Thailand - Krabi (Day 3)
Tuesday, June 01, 2010 @ 1:12 AM
::Thailand - Krabi Trip; 25th May to 28th May::
Tabs to visit the other parts of the trip:
Thailand - Krabi (Pre-Trip)
Thailand - Krabi (Day 1)
Thailand - Krabi (Day 2)
Day 3...
The day with the most pictures...
I think :X
Or maybe not @.@
Day 3 (27/5):
Had to be woken up very early Q.Q~ There's activities to be done for the day - our four islands hopping tour! I'm actually not looking forward to the boat rides that I'll be taking... *weks* Anyway, we woke up before 7am (thai time) and went down to have our breakfast buffet.
Apparently for the buffet, there seems be different dishes each day :) But I tried not to take too much food this time... because I might puke all of them out during the boat rides; which would be really horrifying and disgusting :\ Or maybe some people on board might have vomit fetish? :X

I've forgotten about the water condensation on my camera lens,
thus the first picture has that effect :\

Candilicious beginning their Day3 with breakfast! :D

Individual shots with our individual plates :D
After our breakfast, we went back to our rooms to change our clothes and rest~ We were supposed to be at the lobby area @ 8.30am; but we purposely stayed in our rooms until the receptionist telephoned us to come down ;) We still went to borrow towels from the reception so more time was wasted and we were the last ones to board the mini bus :X Apart from us, there were others participating in the islands hopping activities - a group of Malaysian tourists and an Indian couple. Yay!~ No 没有礼貌的小孩!~ ^_^

The mini bus that will be driving us to the Ao Nang long-tail boat service
and that lady by the door is our tour guide.

All onboard!
Here we go~

The mini bus that will be driving us to the Ao Nang long-tail boat service
and that lady by the door is our tour guide.

All onboard!
Here we go~
It was a pretty short journey and with a blink of an eye, we have reached the place :D Alighted and followed the tour guide who will be leading us to our long-tail boat. Not a very pretty looking beach, I would say... probably got wrecked by all the tourists activities...

A sign that we have reached the location~

Making our way to our long-tail boat~

Snapping a few shots along the way :)

And finally reaching our boat, which was kinda isolated by the other boats @.@

Trying to take a picture with our long-tail boat,

Doesn't look nice right? Trust me, it didn't feel good either xD

You can guess it right?
I didn't help in pulling the boat at all :X

A sign that we have reached the location~

Making our way to our long-tail boat~

Snapping a few shots along the way :)

And finally reaching our boat, which was kinda isolated by the other boats @.@

Trying to take a picture with our long-tail boat,
And so, this is the beginning of our four islands hopping long-tail boat tour! The one we paid SGD$10 through our travel agency because we didn't want to spend more for a speedboat that cost SGD$30. We figured that we could use that SGD$20, change it into thai baht and buy more things in Krabi!! :X
After reaching our boat, the first thing we need to do was to pull the boat up to shore! Means we have to take off our shoes, step on the not-so-nice sand and walked into the not-so-nice waters.
After reaching our boat, the first thing we need to do was to pull the boat up to shore! Means we have to take off our shoes, step on the not-so-nice sand and walked into the not-so-nice waters.

Doesn't look nice right? Trust me, it didn't feel good either xD

You can guess it right?
I didn't help in pulling the boat at all :X
After the boat was nearer to shore, we could all board the boat by climbing a small ladder at the side. The moment we were on the boat, we were made to wear life jackets - for safety purposes. Apparently the waves seems rather choppy :\ I quickly put on my life jacket and lolled my head back in agony. The waves were making the boat sway to and fro... it was horrible! I felt rather sick :\ The worst thing was the time that is needed to reach our first island - Poda Island; is approximately a forty five minutes ride! Q.Q

Last group picture before I "faint" @.@
As I laid back trying to force myself to sleep but it was impossible! The waves kept splashing overboard; leaving droplets of salty water on my face :\ I tried to ignore the salty droplets but it hurts when they went into my eyes or it tastes horrible when it flowed into my mouth T.T So I have to keep wiping them off my face using the towel I borrowed from the resort reception. It was very disturbing D:

Please let the ride end quickly!!!! Q.Q

So sad that extra person spoilt our wonderful group picture :(

Another shot!

