Thailand - Krabi (Pre-Trip)
Friday, May 28, 2010 @ 11:14 PM
::Thailand - Krabi Trip; 25th May to 28th May::
I need to quickly finish this chain blog posts! D:
My other posts are piling up like no tomorrow :\
Damn you, procrastination! :(
Pre-Trip (24/5 - 25/5):
After waiting for two whole weeks for this trip, it's finally the day... before the trip :P And I packed my luggage at the very last minute D: Was actually supposed to pack on the day before; which is today. But I had two interviews - @NUH; 10am and @Great Eastern; 2.30pm. It was horrible!! You can't imagine how many times I have to go in and out of my house! (finish NUH's interview, go home, go out for GE's interview, go home, go out for SHINE dance practice, go home, go out again to the airport for the flight to Krabi - ahh~ I'm getting ahead of myself...) So tiring and a critical hit to my ez-link card :\
Anyway, I managed to finish packing and went out for my SHINE dance practice @ PA HQ; 7pm. But Puikwan, XueNi and I had to leave the practice session early, due to the fact we were going to camp overnight at the airport! We wouldn't want to miss the last train there, thus we left the HQ at around 8.45pm. And so... why are we camping at the airport overnight? BECAUSE our flight is at 6.35am!! Check-in time would be around 4.35am, thus it would be silly to purposely take a taxi down to Changi. Midnight charges... pif~ A HUGE WASTE OF MONEY! D:
With much haste and a sense of urgency, we made our way home to shower (sweaty from the dance practice ^^;;), eat a quick dinner and do a final check on our luggage's packing. And out of the house I go *AGAIN*, to meet Puikwan, XueNi and Fazillah at Tiong Bahru. MRT/Train-ed all the way to Changi Airport~

Koko sending me off to the bus stop~
And no, it didn't go home on itself, and it didn't go with me on the trip.
Damien, too sent me off at the bus stop.

To the airport, here we come! :D

It's a long long way to go~♪
And phew, little that we know this train was the last train on service xD!! Lucky~ We reached Changi Airport @ approximately 11.30pm. Walked straight to terminal three's Popeye's to check out what time they close; and yay! It's at 2am :P We weren't that hungry due to the light dinner we all ate at home xD So we wandered about terminal three; did some crayon colourings and photo takings :D Fazillah gave up halfway on the colouring act and the activity was rather tiring on the arms :(

Trolley, get!
First thing we did to get rid of carrying all our heavy luggage.

Our masterpieces! :D

Group pictures with fountain background~ ♥

Trolley, get!
First thing we did to get rid of carrying all our heavy luggage.

Our masterpieces! :D

Group pictures with fountain background~ ♥
At 12.30am, we proceeded back to Popeye's for our supper and were shocked by the extremely long queue. The worst thing was... there's only one counter open! Not much of a choice but to queue for a really long time to order our two sets of two piece chicken combo. Eventually we did get our food :D

Whee~ Delicious~ :3

Whee~ Delicious~ :3
Once our supper time is over, we made our way to the shuttle bus service @ terminal two. We definitely took our own sweet time indeed :P Taking pictures non-stop on our way there! I had to keep setting up the tripod because we wanted to take group pictures together!!! Group pictures are awesome~♥ And, and, and it's like having the entire airport to ourselves! xD

My awesome trademark pose;
d^_^b with legs opened wide wide!

Hip hopping, or simply just slipping?

♥ L.O.V.E ♥

A sign that will direct us to the free shuttle bus service! :D

More arrow-pointing signs!
Where should we head?
*everyone points in all sort of directions* D:

"Bus to Budget Terminal" It's up ahead, silly :P
Krabi, Krabi, at 6.35am~

My awesome trademark pose;
d^_^b with legs opened wide wide!

Hip hopping, or simply just slipping?

