::Pixar: 20 Years of Animation Singapore::
Tuesday, April 20, 2010 @ 3:38 AM
::18th April 10::
Time to head down to the Science Centre once again for the newest exhibition at the Annexe; "Pixar: 20 Years of Animation Singapore". Before that, I met XueNi at 10.30am @ Anchorpoint first to purchase concert tickets but... unfortunately... the Sistic counter only opens at 12noon :\ What a bloody waste of time! Made me wake up earlier for nothing T.T
From there, we took a bus to Jurong East interchange to meet up with Johnatton and WenJie @ 12noon. You see, that's the reason why I can't be there waiting for the Sistic counter to open. Anyway, XueNi and I were the last ones to reach... Bad impression~~~ D:
(Johnatton - RP, WenJie - GV, XueNi - Epsilon(?). Cool huh? Everyone is linked to me again! xD)
And we walked to Science Centre!!!!

New sphere! :D
I ♥ it when they changed the sphere according to each special exhibition held.
Proceeded to the counter to get tickets at a discounted price of $16 each~ Due to Johnatton's Science Centre membership card. Saw Puikwan's friend, Linnet working at the counter; but she didn't see me :( (actual price: $20 for just the entry to the Pixar exhibition.)

Tickets + free postcards given.
WenJie immediately grabbed the Ratatouille one.
Mine's the Nemo one... the leftover D: No one likes Nemo!?

Toy Story 3 standee~
Be prepared. It's coming soon :D

Tickets + free postcards given.
WenJie immediately grabbed the Ratatouille one.
Mine's the Nemo one... the leftover D: No one likes Nemo!?

Toy Story 3 standee~
Be prepared. It's coming soon :D
Excitedly, we made our way to the Annexe - just right beside the Science Centre main building.

Presenting, the Pixar exhibition!

Presenting, the Pixar exhibition!
Outside the exhibition hall, there is a small area where they sell all the Pixar merchandise and stuffs. And also, there's life-size(?) statues of Sulley and Mike from Monsters, Inc, right outside of the exhibition hall. Sulley is so cute and furry; and it's also out of bounds to touch and take pictures together with them :(

Real nice~ :3

Real nice~ :3
Before entering the exhibition hall, the staff took a group picture for us first. We can buy the photo later if we want. Nah, of course we are not going to buy... Too expensive for an effing photo :\ And with that, we took a step into the exhibition.

The first thing we saw was these doors of Monsters, Inc.
It's like entering into the different worlds of Pixar xD
Now it's pictures spam time :P It's not allowed to take pictures in there. But I still take them anyway... just a little; there were others who were taking pictures of the entire exhibits as well!! So don't tell on me!! :@ Of course, there were staffs patrolling around inside... most probably to catch people taking pictures... At first, there's only 2-3 of them... as the crowd grew, the number of staffs patrolling increased as well :( So I really have to keep a look out for them when taking the pictures :X

Pixar shorts.
Luxo Jr. and For the Birds.
(I have never watched this Pixar film before T.T Now I have!! Download it and watched it already :P)

Clay models of Doc Hudson, Sally & Mater.

The first thing we saw was these doors of Monsters, Inc.
It's like entering into the different worlds of Pixar xD
Now it's pictures spam time :P It's not allowed to take pictures in there. But I still take them anyway... just a little; there were others who were taking pictures of the entire exhibits as well!! So don't tell on me!! :@ Of course, there were staffs patrolling around inside... most probably to catch people taking pictures... At first, there's only 2-3 of them... as the crowd grew, the number of staffs patrolling increased as well :( So I really have to keep a look out for them when taking the pictures :X

Pixar shorts.
Luxo Jr. and For the Birds.
TOY STORY exhibit!

Can you tell whose x-ray images belong to who??

The Toy Story Zoetrope; one of the most amazing thing in the exhibition.
The Zoetrope is made up of maquettes that spin around on a turntable. The strobes fire at a frequency that seems to animate these maquettes on a fixed position.
(my camera is too lousy to take this properly T.T low shutter speed, I suppose.)

Can you tell whose x-ray images belong to who??

