!!Cosfest IX: "Let's Make Friends"!! 2010 - Day 2
Tuesday, July 06, 2010 @ 8:16 PM
::4th July 10::
Yay! In a blink of an eye, it's Day 2! Team Pokémon Ginjinka, GO!~~
To cosplay as Caterpie is one of my many few cosplays I wanted to do! And yes, finally I've got the chance to do so :) I have been preparing for this cosplay for a very long time (looks at backlog O.o) Designing of the costume and creating of props - plushie, pokéball and usagi ribbon hairband! Total cost should be around $142.70 :X At last, the day is here to be like a Caterpie :P
Everything is ready and in place :D
Following on, there will be lots of pictures (@.@) Hope you won't lag out on me :P
And so,
I reached TingYu's house around 11.30am. ShunAn and Jasmine have already arrived at her house earlier. TingYu was trimming Jasmine's pink wig for her; so I helped ShunAn to paint his nails green. I've already done mine at home :P
Ready to go out of the house :D
Lovely green nails? :P
To cosplay as Caterpie is one of my many few cosplays I wanted to do! And yes, finally I've got the chance to do so :) I have been preparing for this cosplay for a very long time (looks at backlog O.o) Designing of the costume and creating of props - plushie, pokéball and usagi ribbon hairband! Total cost should be around $142.70 :X At last, the day is here to be like a Caterpie :P

Everything is ready and in place :D
Following on, there will be lots of pictures (@.@) Hope you won't lag out on me :P
And so,
I reached TingYu's house around 11.30am. ShunAn and Jasmine have already arrived at her house earlier. TingYu was trimming Jasmine's pink wig for her; so I helped ShunAn to paint his nails green. I've already done mine at home :P

Ready to go out of the house :D

Lovely green nails? :P
After the wig was styled and trimmed, Jasmine came over to help ShunAn and me with our make up :D TingYu went to put her own make up though. And omg, Jasmine's make up skill is so awesome!! I really really like it :D
I like the green eyeshadow effect ♥
We took pictures first while waiting for the rest to finish up :)
Teaser shot? :P
Anime: Pokémon
Character: Caterpie
Location: D'Marquee - Downtown East; Cosfest

I like the green eyeshadow effect ♥
Later Katherine came over with her friends (also TingYu's) and they helped her with her make up. HuiFen, one of the friends, helped TingYu and me put on our eyelashes :D Unfortunately, we really took a long time to get transformed (O.Q) Meanwhile, I received lots of calls and texts from my cosmates and friends who were there already! We were all done by 3pm; with ShunAn being the first one to complete in his transformation, followed by me, TingYu, Katherine and Jasmine :) It's such a pity Angie and Wendy were unable to make it... especially when they have already bought their wigs and costumes :\
We took pictures first while waiting for the rest to finish up :)

Teaser shot? :P


We were all so green! :D Let me introduce our (ShunAn, TingYu, Katherine and mine) cosplay characters first before I carry on :) We are cosplaying as Pokémon, the Ginjinka version; also known as the human version of Pokémon.
using this as reference :)
Us in full dressed :D
Me - Caterpie / TingYu & Katherine - Chikorita twins / ShunAn - Roselia / Jasmine - Natu
(using this picture first so that it can be depict better)
(photo credits to Kula)
My cosplay information:

using this as reference :)

Us in full dressed :D
Me - Caterpie / TingYu & Katherine - Chikorita twins / ShunAn - Roselia / Jasmine - Natu
(using this picture first so that it can be depict better)
(photo credits to Kula)
Anime: Pokémon
Character: Caterpie
Location: D'Marquee - Downtown East; Cosfest
And so, let's continue on~
There were five of us so getting a single cab have to be completely impossible! So we split up into two groups - ShunAn/Jasmine one cab and TingYu/Katherine/me one cab. It seems rather hard to flag a cab at that rather lonely road :( When the first cab came by, my group took it first. Amazingly, ShunAn and Jasmine arrived at Downtown East faster than us! D:
In the cab, rushing down to Downtown East!
3.30pm was the time we reached the grounds of Cosfest! Time to entertain those calls and texts :D To my fellow friends, I have arrived and hope you are able to encounter me!! (^_^)*
From here onwards, sorry to say, it would be just pictures with very few sentences of text :P
I met Joshua immediately after I have alighted from the cab. He had to go off already :( Really sorry that I took so long to get here! By the way, most of my friends were already there, long before I reached. So after I bid goodbye to Joshua, I went off to find my GV friends and also cosmates. It's like a search and hunt game! D: Found one; take picture together - repeats. Kinda like Pokémon :P
With Joshua! :D
Team GV Grand forever!!~♥
They were the one following us around as a party!
Edmund carried ShunAn's bag for him, while WenJie carried mine~♥
(Edmund, Rebecca, Augusta and WenJie)
Yay! We found the Red cosplayer from Day 1 and took pictures together :)
Thanks to BPRX for the shot without the anonymous photobombers :D
I'm pretty much okay with those photobombers; I think it's rather funny :P
But I guess there were cosplayers who didn't like them at all :(
My photo wall of friends hunt! :D
Taken with:-
Yusri (as Naruto - Madara) / Arif / Arif's friend (until now, I still don't know his name!)
Edmund / Moo / Teddy (as Bleach - Kenpachi Zaraki)
Aim (as Bleach - Don Kanonji) / Rayblade / WenJie
Arif changed into his Naruto Shippuden jacket :D
After packing up, we are already to go! (ShunAn and I took our bags along with us so that we don't have to go back to TingYu's house later on) The five of cosplay ones would head down to Downtown East immediately, without delay; while TingYu/Katherine's friends would be going to some other places first.
There were five of us so getting a single cab have to be completely impossible! So we split up into two groups - ShunAn/Jasmine one cab and TingYu/Katherine/me one cab. It seems rather hard to flag a cab at that rather lonely road :( When the first cab came by, my group took it first. Amazingly, ShunAn and Jasmine arrived at Downtown East faster than us! D:

