty winks. My party were also sitting on the ground, either stoning or trying to take a nap. Moreover, my whole body was aching so badly! My legs didn't feel like mine anymore :( It's gone!
Woodlands ► Selatar Club Road ► Jalan Kayu ► Pasir Ris West Plaza
►Changi Village (5.55am)

Kitten found @ Pitstop four!
Woodlands ► Selatar Club Road ► Jalan Kayu ► Pasir Ris West Plaza
►Changi Village (5.55am)

Kitten found @ Pitstop four!
And now, this is the final lap of the route! From Changi Village, we cycled to Changi Park and from there using the Coastal Park Connector to reach our final stop, East Coast Park! Sounds easy? Bullshit. It felt like it never ends! The straight cycling path went on and on forever. The Changi Airport which is at the opposite side of the road seems to be there... always, it was never gets lost of sight.

So near, yet so far (Q.Q)
I think it's really taking forever :\

Never-ending Changi Airport!
Speaking of losing sight, I have lost sight of Damien and Gavin from the very beginning. They must be one of the first cyclists. For Puikwan, I think she is probably in front of me; just that I couldn't see her at all. Moo... he's all along cycling with me for this part of the route xD

Whee~ Still got time to take picture :X
I looked like a primary school kid (T.T)

So near, yet so far (Q.Q)
I think it's really taking forever :\

Never-ending Changi Airport!
Speaking of losing sight, I have lost sight of Damien and Gavin from the very beginning. They must be one of the first cyclists. For Puikwan, I think she is probably in front of me; just that I couldn't see her at all. Moo... he's all along cycling with me for this part of the route xD

Whee~ Still got time to take picture :X
I looked like a primary school kid (T.T)
Further down where Changi Airport finally was not within my sight anymore, Puikwan was found waiting for us by a pavilion shelter~ :D Yay! Party member found! From there, we struggled to cycle on. But we gave up and took a fifteen minutes break under the next pavilion. Moo and Puikwan fell asleep! I was pretty much awake due to the super long nap I had on the lorry before :) And I was the one who woke them up afterward... if we continue to camp under this shelter, we don't have to go home already... D:

@ self proclaimed Pitstop five!! :D

@ self proclaimed Pitstop five!! :D
With reluctant and exhaustion, we pedaled on towards our goal... As we made a final turn out of the Coastal Park Connector and found ourselves entering East Coast Park, my heart felt a little lighter. We also saw Sam and his friends resting there; they joined our party and we proceeded on together.

So much for the rewarding view...
The journey is not over yet!
Suddenly I realized that we still have an awfully long way to go... We were at the extreme end of East Coast Park; Area H. And our destination... AREA C! Imagine having to cycle for the entire night already and we still have to cycle through Area H, G, F, E, D, and finally reaching C! It was very straining and intensive.
Using the last of what is left of my energy and determination, I pushed my body to the extreme. The aches at my arms and legs were tormenting. Every single pedal sends a wave of pain to my mind. I wanted to give up so badly but I couldn't. There was no way I could. Anyway, we finally reached Area C at approximately 8.20am.
Woodlands ► Selatar Club Road ► Jalan Kayu ► Pasir Ris West Plaza
►Changi Village ► East Coast Park (8.20am)
Damien and Gavin were one of the first cyclists to reach Area C and apparently, they have waited a very long time for us... a whole forty five minutes! We quickly returned our bicycles to the shop and walked painfully to McDonald's to pee. Due to the lack of appetite, we decided not to have breakfast in the crowded McDonald's and went straight to the bus stop instead :)

So much for the rewarding view...
The journey is not over yet!
Suddenly I realized that we still have an awfully long way to go... We were at the extreme end of East Coast Park; Area H. And our destination... AREA C! Imagine having to cycle for the entire night already and we still have to cycle through Area H, G, F, E, D, and finally reaching C! It was very straining and intensive.
Using the last of what is left of my energy and determination, I pushed my body to the extreme. The aches at my arms and legs were tormenting. Every single pedal sends a wave of pain to my mind. I wanted to give up so badly but I couldn't. There was no way I could. Anyway, we finally reached Area C at approximately 8.20am.
Woodlands ► Selatar Club Road ► Jalan Kayu ► Pasir Ris West Plaza
►Changi Village ► East Coast Park (8.20am)
Damien and Gavin were one of the first cyclists to reach Area C and apparently, they have waited a very long time for us... a whole forty five minutes! We quickly returned our bicycles to the shop and walked painfully to McDonald's to pee. Due to the lack of appetite, we decided not to have breakfast in the crowded McDonald's and went straight to the bus stop instead :)

We took advantage of the long distance travel on bus196 and hibernated through out the trip. When I have reached home, I quickly took a shower and went for a long sleep into the late evening :P
It's IMO time!
Wah, as compared to the previous night cycling trip, this is the WORST experience ever! Such a long journey, 75km of distance traveled approximately. Moreover, I was thrown up the lorry and this made me feel a little useless; and also I didn't really complete the entire journey on my own due to the distance traveled on the lorry. The damage taken was much worse than the previous one! (Q.Q) This particular night cycling made me have a little phobia on cycling... so if there is another night cycling event, I would have to reconsider whether to go or not :P
It's IMO time!
Wah, as compared to the previous night cycling trip, this is the WORST experience ever! Such a long journey, 75km of distance traveled approximately. Moreover, I was thrown up the lorry and this made me feel a little useless; and also I didn't really complete the entire journey on my own due to the distance traveled on the lorry. The damage taken was much worse than the previous one! (Q.Q) This particular night cycling made me have a little phobia on cycling... so if there is another night cycling event, I would have to reconsider whether to go or not :P
Labels: cosca, excursion, exercise, overnight, pain
Akira Star
Akira Star