Jump shot!

Pretty girls~

Individual shots is a must! :D

Candilicious @ Poda Island!

Last group picture before I "faint" @.@
As I laid back trying to force myself to sleep but it was impossible! The waves kept splashing overboard; leaving droplets of salty water on my face :\ I tried to ignore the salty droplets but it hurts when they went into my eyes or it tastes horrible when it flowed into my mouth T.T So I have to keep wiping them off my face using the towel I borrowed from the resort reception. It was very disturbing D:

Please let the ride end quickly!!!! Q.Q
Finally we reached Poda Island at 9.45am (thai time). I had difficulties getting off the boat as my balance wasn't fully restored :( And I had to climb down into the sea that was until my waist level. Wet FBT pants acquired. XueNi and I had to hold our bags high above our heads because we have our cameras in them!!! Wet = no more photos for the rest of the trip D:
We made our way into a small hut shelter where I sat and rested my seasickness away. It was horribly infested with houseflies :\ So disturbing and annoying! We hung our wet clothes to dry and left our belongings there. Oh! We also wore our sarongs a.k.a wrap-wraps! The very nice tour guide was there to look after our stuffs while we went to have fun :X
The scenery and the beach on Poda Island were amazing; as compared to the beach we departed from. It was a huge difference! Clear blue waters, white soft sand :) Dreamy~ And thus, our photo-takings began! :)

Presenting Poda Island's beach!~
We made our way into a small hut shelter where I sat and rested my seasickness away. It was horribly infested with houseflies :\ So disturbing and annoying! We hung our wet clothes to dry and left our belongings there. Oh! We also wore our sarongs a.k.a wrap-wraps! The very nice tour guide was there to look after our stuffs while we went to have fun :X
The scenery and the beach on Poda Island were amazing; as compared to the beach we departed from. It was a huge difference! Clear blue waters, white soft sand :) Dreamy~ And thus, our photo-takings began! :)

Presenting Poda Island's beach!~

So sad that extra person spoilt our wonderful group picture :(

Another shot!

Jump shot!

Pretty girls~

Individual shots is a must! :D

Candilicious @ Poda Island!
After that, XueNi decided to change her camera lens and practice on taking people shots; and I decided to retie my hair as well into twin plaits :) Went back to the shelter and back to the beach again. Now it's time for some super awesome beautiful pictures taken by XueNi and her DSLR! :D Thumbs up on having our very own photographer :P

Testing her first shots on me :$

And here's to Fazillah, who's being washed away by a wave! xD

Candilicious signing off Poda Island~~

Testing her first shots on me :$

And here's to Fazillah, who's being washed away by a wave! xD

Candilicious signing off Poda Island~~

Lastly, Poda Island is a tsunami hazard zone!!!
With that, the tour guide rounded all of us up and brought us back to the long-tail boat like sheep to a round pen. Time to head off to the next island - Chicken Island. Another round of getting seasickness for me Q.Q Fifteen minutes boat ride to there. Activity there: Snorkeling!