In the cab, rushing down to Downtown East!
3.30pm was the time we reached the grounds of Cosfest! Time to entertain those calls and texts :D To my fellow friends, I have arrived and hope you are able to encounter me!! (^_^)*
From here onwards, sorry to say, it would be just pictures with very few sentences of text :P
I met Joshua immediately after I have alighted from the cab. He had to go off already :( Really sorry that I took so long to get here! By the way, most of my friends were already there, long before I reached. So after I bid goodbye to Joshua, I went off to find my GV friends and also cosmates. It's like a search and hunt game! D: Found one; take picture together - repeats. Kinda like Pokémon :P

With Joshua! :D

Team GV Grand forever!!~♥
They were the one following us around as a party!
Edmund carried ShunAn's bag for him, while WenJie carried mine~♥
(Edmund, Rebecca, Augusta and WenJie)

Yay! We found the Red cosplayer from Day 1 and took pictures together :)
Thanks to BPRX for the shot without the anonymous photobombers :D
I'm pretty much okay with those photobombers; I think it's rather funny :P
But I guess there were cosplayers who didn't like them at all :(

My photo wall of friends hunt! :D
Taken with:-
Yusri (as Naruto - Madara) / Arif / Arif's friend (until now, I still don't know his name!)
Edmund / Moo / Teddy (as Bleach - Kenpachi Zaraki)
Aim (as Bleach - Don Kanonji) / Rayblade / WenJie

Arif changed into his Naruto Shippuden jacket :D
While heading towards the lawn area, we came upon the rest of the Pokémon team! Apparently we were like the last group of Pokémon to reach Downtown East :P And they were really excited to see us and were trying to guess our Pokémon characters enthusiastically :D So since everyone's there and we were like attracting lots of photographer's attention, we posed as a team and it lasted for over twenty minutes! It was really tiring; somewhat fun I suppose D:
Team Pokémon Ginjinka + Humans!
Try to make a guess which Pokémon we are cosplaying as :D
(photo credits to yuji)
All tired after the 20mins of posing D:
(photo credits to Sakurazaki Naoki)
Pokémon Human cosplayers shot
(photo credits to radiokeg)

Trying to position ourselves for the wall of photogs

Team Pokémon Ginjinka + Humans!
Try to make a guess which Pokémon we are cosplaying as :D
(photo credits to yuji)

All tired after the 20mins of posing D:
(photo credits to Sakurazaki Naoki)

Pokémon Human cosplayers shot
(photo credits to radiokeg)

With that, we decided to go as a team into the tent. So we walked in like a train of Pokémons and one by one we entered the tent. Gosh! The tent was crowded as usual :\ And yep, we stood around in the middle and lots of people wanted to take photos of us; and so we have to pose for the cameras... AGAIN! (@.@)
The Pokémon train!~~
Next stop, the tent!
Found Eclair and her friend, Min!
(as Seikon no Kueisā - Aleksander "Sasha" Nikolaevich Hell / Teresa Beria)
Posing, posing!!
Maintain for the camera~
Looks like Pikachu can't take it anymore! Pikachu has fainted! (O.Q)
(photo credits to kudan)
The pretties! :)
With Rebecca and Augusta :D
The guys! :)
There's someone who actually drew all the 151 Pokémon on the Graffiti wall!
Amazingly cute!♥♥♥

The Pokémon train!~~
Next stop, the tent!