♥ L.O.V.E ♥

A sign that will direct us to the free shuttle bus service! :D

More arrow-pointing signs!
Where should we head?
*everyone points in all sort of directions* D:

"Bus to Budget Terminal" It's up ahead, silly :P
Krabi, Krabi, at 6.35am~
Woohoo!~ When we reached the bus stop, we wanted to take a picture with the bus in the background. Because I took quite sometime to position and set up my camera/tripod. The shuttle bus moved off when we were posing for the timer D: I think we felt kinda stupid after that. Well, at least for me... @.@

Hur... like idiots Q.Q

Went to check what time the next bus arrives...
To our dismay, each bus interval is thirty effin' minutes!!! T.T

Went to check what time the next bus arrives...
To our dismay, each bus interval is thirty effin' minutes!!! T.T
We went back into terminal two and sat on the floor in front of the automatic door; so that we could see when the bus has arrived. It was rather bored just sitting there and we were getting sleepier and sleepier as each minute passes by. Instead of sitting there and dozing off, we switched on our mini speakers (my mini tamago~) and practiced our SHINE dance!! Because when we get back to Singapore, it would be our last rehearsal before the performance day! Heh, it was a little embarrassing when someone actually walks by and saw us dancing xP

Waiting for the shuttle bus~~~~~~

Waiting for the shuttle bus~~~~~~
After thirty long minutes, the shuttle bus finally arrived. I quickly set up my tripod/camera and we managed to take a picture of us with the bus in the background :3

Yayness~ :P

Boarded the bus @ 2.35am~
It's getting later and later. What night hoothoots we are! :D

Reached the Budget Terminal @ 2.50am.

Yayness~ :P

Boarded the bus @ 2.35am~
It's getting later and later. What night hoothoots we are! :D

Reached the Budget Terminal @ 2.50am.
The first thing we did was... to weigh our luggage and baggage on the weighing machine! The weight limit for hand baggage/luggage to bring up on to the airplane is 7kg. For every extra kilogram, there is an extra charge of $18. All because we didn't want to spend the extra money to put our luggage in the plane cargo. Anyway, here's the result:

Yes, all our baggage except for Fazillah's... WERE OVERWEIGHT! D: Oh no, the extra charges. Puikwan was very scared for hers because she need to pay a whole lot more - that is if they got check our baggage's weight later on. But I wasn't very worried about this situation because I trusted my mama :P She told me that they don't weigh every single bags that passed by them.
Anyway, we still had lots of time left till check in. So we spent it at McDonald's, bought ice milos and waited for the time to pass ever so slowly there! xD Fazillah slept, Puikwan stoned, XueNi and I crocheted~

Presenting Mr. Green/Kerokero/ Mr. Frog
One of the extra casts in this trip :P

The amount of people kept increasing as time passed!

Got scolding by the staff for taking picture of the plane.
Too bad, I've already taken it :P

I went to the toilet first to prepare myself for the uncomfortable flight.
& I saw this... already state no smoking is allowed but why is there an ash pocket tray there?!
So contradicting...

Waiting for the plane to take off!
And it did @ 7am~
Anyway, we still had lots of time left till check in. So we spent it at McDonald's, bought ice milos and waited for the time to pass ever so slowly there! xD Fazillah slept, Puikwan stoned, XueNi and I crocheted~

One moment we were awake; and the next moment we were dead asleep.

Presenting Mr. Green/Kerokero/ Mr. Frog
One of the extra casts in this trip :P

The amount of people kept increasing as time passed!
Finally, the counter for Tiger Airways - Krabi was opened at 4.20am. We packed up and rushed to the counter!!~ Trying to avoid the growing long queues :X

Closer and closer to Krabi now!!~~ :D

Our turn soon :P!

Our boarding passes, in form of receipts...
Really, we were really trying to "enjoy the difference".
(the budget terminal slogan is "Enjoy the Difference". And yes, it's very a worst kind of way :X)

Closer and closer to Krabi now!!~~ :D

Our turn soon :P!