Reached! Chicken Island.
Lookie~ Chicken head! xD

Taking pictures with the island~

Reached! Chicken Island.
Lookie~ Chicken head! xD

Taking pictures with the island~
The boat took us somewhere along the Chicken Island for our snorkeling activity! The tour guide gave us a short briefing about snorkeling and safety as well. She called sea urchins as sea rambutans! xD Anyway, we took off our wrap-wraps, donned on our life jackets properly and adjusted our snorkeling mask. With that, we were ready to snorkel! I had second thoughts on putting the mouth piece in my mouth! I can't imagine how many people have put it in their mouths and also whether they have actually washed it properly or not?! Well, heck it @.@ Since already here, just BITE it... DON'T think so much!!! :\

Fainting from seasickness!!! D:


Fainting from seasickness!!! D:

And down the ladder we went! The tour guide threw bread into the waters to attract fishes to us! However... seems like the only variety of fish available is the yellow with black stripes fishes :\ And it's pretty hard to swim in the life jacket; because you cannot sink at all! It's difficult to swim when you floating on the surface of the water. Moreover, the waves were rather choppy and after awhile, I'm pretty much sea-sicked. Probably if I puked into the sea, all those yellow fishes would be surrounding me! xD

XueNi was the first one to get out of the waters and she took pictures for us :)
(I tried to ask the tour guide to take pictures of the four of us
but my camera had a relapse of the vibration sydrome! :@)

Guess who??~
(an art piece I saw along the way)

XueNi was the first one to get out of the waters and she took pictures for us :)
(I tried to ask the tour guide to take pictures of the four of us
but my camera had a relapse of the vibration sydrome! :@)
It got boring after awhile; with only yellow fishes to see, horrible choppy waves, overwhelming seasickness and also murky unclear waters :( Luckily it was time to get back to boat and head for our next island!
Apparently we had to skip the third island due to the big choppy waves and bad weather seems to be happening near that island. So IT WAS CANCELED!(yippee so happy I don't have to endure another round of weking :X) And the next island was our last island tour - Tup Island. Twenty minutes worth of seasickness... great :\

So peaceful~
(Sea view from Tup Island)

Candilicious @ Tub Island! :D
Apparently we had to skip the third island due to the big choppy waves and bad weather seems to be happening near that island. So IT WAS CANCELED!

So peaceful~
(Sea view from Tup Island)

Candilicious @ Tub Island! :D
Lunch was also provided on this island.

And it's FLIED LICE! (fried rice) T.T
Look at Fazillah's expression xD
(I didn't really eat at all... due to my stomach that has been thrown upside down by seasickness. No appetite at all! Q.Q)

A crab that has joined us for lunch!
(too bad we can't have it for lunch :X)

And it's FLIED LICE! (fried rice) T.T
Look at Fazillah's expression xD
(I didn't really eat at all... due to my stomach that has been thrown upside down by seasickness. No appetite at all! Q.Q)

A crab that has joined us for lunch!
After lunch, it's time for island exploring, shell collecting and of course, photo taking! :D Some of the pictures were taken using Fazillah's handphone camera; as my camera kept suffering from the vibration sydrome relapse which is becoming worse and more frequent O.Q and XueNi had left her DSLR onboard because she didn't want to get it wet when alighting from the boat.

Candilicious with the tour guide :P

Signing away~

Pretty wrap-wraps~

In water shot!

Big pink jellyfish washed up on shore.
Probably dead :(
Tentacles!!! :P

Beautiful clouds above our heads :)

Candilicious with the tour guide :P

Signing away~

Pretty wrap-wraps~

In water shot!

Big pink jellyfish washed up on shore.
Probably dead :(
Tentacles!!! :P

Beautiful clouds above our heads :)
For this island is actually linked to two other islands when the tide is low. So a visible pathway could be seen and crossing over can actually be done - if there's no high currents at all :) And lots of people were actually crossing over to one of the islands which pathway is visible. & so, Fazillah, Puikwan and I decided to cross over :P XueNi who is afraid of water stayed put on shore.
Now this was where the real excitement begins! There's like a couple of jellyfishes floating around in the ocean. And we have to avoid them while making our way across to the other island. Since there were three of us; so one looked to the left, another to the right and middle person looked ahead. So once a jellyfish is spotted - by judging the distance it is to us, we can either move forward quickly or stop at our tracks. Pretty much like playing a game :P
There was one point Fazillah wanted to stop and walk back because there was a sudden appearance of jellyfishes. One in front, one on the right and one on the left. We were like surrounded by them. But I was pretty reluctant to do so since we were already more than halfway through. However luck was on our side! The other people who were making their way back managed to cause a small wave pushing all the jellyfishes off the path :D! And we were able to advance onwards :)