Found Eclair and her friend, Min!
(as Seikon no Kueisā - Aleksander "Sasha" Nikolaevich Hell / Teresa Beria)

Posing, posing!!

Maintain for the camera~
Looks like Pikachu can't take it anymore! Pikachu has fainted! (O.Q)
(photo credits to kudan)

The pretties! :)

With Rebecca and Augusta :D

The guys! :)

There's someone who actually drew all the 151 Pokémon on the Graffiti wall!
Amazingly cute!♥♥♥
After that, Tingyu, Katherine, Jasmine, ShunAn and I disbanded from the Team Pokémon Ginjinka group and formed our own party. We went outside of the tent, onto the lawn area and found a less crowded area at the right side of the lawn. There we began to take omake photos with each other, pose when requested to and just having fun!~ Massive spammage on the way~
At around 4pm, Edmund and Rebecca left the place. WenJie took over Edmund's task and carried ShunAn's bag (+ my bag as well). 辛苦你了! (O.Q) Augusta left later to meet his other friends as well.
Big Caterpie cradling little Caterpie~♥
Frankie came to pose with us! :D
With Moo, EnPing and another one of his friends :P
Solo shots with JiaQing, Moo and EnPing!
Yay! JiaQing is here to find us! TAKE PEEKCHA! :D
Caterpie nomming on Chikorita's leaf :3
Caterpie here, Caterpie there :D
Tower of Pokémon
(photo credits to Sakurazaki Naoki)
Strong Chikorita is strong!
So green!
Worm and bird... friends? ;)
Got photobombed again by them! For group...
(photo credits to Sakurazaki Naoki)
And for solo! D:
I didn't know they were behind me until the photog showed this photo to me! xD
(photo credits to GTY Clinton)
With Tsukikage
(as Yu-Gi-Oh!5D - Dark Signer: Rudger Godwin)
With Mizuki! :D
Long time no seeeee~
Caterpie full transformation!!!!***
Gangsters de 大姐大!
Kiss kiss ♥~
Trainer Caterpie trying to catch Pokémon Chikorita...
Our solos!
Group with JiaQing!!!!
My cosmates posing! :)
Another shot of those Kamen Riders + what's a Power Ranger doing there?! (@.@)
At around 4pm, Edmund and Rebecca left the place. WenJie took over Edmund's task and carried ShunAn's bag (+ my bag as well). 辛苦你了! (O.Q) Augusta left later to meet his other friends as well.

Big Caterpie cradling little Caterpie~♥

Frankie came to pose with us! :D

With Moo, EnPing and another one of his friends :P

Solo shots with JiaQing, Moo and EnPing!
Yay! JiaQing is here to find us! TAKE PEEKCHA! :D

Caterpie nomming on Chikorita's leaf :3

Caterpie here, Caterpie there :D

Tower of Pokémon
(photo credits to Sakurazaki Naoki)

Strong Chikorita is strong!

So green!

Worm and bird... friends? ;)

Got photobombed again by them! For group...

And for solo! D:

I didn't know they were behind me until the photog showed this photo to me! xD
(photo credits to GTY Clinton)

With Tsukikage
(as Yu-Gi-Oh!5D - Dark Signer: Rudger Godwin)

With Mizuki! :D
Long time no seeeee~

Caterpie full transformation!!!!***

Gangsters de 大姐大!

Kiss kiss ♥~

Trainer Caterpie trying to catch Pokémon Chikorita...

Our solos!

Group with JiaQing!!!!

My cosmates posing! :)

Another shot of those Kamen Riders + what's a Power Ranger doing there?! (@.@)

Parasite Eve - Aya Brea / Melissa/Eve
At 6pm, Jasmine went off with TingYu and Katherine; she had to return to TingYu's house with them to collect her bag which she left there earlier. As for TingYu and Katherine, they are going back to change out and meet up with her other friends for movie. Leaving ShunAn, WenJie, me and the other photographers like JiaQing behind :(
JiaQing told us to stay until 7pm for the grand finale event in the tent, where they would invite all the cosplayers on the stage and later they might dance to CaramellDansen; if it's the same as last year. Well, since we have to wait for Jasmine to come back to Downtown East, ShunAn and I decided to go for it. So we went up on stage when they announced. But later... it wasn't a dance... it was a PARADE around Downtown East!
There's a lot of cosplayers!!
It's a miracle the stage didn't collapse! xD
You can see ShunAn and me clearly from here!! :D
JiaQing told us to stay until 7pm for the grand finale event in the tent, where they would invite all the cosplayers on the stage and later they might dance to CaramellDansen; if it's the same as last year. Well, since we have to wait for Jasmine to come back to Downtown East, ShunAn and I decided to go for it. So we went up on stage when they announced. But later... it wasn't a dance... it was a PARADE around Downtown East!

