::Fantasy comes ALIVE!::
Monday, May 03, 2010 @ 1:52 PM
::1st May 10::
The day has arrived... It's the day of "Fantasy comes ALIVE!"; video game and anime concert!! :D And it's also Labor Day! I wouldn't miss the chance to not work at all; double pay day... but the extremely sad thing was... I down money on the day as well... $42!!! T.T It's like I didn't work at all :( Such a wasted day... Shouldn't have work, I thought in the end. I could have spent my time preparing and cosplayed for the concert T.T
Anyway, what's done was done. So after work, I rushed down to Buona Vista to meet XueNi. I was a little late due to the delay at work :( Sorry~ From there, with very little guidance, we tried our best to make our way to NUS University Cultural Centre Hall. Apparently, we took the wrong bus, walked the wrong way and ended up very very far away from the Cultural Centre Hall D: It was a disaster. We realized that after asking the security guard and looking at the main map... We were at the hostel part of NUS... We very much hated NUS after this :X

Anyway, what's done was done. So after work, I rushed down to Buona Vista to meet XueNi. I was a little late due to the delay at work :( Sorry~ From there, with very little guidance, we tried our best to make our way to NUS University Cultural Centre Hall. Apparently, we took the wrong bus, walked the wrong way and ended up very very far away from the Cultural Centre Hall D: It was a disaster. We realized that after asking the security guard and looking at the main map... We were at the hostel part of NUS... We very much hated NUS after this :X

The security guard told us to take the bus at the nearby bus depot. We didn't know what buses to take and when the bus would be arriving. After waiting anxiously for the bus for ten minutes - only thirty more minutes till the concert starts, we began to panic and started thinking of other options like going out on to the main street and get a cab to the Cultural Centre Hall. It was then we saw a taxi going into the bus depot. Without even thinking twice, we flagged for it and we were at the Cultural Centre Hall in no time at all! :D We reached there at 7.45pm :) Fifteen minutes before the concert~ Phew~~^^

Here we are at the NUS University Cultural Centre Hall~
(kinda reminds me of TRCC; the Republic Cultural Centre)

Taking pictures with the huge board xD

Here we are at the NUS University Cultural Centre Hall~
(kinda reminds me of TRCC; the Republic Cultural Centre)

So exciting to find out what songs they are going to play :3

Taking pictures with the huge board xD
We went up to the reception desk and presented our tickets. And in return, we got a rather useless booklet, which only the first two pages contain information of the concert and the rest of the pages were stupid advertisements :\

The booklet;
featuring the few useful information about the concert.

The booklet;
featuring the few useful information about the concert.
XueNi and I were starving! We didn't eat dinner at all before coming here because we didn't expect to get lost in NUS in the first place :( We browsed through the mini cafe located in the Cultural Centre Hall, everything was so expensive there. We didn't have much a choice so we purchased a sandwich each for $3 :\ Was too hungry! Dx

Yep, $3 for a cheese & ham sandwich :(

Yep, $3 for a cheese & ham sandwich :(
Well, we were one of the few last ones to get seated :P Our seats were quite at the back; the $30 seats. No photos and videos are to be taken in the theater and during the concert :( I tried my best to secretly take some pictures but there's one staff positioned at the back of the hall the whole time. So I didn't manage to take any during the concert Dx

The stage was pretty small and it's a small orchestra as well.
Like three violinists and one of each instrument players like the flute, guitar and others.

The stage was pretty small and it's a small orchestra as well.
Like three violinists and one of each instrument players like the flute, guitar and others.
Anyway, here's the list of songs from video games and animes, played in order (hopefully :P)
- Tsubasa: Reservoir Chronicle - Break the Sword of the Justice
- Chrono Cross - Time Scar
- Granado Espada
- Full Metal Alchemist - Kyoudai
- Castlevania - Vampire Killer
- Final Fantasy IX - Vamo' Alla Flamenco
- Valkyria Chronicles - Succeeded Wish
- Echochrome - Prime#101 & Prime#7
- Sora no Woto - Hikari no Senitsu
- Bleach - Never Meant to Belong
- Neon Genesis Evangelion - Cruel Angel's Thesis
- ::fifteen minutes intermission::
- Macross Frontier - Aimo ~Tori no Hito~
- Howl's Moving Castle - The Merry-Go-Round of Life
- My Neighbor Totoro
- Final Fantasy Tactics A2
- Odin Sphere - Main Theme
- Romeo × Juliet - Touch
- Final Fantasy XII - Penelo's Theme
- Final Fantasy VIII - Eyes on Me
- Tetris Medley
- Megaman Medley
- Tsubasa: Reservoir Chronicle - A Song of Storm and Fire [encore]
- Neon Genesis Evangelion - Cruel Angel's Thesis [encore]
- Howl's Moving Castle - Life Miracle [encore]
To be honest, I kinda fell asleep during those songs I didn't know was playing :P But luckily, most of them I know :D!! During the fifteen minutes intermission, XueNi and I went out to explore the Cultural Centre Hall. Actually, to find whether if there's anymore food stores around :X But we didn't find any though :\

Re-entry slips were given out :)

I was here?!
You were here?!
We were here?!
(taken outside of the Cultural Centre Hall)

I set up my camera on the tripod, let it run on timer and took this picture.
We stood facing like this for a longer time; in case the timer didn't go off yet.
A group of people beside us, saw this and started laughing.
One of the females said, "I can help you take a picture if you want."
We replied, "Okay."

And she took this... xD

Re-entry slips were given out :)

I was here?!
You were here?!
We were here?!
(taken outside of the Cultural Centre Hall)

I set up my camera on the tripod, let it run on timer and took this picture.
We stood facing like this for a longer time; in case the timer didn't go off yet.
A group of people beside us, saw this and started laughing.
One of the females said, "I can help you take a picture if you want."
We replied, "Okay."

And she took this... xD
Fifteen minutes were up and we re-entered the theater for the next half of the concert~

Managed to take one picture of the orchestra!!
Well, better than nothing right??!?!

Domo-kuns watching the concert as well :3
My, they look delighted xD
We were wondering why they didn't play "A Song of Storm and Fire" for Tsubasa: Reservoir Chronicle; which is the most epic song in the anime. And then, during the encore, our wish was answered! :D Yes! They played the song!~~ We were so happy :) Especially XueNi!! xD

Managed to take one picture of the orchestra!!
Well, better than nothing right??!?!

Domo-kuns watching the concert as well :3
My, they look delighted xD
After the concert ended, most of the audience rushed out and began to queue for the autograph of Hitoshi Sakimoto (composer of FFXII, Romeo × Juliet). XueNi and I didn't really bother about all these signature stuffs and we left the place. It was going to be 11pm anyway. Late, late, late. Later no bus, how? We randomly took a bus out of this messy NUS place and ended up at Clementi. We were like super hungry so we decided to have a quick supper at the nearby coffee shop. Luckily, I managed to catch the last bus of 175 home!! If not, I have to walk home and I don't really know the place very well :(

Long long line of people queuing for a signature....

Our supper :P

Long long line of people queuing for a signature....

Our supper :P
When I got home and checked the concert leaflet that I've gotten when I bought the tickets... I realized... they cheated my feelings for one song!! :( There was no Super Mario Brothers songs at all!! T.T No wonder after the concert, I felt like one song was missing... T.T Oh, well... too bad for me then :\

Not there~ So sad...

& XueNi gave me a Vegeta keychain!! :D
So happy!

Not there~ So sad...

& XueNi gave me a Vegeta keychain!! :D
So happy!
"In this world, special laws are applied..."
Labels: anime, concert, game, gifts, panic, work
Akira Star
Akira Star