Destination: that island ahead!
There was one point Fazillah wanted to stop and walk back because there was a sudden appearance of jellyfishes. One in front, one on the right and one on the left. We were like surrounded by them. But I was pretty reluctant to do so since we were already more than halfway through. However luck was on our side! The other people who were making their way back managed to cause a small wave pushing all the jellyfishes off the path :D! And we were able to advance onwards :)

Destination: that island ahead!
Finally we managed to reach the other island!! To my dismay, it was boring and the fishes there were the yellow with black striped fishes :\ Yes, the same bloody fishes found during the snorkeling activity. But there was one thai man who carried jellyfishes off the path and threw it far away! He carried one up for us to see and feel :D It was soft and slimey~~ I like it. Apparently only their tentacles are the parts we should watch out for. The rest are safe! :P
By the time we reached back to Tup Island, it's time to depart for Ao Nang. That's the end of our islands hopping tour and I have to suffer the final round of seasickness! I sure will miss the islands with their wonderful soft white sand, clear blue waters and peaceful skies. But I won't miss the long-tail boat and its ability to give me seasickness :\
It was already low tide when we reached Ao Nang. You can't even begin to imagine how horrible it is to be stepping into not-so-nice muddy sand :\ The tour guide led us back to our mini bus but before that she stopped in front a table set up on the beach with two other people tending to it. We then realized they were selling photo frames with everyone's photos in it! They have actually taken our pictures much much earlier before we board the long-tail boat; without us knowing :\ And right now they are selling our unglamorous, candid shots with frames at a price of 100baht each. Totally awesome :\ I actually didn't want to buy mine but it seems pretty sad for it to be alone on the table when everyone else is buying theirs even though it's not nice looking.

Poor Puikwan had to buy two frames because she has two shots @.@
By the time we reached back to Tup Island, it's time to depart for Ao Nang. That's the end of our islands hopping tour and I have to suffer the final round of seasickness! I sure will miss the islands with their wonderful soft white sand, clear blue waters and peaceful skies. But I won't miss the long-tail boat and its ability to give me seasickness :\
It was already low tide when we reached Ao Nang. You can't even begin to imagine how horrible it is to be stepping into not-so-nice muddy sand :\ The tour guide led us back to our mini bus but before that she stopped in front a table set up on the beach with two other people tending to it. We then realized they were selling photo frames with everyone's photos in it! They have actually taken our pictures much much earlier before we board the long-tail boat; without us knowing :\ And right now they are selling our unglamorous, candid shots with frames at a price of 100baht each. Totally awesome :\ I actually didn't want to buy mine but it seems pretty sad for it to be alone on the table when everyone else is buying theirs even though it's not nice looking.

Poor Puikwan had to buy two frames because she has two shots @.@
Boarded the mini bus and very soon we arrived at our resort :) Fazillah and I went back to our room immediately to wash everything up - sarongs, wet clothes, swimsuits; and left them to dry at the balcony. XueNi and Puikwan in the other room did the same as well xD Next up would be the washing up of ourselves and getting some rest :)
Afterward, XueNi and Puikwan came over to our room and we discussed what to do for the rest of the last day here in Krabi. As soon as we have decided, we went to the balcony to take more pictures before heading out :P

Favourite spot to take pictures~

Afterward, XueNi and Puikwan came over to our room and we discussed what to do for the rest of the last day here in Krabi. As soon as we have decided, we went to the balcony to take more pictures before heading out :P

Favourite spot to take pictures~

What have we decided on? It's time for feasting and also to get last minute souvenirs for some friends. Anyway, good food more important :P So we actually spent some time walking up and down the streets, deciding on a restaurant to dine in.