There's a lot of cosplayers!!
It's a miracle the stage didn't collapse! xD

You can see ShunAn and me clearly from here!! :D
For the parade, we are to walk in a really long line - a train of cosplayers; with the CaramellDansen song playing in the background. The leader would led us around Downtown East and back to the foyer; just in front of the entrance of D'Marquee - where we would pose for the photographers and that would be the end of Cosfest IX 2010!
Warning: Noisy Video xD
See you can spot me???
And here we posed on the foyer steps :)
(photo credits to yuji)
Warning: Noisy Video xD
See you can spot me???

And here we posed on the foyer steps :)
(photo credits to yuji)
As all the cosplayers dispersed, JiaQing, Naoki, ShunAn, WenJie and I walked to the lawn area and took some pictures; using the lamp as a free spotlight :P Finally Jasmine has arrived and met up with us :) After bidding JiaQing and Naoki farewell, ShunAn and I went to the corner toilets to change out of our costumes. It was then I realized I have left my cap at TingYu's house :( Now I have to out of the toilet with messy hair! D:
Final Caterpie shot of the Cosfest Day 2
(photo credits to JiaQing)
Waiting for the bus to take back to the interchange was a killer! The bus took a very long time to come :@ After that, WenJie and I went to McDonald's to have our dinner (I didn't eat lunch at all!!!) Jasmine and ShunAn went to buy bubble tea and they left after Jasmine has finished her McDonald's meal. So accompanied by WenJie, we took the train and later a bus transfer home for me.
Coloured nails!~

Final Caterpie shot of the Cosfest Day 2
(photo credits to JiaQing)
Waiting for the bus to take back to the interchange was a killer! The bus took a very long time to come :@ After that, WenJie and I went to McDonald's to have our dinner (I didn't eat lunch at all!!!) Jasmine and ShunAn went to buy bubble tea and they left after Jasmine has finished her McDonald's meal. So accompanied by WenJie, we took the train and later a bus transfer home for me.

Coloured nails!~
Last but not least, here are some HD shots taken by photographers :)
(photo credits to JiaQing / pyroiljm)
(photos credits to JiaQing)
(photo credits to JiaQing)
Caterpie using Solarbeam attack!
(photo credits to JiaQing)
(photo credits to Silver Butterfly)
(photo credits to Silver Butterfly)
(photo credits to Silver Butterfly)

(photo credits to JiaQing / pyroiljm)

(photos credits to JiaQing)

(photo credits to JiaQing)

Caterpie using Solarbeam attack!
(photo credits to JiaQing)

(photo credits to Silver Butterfly)

(photo credits to Silver Butterfly)

(photo credits to Silver Butterfly)
And so, it was been a very rewarding Day 2! One of the best cosplay events I have ever experienced! d(^_^)b So much fun! So many photos! My first time staying till the end of Cosfest! Finally... I have done my Caterpie cosplay. Hope there will be a Team Pokémon Ginjinka shot coming up next! Well, time to get prepared for the next cosplay event/activity :P Plan and discuss! Plan and discuss! So many to cosplay, So little time and money D: Glad everyone has enjoyed themselves during Day 2! COSFEST IX, BANZAI!!!♪~
Thanks to Jasmine for helping me put on my make up!
Thanks to WenJie for helping me carry my bag and later ShunAn's bag for the whole day! (O.Q)
Thanks to Edmund/WenJie again for helping me take pictures using my camera :D
Thanks to everyone who came down specially to accompany us, cosplayers :)
Thanks to JiaQing and other photographers for taking my pictures :$
Thanks to ShunAn and TingYu for the pictures taken as well :D
Thanks Cosfest IX 2010 for the memorable cosplay event!
So long!~♪
Appreciation List
Thanks to TingYu for allowing us to camp at her house to dress up and make up... again!!
Thanks to Jasmine for helping me put on my make up!
Thanks to WenJie for helping me carry my bag and later ShunAn's bag for the whole day! (O.Q)
Thanks to Edmund/WenJie again for helping me take pictures using my camera :D
Thanks to everyone who came down specially to accompany us, cosplayers :)
Thanks to JiaQing and other photographers for taking my pictures :$
Thanks to ShunAn and TingYu for the pictures taken as well :D
Thanks Cosfest IX 2010 for the memorable cosplay event!

So long!~♪
Credits to ShunAn, TingYu, JiaQing and the following photographers
for the pictures that were used.
for the pictures that were used.
Labels: cosfest, cosmates, cosplay, event, GV friends, pokemon, RP friends
Akira Star
Akira Star