Happy Birthday, Joshua/Shuhua! | GV Power House!
Tuesday, June 08, 2010 @ 12:10 AM
Ready to back track~~
::3rd June 10::
*Ahem* This is the preparation stage :)
I met up with Audrey and Moo to complete their DIY boards and also to obtain their presents; @ Plaza Singapore, 6pm :D And I'm most probably late as usual :X Anyway, we went to look for the presents first before settling down at KFC to start on the DIY boards! Audrey has prepared all the DIY stuffs - coloured papers, photos and of course, the boards! :P
I met up with Audrey and Moo to complete their DIY boards and also to obtain their presents; @ Plaza Singapore, 6pm :D And I'm most probably late as usual :X Anyway, we went to look for the presents first before settling down at KFC to start on the DIY boards! Audrey has prepared all the DIY stuffs - coloured papers, photos and of course, the boards! :P

Busy, busy, busy :P
OF COURSE! We have two boards to complete by today!
Soon it was getting pretty late and half of the lights in KFC were switched off. We took it as a sign that we have to leave this place quick. I suggested the spot just outside of PCBunk where we could continue our work there; but we have to look out for those MRT security people as they will certainly, most likely to chase us away and we won't have anywhere else to go to :(
So we decorated the board, pasted the photos on and got all the birthday wishes/messages from everyone via sms :) Afterward, we have to write the messages down individual coloured papers and stick them up on the respective boards!
So we decorated the board, pasted the photos on and got all the birthday wishes/messages from everyone via sms :) Afterward, we have to write the messages down individual coloured papers and stick them up on the respective boards!

Almost done with Shuhua's!
And by 11.55pm, we were all done :) Yay! Great accomplishment :D

Great work, Moo and Audrey!~

& I wrote my birthday messages to them, using my A* code xD
The next thing I realized... I have missed the last bus175 already :( So the only way for me to get home without taking a cab is to take bus16 (which is still operating) and then walked home from Bukit Merah Interchange. & that's what I did; with Moo accompanying me all the way. Thanks!
Even though I have to take the long route home, the good thing was... I didn't have to carry the HUGE boards home! YAY!~ ^_^*
Even though I have to take the long route home, the good thing was... I didn't have to carry the HUGE boards home! YAY!~ ^_^*
Okay, okay, it's time for the day of celebration~
::5th June 10::
For their birthday celebrations, we were gonna have it at Ion's Soup Spoon. I met up with Audrey and Shuhua; and we walked to the destination where Moo and Joshua were already there, looking after the seats.

Trying to give them a pleasant surprise, Moo brought his laptop and used it for a webcam video conference with WeiLeng! So this way WeiLeng too, who is currently all the way at Australia, was able to celebrate their birthdays together with us :)

And it succeeded, of course! ♥
However the connection wasn't very good and also, we have to look out for the battery life, we disconnected from it and will reconnect back later on after our lunch. We presented them the DIY boards first and they were pleased :D

Holding each other boards~
And it's time to order lunch! I ordered a plate of wedges and I tried everyone's food order. As a result, this led to me being rather bloated in the end xD!

Everyone's orders~ :3
After lunch, we reconnected back with WeiLeng and got the cakes/candles out! *drum rolls*
It's time for the main event - song singing, wish wishing, candle blowing, cake cutting, present presenting!! xD

Cakes with candles cramped on top! xD

(Actual bday: secret?)

(Actual bday: 15th June)

One of Joshua's presents from us!
A moss ball/Marimo; which he named it Zorro (tentatively :\)
It's time for the main event - song singing, wish wishing, candle blowing, cake cutting, present presenting!! xD

Cakes with candles cramped on top! xD

(Actual bday: secret?)

(Actual bday: 15th June)

One of Joshua's presents from us!
A moss ball/Marimo; which he named it Zorro (tentatively :\)
After which, we left the place as we certainly stayed for quite a long time :X We wandered about each levels of Ion and finally hung out on the top level - chatting and taking pictures :) Then we went back down to the food section at one of the basement levels. And I've bought a strawberry yogurt for dessert :)

Sunshined people :P

Presenting the birthday people holding their respective boards this time :P

Group picture! ♥♥♥

Sweet!~ :3

Sunshined people :P

Presenting the birthday people holding their respective boards this time :P

Group picture! ♥♥♥

Sweet!~ :3
And with that, we pretty much dispersed off to different directions with different locations in mind. Well, mine would be to head home and take a short nap before going down to GV Grand and meet up with my GV friends at night :D
After my sweet short nap, I went forth to dressed up with contacts/makeup and make my way down to Great World City. It was during that time when most of my GV friends has ended work and we are going CLUBBING @ St. JAMES POWER HOUSE! :D

With Candy :)

All ready to set off;
after saying good bye to Abigail xD
After my sweet short nap, I went forth to dressed up with contacts/makeup and make my way down to Great World City. It was during that time when most of my GV friends has ended work and we are going CLUBBING @ St. JAMES POWER HOUSE! :D

With Candy :)

All ready to set off;
after saying good bye to Abigail xD
We made our way there and reached there at approximately 11pm (Wow. Late!). Took some time to line up to get in... The queue was quite long! After the checking of our identification cards, I took very first step into the Power House! It was rather claustrophobic, dark with flashing lights and the whole place was pumping with loud music.

Augusta ordered Martell with a jug of coca-cola as mixer. If I'm not wrong, it cost around $100++... Entrance fee, $30++ (Ah~ Can't remember! Not good with numbers :X). Anyway, we wandered and squeezed through all those people dancing and mingling; looking for a empty spot to chill. It was very hard to find one! There were too many people! Dx We managed to find one spot by the stairs at the second level.

I like this drink :D
It brings a new taste to coke!
So we started drinking and dancing! At first, I was rather embarrassed and didn't want to dance... because I don't know how to! But after drinking more and more, I think I started to loosen up and got high xD It was exhilarating! I also like observing the people in there. It's so different and interesting - they can be so happy in here and forget everything and every problems in their lives. Just let go and enjoy the present.
Once, we have finished our mixer... we went to take from other people's jars on the counter when they were not looking xD It was awesome and funny. Candy was very good at dancing and she kept encouraging me to dance; so glad that I'm a girl :P
Well, anyway it's time for pictures :P

Pretty hazy in there, but yay! We had fun :P

Heh, I'm so happy @.@

I like this drink :D
It brings a new taste to coke!
Once, we have finished our mixer... we went to take from other people's jars on the counter when they were not looking xD It was awesome and funny. Candy was very good at dancing and she kept encouraging me to dance; so glad that I'm a girl :P
Well, anyway it's time for pictures :P

Pretty hazy in there, but yay! We had fun :P

Heh, I'm so happy @.@
Around 3.30am, we finally decided to leave the place; and before we went home... we took more pictures outside the club!! Clear and better ones to remember our time spent together outside GV Grand :)

After that, we divided ourselves in group so that we can split cab fare. Thanks WenJie for sending me to my doorstep :) I went to take a shower and collapse on my bed exhausted and drain out. Lucky for me... my GV work starts at 6pm the next day! :P Yay ^_^*

After that, we divided ourselves in group so that we can split cab fare. Thanks WenJie for sending me to my doorstep :) I went to take a shower and collapse on my bed exhausted and drain out. Lucky for me... my GV work starts at 6pm the next day! :P Yay ^_^*
♪ Stop callin', stop callin',
I don't wanna think anymore!
I left my head and my heart on the dance floor. ♫
I don't wanna think anymore!
I left my head and my heart on the dance floor. ♫
Labels: birthday, celebrate, crafts, GV friends, RP friends
Akira Star
Akira Star