Pretty nice ambiance :)

Money from everywhere!
We spotted three Singapore two dollar notes! :D

A group picture first, while waiting for our food orders to arrive :D

Lipton Ice Tea - 40baht each (SGD1.70)

Bruschette Al Pomodoro & Mozzarella - 180baht (SGD7.80)
(apparently they have charged us 100baht less! yay, discounts!)
And finally, we have decided on La Casa: Traditional Italian & Thai Cuisine. We really went all our way out on this meal by just ordering what we want without looking at the prices :P

Pretty nice ambiance :)

Money from everywhere!
We spotted three Singapore two dollar notes! :D

A group picture first, while waiting for our food orders to arrive :D

Lipton Ice Tea - 40baht each (SGD1.70)

Bruschette Al Pomodoro & Mozzarella - 180baht (SGD7.80)
Salsiccia - 250baht (SGD10.80)
Baked Potato with Cheese - 110baht (SGD4.80)
Tom Yam Kai - 160baht (SGD6.90)
Chicken in basket with Baked Potatoes - 260baht (SGD11.30)

"Bill please!"
Total bill: 1,020baht (SGD44.20)
Baked Potato with Cheese - 110baht (SGD4.80)
Tom Yam Kai - 160baht (SGD6.90)
Chicken in basket with Baked Potatoes - 260baht (SGD11.30)

"Bill please!"
Total bill: 1,020baht (SGD44.20)
And so, we were pretty much stuffed! But there's still room for desserts and I've got a craving for tiramisu! :P We continued wandering about the streets again in search for the perfect dessert shop and also at the same time, purchasing last minute souvenirs for a couple of close friends :)

Guess who??~
(an art piece I saw along the way)
And we stopped by Ristorante La Luna for our desserts as they were selling tiramisu~ :P

Heh, group picture again~

Our orders :)

Fazillah ordered a banana split and vanilla milk shake.
Puikwan and I ordered a tiramisu each.
& XueNi ordered a can of Lipton ice tea.

Heh, group picture again~

Our orders :)

Fazillah ordered a banana split and vanilla milk shake.
Puikwan and I ordered a tiramisu each.
& XueNi ordered a can of Lipton ice tea.
After our desserts, we did more last minute shopping - it's like the now-or-never stage. Finally we dragged our tired selves back to the resort and booked for another round of massage for the night - our final massage in Krabi. This time round is Aloe Vera Massage; good for sunburnt skin which we all assume we have after the island hopping tour. Puikwan sat out for it yet again.

Elevating back to our rooms~
With XueNi stoning at the back :X

Elevating back to our rooms~
With XueNi stoning at the back :X
Tonight is actually my turn to sleep with Puikwan in the same room. But since it was our last night here at this resort in Krabi, we decided to sleep together in a room! Yes, ALL OF US! :P And the chosen room is room 404, which seems to be the biggest room.
XueNi and I began to move our belongings one by one from room 405 to room 404; starting from the most valuable and so on. Once that's done, we started smuggling the room 405's pillows and blankets over. And lastly to complete the mission, we have to shift one of the single beds over as well; as one queen-sized bed is not enough for four of us to sleep on.
Slowly, Fazillah, Puikwan and I lifted the bed and turned it up to vertical profile. XueNi was outside, keeping a look out for us. Once the coast is cleared, XueNi signaled to us and we quickly moved the bed over to room 404; using the tactical movement. That moment was indeed exhilarating! :'D

The results!
Missing bed from room 405 & an extra bed in room 404 xD

Waiting for the masseuses to come.
XueNi and I began to move our belongings one by one from room 405 to room 404; starting from the most valuable and so on. Once that's done, we started smuggling the room 405's pillows and blankets over. And lastly to complete the mission, we have to shift one of the single beds over as well; as one queen-sized bed is not enough for four of us to sleep on.
Slowly, Fazillah, Puikwan and I lifted the bed and turned it up to vertical profile. XueNi was outside, keeping a look out for us. Once the coast is cleared, XueNi signaled to us and we quickly moved the bed over to room 404; using the tactical movement. That moment was indeed exhilarating! :'D