The Toy Story Zoetrope; one of the most amazing thing in the exhibition.
The Zoetrope is made up of maquettes that spin around on a turntable. The strobes fire at a frequency that seems to animate these maquettes on a fixed position.
(my camera is too lousy to take this properly T.T low shutter speed, I suppose.)
CARS exhibit!

Clay models of Doc Hudson, Sally & Mater.
MONSTERS, INC. exhibit!

I like the doors in Monsters, Inc :)

Sketches of Sulley; and clay models of Sully and Mike.

I like the doors in Monsters, Inc :)

Sketches of Sulley; and clay models of Sully and Mike.

Toy Story 1.
For the Birds.
Geri's Game.

My favorite birds in For the Birds.
I went to download this short immediately, once I got home xD

Toy Story 1.
For the Birds.
Geri's Game.

My favorite birds in For the Birds.
I went to download this short immediately, once I got home xD

Landscape and clay models of Mr. Incredible's expressions.

Double oops :\

Landscape and clay models of Mr. Incredible's expressions.

Double oops :\
THE ARTSCAPE projection!

The Artscape is a panoramic projection made up of 4 projectors, showcasing
design artwork that is digitally manipulated to create 3-dimensional motion into the artwork.
And staring at it too long makes me want to puke Dx
(I know it can't really be seen well in my photo but I couldn't take anymore shots
because the number of staffs patrolling have increased :\)

With wonderful fish background :3

The Artscape is a panoramic projection made up of 4 projectors, showcasing
design artwork that is digitally manipulated to create 3-dimensional motion into the artwork.
And staring at it too long makes me want to puke Dx
(I know it can't really be seen well in my photo but I couldn't take anymore shots
because the number of staffs patrolling have increased :\)

With wonderful fish background :3
(the staff actually caught us taking this picture and asked us to delete it...
luckily she didn't take my camera and check, if not I'll be dead :\)
luckily she didn't take my camera and check, if not I'll be dead :\)
UP exhibit!

A BUG'S LIFE exhibit!



WALL•E exhibit!

With that, I have completed the whole Pixar exhibition!!! Hope I didn't miss out anything though... because they have so many exhibits and the layout of the hall is pretty confusing. We have spent two hours in there!! Reading everything, seeing everything. It was awesome. I didn't know A Bug's Life is a Pixar film :P I have watched all the films except for Cars :( Perhaps I will go download it and watch :X Those who like Pixar films, do go down to the exhibition!
It will be open until 27th June 2010. For more info, click here.

Heh, taken outside the toilet xD!

Polaroid group picture taken!
So cool with Woody in the middle :3
It will be open until 27th June 2010. For more info, click here.

Heh, taken outside the toilet xD!

Polaroid group picture taken!
So cool with Woody in the middle :3
WenJie left us to go to work and the rest of us went to Jurong Regional Library to play a card game, Bohnanza. First time playing this game; and it's actually pretty fun even though we were just growing beans. Communication plays a huge part of the game. It's like being bean farmers and doing trading/selling with beans. The ones who earned the most coins wins the game.

(this game belongs to Johnatton)

All the pretty bean cards xD

During the game play.

Johnatton won! Followed by me, then XueNi.

(this game belongs to Johnatton)

All the pretty bean cards xD

During the game play.

Johnatton won! Followed by me, then XueNi.
After that, XueNi and I bid farewell to Johnatton and we made our way back to Anchorpoint to purchase the concert tickets!! We were super disappointed that the $20 tickets were sold out and we had to buy the $30 one. The discount given was pretty lame. $3 off per ticket, if you are a PAssion card holder. However, the booking fee cost $3. So in the end, we were still paying $30 per ticket... LAME! :\

Tickets to...
Fantasy Comes Alive!
-Video Games & Anime Concert-

Tickets to...
Fantasy Comes Alive!
-Video Games & Anime Concert-
"Our goal is to make something believable in a make-believe, fantasy way"
-Ralph Eggleston-
"You have saved our lives. We are eternally grateful."
-Squeeze Toy Aliens-
-Ralph Eggleston-
"You have saved our lives. We are eternally grateful."
-Squeeze Toy Aliens-
Labels: concert, excursion, game, GV friends, info, RP friends, science centre
Akira Star
Akira Star