Happy Birthday, Mae Ann!
Friday, May 21, 2010 @ 11:36 PM
=have to back track a wee bit first :P=
::20th May 10::
Met up with WenJie @ Plaza Singapura to search for Mae's presents. After searching, we finally got them :) WJ; a bottle of white musk. Me; a necklace :P Watched movie as well; using complimentary tickets. The Losers. Action comedy :3 Played some of those UFO machines & et cetera. WJ won a Hello Kitty plushie at the Marksman machine on his first try!! And then, he tried his very best to get the super jackpot prize, a Canon digital Ixus. In the end, he didn't get it and spent lots of money O.Q

Heh, the Hello Kitty prize! xD

Heh, the Hello Kitty prize! xD
Suddenly we got an urge to try out the new Magnum ice cream, Magnum Gold. Damn you advertisements plastered all over the Dhoby Ghaut MRT station. We looked everywhere for the ice cream... Carrefour, numerous 7-11s... But we couldn't find it at all. So we decided to go to GV Grand to check the price for it. Yes, we do have Magnum Gold in the Gold Class menu. But it's horribly expensive... especially with all those extra charges like GST and service charge :\ We went down to the 7-11 of Great World City to give a final look for the ice cream. And yes, WE FOUND IT!!! :D:D Bought it at $3.90 and made our way up to the Gold Class lounge to dine on it.

Magnum Gold?! marries creamy vanilla ice cream with swirls of delicious golden honeycomb sauce, dipped in a thin Magnum gold coating.
It's awesomely delicious!~ :3

Magnum Gold?! marries creamy vanilla ice cream with swirls of delicious golden honeycomb sauce, dipped in a thin Magnum gold coating.
It's awesomely delicious!~ :3
::23rd May 10::
Ahem~ Now on the celebration day of Mae's birthday :)
Kelvin started off by asking me how to celebrate Mae's birthday, as her birthday falls on the 24th; which is the next day. Not all of us were free on the actual day :( So we decided to throw her a mini surprise celebration! We planned with the rest of the GV Grand staffs and Kelvin was appointed to get the cake :P
As her working time ended earlier than the closing time, we tried our best to make her stay and wait for us xD She asked me what's going on but I told her, "Good things come to those who wait ;)" While everyone else was getting ready to surprise her in the office, some of us stayed with her - to distract her and stuff :X
Communicating through the walkie in mandarin, the signal was given to proceed to the office :D I ran to the office first to see what's happening, while the others strolled slowly behind. The office lights were switched off and LengShan was hiding behind the manager's desk, holding the cake; lit up and all :) And then when Mae entered the office, LengShan stood up and walked towards Mae while all of us started singing the birthday song :D Mae was very surprised and super happy!! And I gave her the birthday present as well :)

LengShan in the dark.
Ooo~ Creepy~


Wishes, candles, cake!

I'm not sure why I've got chocolate smeared on my face :\
I'm not even the birthday girl D:!


(Abigail took this picture.)
Kelvin started off by asking me how to celebrate Mae's birthday, as her birthday falls on the 24th; which is the next day. Not all of us were free on the actual day :( So we decided to throw her a mini surprise celebration! We planned with the rest of the GV Grand staffs and Kelvin was appointed to get the cake :P
As her working time ended earlier than the closing time, we tried our best to make her stay and wait for us xD She asked me what's going on but I told her, "Good things come to those who wait ;)" While everyone else was getting ready to surprise her in the office, some of us stayed with her - to distract her and stuff :X
Communicating through the walkie in mandarin, the signal was given to proceed to the office :D I ran to the office first to see what's happening, while the others strolled slowly behind. The office lights were switched off and LengShan was hiding behind the manager's desk, holding the cake; lit up and all :) And then when Mae entered the office, LengShan stood up and walked towards Mae while all of us started singing the birthday song :D Mae was very surprised and super happy!! And I gave her the birthday present as well :)

LengShan in the dark.
Ooo~ Creepy~


Wishes, candles, cake!

I'm not sure why I've got chocolate smeared on my face :\
I'm not even the birthday girl D:!


(Abigail took this picture.)
When time slows down...
Everything seems to be much prettier that way.
Everything seems to be much prettier that way.
Labels: birthday, celebrate, food, GV friends, movie, presents, surprise
Akira Star
Akira Star