The results!
Missing bed from room 405 & an extra bed in room 404 xD
Next thing to do is to display out our 战利品 and souvenirs that we have bought and take pictures! :D

My spoils with my favourite animal plushie buys :)
(Fazillah and Puikwan are scared of these animals plushies and I have totally no idea why! D:)

Added XueNi's collection with mine :)

My spoils with my favourite animal plushie buys :)
(Fazillah and Puikwan are scared of these animals plushies and I have totally no idea why! D:)

Added XueNi's collection with mine :)
And Puikwan managed to discover something. She accidentally opened the frame of the photographs we bought earlier after the island hopping tour and she found someone else's photograph at the back of the frame! The rest of us immediately opened up ours and we also found other people's photos as well. So this was how they get rid of all the unwanted/unbought photos :\ Luckily I bought mine if not it will turn up in someone else's photo frame D: The thought of it is so DISTURBING! :\

These were all the photos behind our photo frames

Here are the seashells we have collected :)

These were all the photos behind our photo frames
and into the dustbin they went!

Here are the seashells we have collected :)
We waited for the masseuses to arrive but they seems to be later than usual. So we stoned while waiting for them. Finally one of them turned up and say the other masseuse won't be arriving because there was an accident D: So she herself have to massage the three of us for three hours nonstop! One person for one hour mah. The first to be massaged was Fazillah, followed by XueNi and lastly me.

Waiting for the masseuses to come.
When Fazillah was done, she and Puikwan went down to the lobby area to use the WIFI. & later XueNi and I joined them after we were done with our massage. More mozzie killing with soap subs. Went back to our room after that; Fazillah and XueNi were the firsts to start their journey into the dream world.

How can they sleep so early on their last night in Krabi?! D:
& that's the end of Day 3 of the Krabi trip! :(

How can they sleep so early on their last night in Krabi?! D:
Since Puikwan and I didn't want to start our journey to dream world so early, we decided to take multiple pictures of ourselves with different expressions! In the middle of the night @ 3am
(4am thai time)
. We were pretty much insane by then xD

Before we started taking pictures of ourselves, I was looking those the seashells and found one that was not yet open up. So I forced the shell open and saw the mollusk moved a bit. I threw it into a cup of hot water and it started to smell really bad D: So I threw it away in the toilet dustbin :X

Before we started taking pictures of ourselves, I was looking those the seashells and found one that was not yet open up. So I forced the shell open and saw the mollusk moved a bit. I threw it into a cup of hot water and it started to smell really bad D: So I threw it away in the toilet dustbin :X
Well, anyway picture time:-

Cool MSN emoticon? :P

My favourite picture out of all :)

Cool MSN emoticon? :P

My favourite picture out of all :)
And then we got bored of it and we decided to take a pen and started drawing on our own faces. I drew a scar, star and spiral on my face, while Puikwan drew some kind of pattern on her face and gave herself dimples.

She really succeeded giving herself a dimple on the left cheek
and I think I looked pretty good with a scar on my face :X

She really succeeded giving herself a dimple on the left cheek
and I think I looked pretty good with a scar on my face :X
After thirty minutes of pure nonsense, we decided that it's time for us to sleep as well. So we washed/scrubbed the pen markings off our faces, stumbled into bed, sang 童话 and promptly started our journey to dream world :)
& that's the end of Day 3 of the Krabi trip! :(
Pink camera's vibrating syndrome
seems to be worse on Day 3 Q.Q
But it got better at night...
What's actually wrong with it!?
seems to be worse on Day 3 Q.Q
But it got better at night...
What's actually wrong with it!?
Labels: candilicious, overseas, trip
Akira Star
Akira Star