Our boarding passes, in form of receipts...
Really, we were really trying to "enjoy the difference".
(the budget terminal slogan is "Enjoy the Difference". And yes, it's very different...
After receiving our boarding receipts, we made our way through the departure gates and checkpoint. & yay, they didn't check our baggage's weights!!~ All those worries were for nothing! Thinking that we might find something to entertain us in there, but all the shops were not opened yet...

So we continued on to the Boarding Gate 1 and it's located right at the end! D: We had to walk a pretty long way there... O.Q It was 5am when we had reached the boarding gate. We were too early!! Another hour more to wait till we can board the plane and fly to Krabi~ Q.Q

Colourful!~ Lovely shot! :3

Walking all the way to Gate 1!
Still have quite a distance :\

Krabi, krabi :P

So we continued on to the Boarding Gate 1 and it's located right at the end! D: We had to walk a pretty long way there... O.Q It was 5am when we had reached the boarding gate. We were too early!! Another hour more to wait till we can board the plane and fly to Krabi~ Q.Q

Colourful!~ Lovely shot! :3

Walking all the way to Gate 1!
Still have quite a distance :\

Krabi, krabi :P
And there, we walked until we were right in front of the doors to the place where they parked the plane for boarding! We could see our Tiger Airways plane! But we still have to wait for the boarding and departing time... An more hour, you see T.T~

The TR2182!~

More pictures of us waiting ever so patiently.

Fazillah couldn't take it anymore so she fell asleep
on the chairs like a homeless person! xD

No people at all...

The TR2182!~

More pictures of us waiting ever so patiently.

Fazillah couldn't take it anymore so she fell asleep
on the chairs like a homeless person! xD

No people at all...
Anyway, we got chased out by a staff. Not allowed to wait there... @.@ Sorry for not knowing... as there's no sign or barrier to state/restrict us from going into there :\ Such impoliteness... What can I say? "Enjoy the Difference". Puikwan and I went around looking for the sign with the slogan, "Enjoy the Difference". But we couldn't find it at all :\ So we went back to XueNi and Fazillah and continued waiting!!!
And finally, we were able to board the plane @ 6.05am!! :D To be honest... I actually wasn't looking forward to the plane flight at all. Only looking forward to the landing at Krabi~ But I effin' hate the plane. So cramped and I have a bit of claustrophobia Q.Q So I took the aisle seat and forced myself to fall asleep immediately. Sad to say, I still felt very restless on the plane and my sleep was horrible... Moreover, there's no tv system for budget flights... ENJOY THE DIFFERENCE, they say. For us, poorer people Q.Q
And finally, we were able to board the plane @ 6.05am!! :D To be honest... I actually wasn't looking forward to the plane flight at all. Only looking forward to the landing at Krabi~ But I effin' hate the plane. So cramped and I have a bit of claustrophobia Q.Q So I took the aisle seat and forced myself to fall asleep immediately. Sad to say, I still felt very restless on the plane and my sleep was horrible... Moreover, there's no tv system for budget flights... ENJOY THE DIFFERENCE, they say. For us, poorer people Q.Q

Got scolding by the staff for taking picture of the plane.
Too bad, I've already taken it :P

I went to the toilet first to prepare myself for the uncomfortable flight.
& I saw this... already state no smoking is allowed but why is there an ash pocket tray there?!
So contradicting...

Waiting for the plane to take off!
And it did @ 7am~
Luckily, it was only an hour and a half flight journey...
Any longer I think I might commit suicide on the plane Dx

Flying~ Soaring~

Sunrise taken by Puikwan who was the only still awake then :O
Any longer I think I might commit suicide on the plane Dx

Flying~ Soaring~

Sunrise taken by Puikwan who was the only still awake then :O
Day 1 will have to continue on the next post! Thank you~
Labels: candilicious, overseas, trip
Akira Star
Akira Star