!!Cosfest IX: "Let's Make Friends"!! 2010 - Day 1
Monday, July 05, 2010 @ 1:50 AM
::3rd July 10::
This was probably one of the very few cosplay events that I was keen to go for both days. However, I kinda had a dilemma on what to cosplay as, for my Day 1. The Pokémon Ginjinka cosplay would be on Day 2; although you are very much welcome if you want to cosplay on Day 1 itself, but the main team would be on Day 2.
So after much discussion with TingYu and ShunAn, we decided to do random characters instead so that we won't have to re-wear our costume twice without washing! (@.@) For me, I have chosen one of my many few costumes to dress up, and also my favourite my blond wig :P
It's been decided that for both days we (ShunAn and I) would head down to TingYu's house to camp - dress up, make up, wig up. 'cos her house is the nearest to where Cosfest will be held at D'Marquee; Downtown East - as usual~
Pretty unlucky for me 'cos the moment I left my house... IT STARTED TO RAIN!! :( But fortunately, it didn't last for long~ Nevertheless, I reached her house at around 11.30am to 12noon. Last one to arrive! :X

Raining~ It's pouring~

Souvenirs of hoothoots, TingYu bought for me from Taiwan!!!♥
And then, we begin~ Make up! Wig up! Dress up! (Lol'd Sailor Moon?)
(Sorry if there's too many selca :X Is trying to see which is my best angle for taking selca - learning from ShunAn about the angles and lighting.)

Make up done! :)
Lol'd at blond eyebrows *wiggles*

Wig up! :D

And dressed up for Cosfest IX!! :3
Introducing my random character~
Random Character: Shrine Maiden
Location: D'Marquee - Downtown East; Cosfest
With that, I have transformed~ So did the rest - ShunAn and TingYu :)
Thanks Jasmine for helping me touch up my make up :D

The blond people for Day 1! :P
Thanks Jasmine for helping me touch up my make up :D

The blond people for Day 1! :P
& we are already to head towards Downtown East. Being dressed up like this, we decided to take a cab down instead - you know, to avoid the stares~~ Jasmine went off to Bugis and Katherine, she joined us along for Day 1; not cosplaying though :P
Found a cab parked at the HDB parking lot; so we approached the taxi driver and asked whether if he is able to drive us there. Little that we know, he was actually waiting for his wife to come down and he is going to drive her to somewhere. So he called his wife and asked whether is it okay to drive us to Downtown East since it's nearby. His wife agreed and we were off!~ Total there's 6 persons in the cab - the nice, kind malay taxi uncle and his wife plus the 4 of us. & he didn't charge us a single cent for the trip!!! :D Yay, thanks!

Four of us squeezed in the back of the cab :P
Found a cab parked at the HDB parking lot; so we approached the taxi driver and asked whether if he is able to drive us there. Little that we know, he was actually waiting for his wife to come down and he is going to drive her to somewhere. So he called his wife and asked whether is it okay to drive us to Downtown East since it's nearby. His wife agreed and we were off!~ Total there's 6 persons in the cab - the nice, kind malay taxi uncle and his wife plus the 4 of us. & he didn't charge us a single cent for the trip!!! :D Yay, thanks!

Four of us squeezed in the back of the cab :P
We reached the D'Marquee at around 2.45pm! Quite late... :P It's okay! To me, Day 1 is just a warm up cosplay to prepare for Day 2's main cosplay :D So we're just here to join in the fun for Day 1!
And so, it's time for me to search for all my friends and cosmates!! :D Thus, for here onwards would be more pictures than words. Nothing more to type/say, just walking around, hoping to bump into any of my fellow cosmates and friends. Lots of calls received - friends arriving or already there and wishing to meet up and TAKE PICTURES! Yes, cosplay is all about taking pictures with friends/cosmates :D Let's begin!

Here are some of the cosplays I have taken of other people :P
(Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha A's - Vita / Pokémon - Red / Ginjinka - Articuno)
(now I only take pictures of the cosplays that I like and fancied the cosplay or the character they are cosplaying :D so it would be very little!)

Pokémon Ginjinka of Day 1
Illumise / Ratata / Pichu / Plusle / Minun
And so, it's time for me to search for all my friends and cosmates!! :D Thus, for here onwards would be more pictures than words. Nothing more to type/say, just walking around, hoping to bump into any of my fellow cosmates and friends. Lots of calls received - friends arriving or already there and wishing to meet up and TAKE PICTURES! Yes, cosplay is all about taking pictures with friends/cosmates :D Let's begin!

Here are some of the cosplays I have taken of other people :P
(Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha A's - Vita / Pokémon - Red / Ginjinka - Articuno)
(now I only take pictures of the cosplays that I like and fancied the cosplay or the character they are cosplaying :D so it would be very little!)

Pokémon Ginjinka of Day 1
Illumise / Ratata / Pichu / Plusle / Minun

with Teddy!
(First friend to find me! :D)

With Yusri
(as One Piece: Strong World - Luffy)

With TingYu; joined in!

with ahsie and Hweehsia!
It was getting pretty warm out there in the open, under the sun. So we decided to go into the tent area to cool down and wait for XueNi and Puikwan to arrive :P First stop for tent area is the Graffiti Wall!

Cool Pokémon drawings! :D
There's definite a hype for Pokémon in this year's Cosfest :P

On the left, Yusri's drawing of Mayumi Akiko (OC)!! :D
On the right, a very pretty drawing of a very pretty girl
with a deformed Chikorita at the bottom... D:

Cool Pokémon drawings! :D
There's definite a hype for Pokémon in this year's Cosfest :P

On the left, Yusri's drawing of Mayumi Akiko (OC)!! :D
On the right, a very pretty drawing of a very pretty girl
with a deformed Chikorita at the bottom... D:
And then, I've received a call from Puikwan and XueNi! Yes, they are finally here~ We went out of the tent to find them at the entrance of the D'Marquee. And also, found Tsukikage as well :D

Group picture with everyone! :D
(ShunAn, Puikwan, Yusri, XueNi, Tsukikage, ahsie and TingYu!)

Another shot! :3

Gesturing for portrait shot! xD

subtracting away Edmund!

Group picture with everyone! :D
(ShunAn, Puikwan, Yusri, XueNi, Tsukikage, ahsie and TingYu!)

Another shot! :3

Gesturing for portrait shot! xD

subtracting away Edmund!
Moving to the lawn area; where there's more cosplayers and excitement~

Yusri posing with Frankie!
(that Frankie is the highlight of this year's Cosfest!)

Found Joshua!~
(right-click add party member!)

With Reawen!
Banzai to GV Grand team! :P

Usavich - Putin and Kirenenko / xxxHolic - Watanuki Kimihiro

Kamen Riders + Maido!

Heh, this is hilarious to me! xD

Yusri was very happy to find other cosplayers of One Piece :D

Whose shoes is whose!?

My goods :P

Yusri posing with Frankie!
(that Frankie is the highlight of this year's Cosfest!)

Found Joshua!~
(right-click add party member!)

With Reawen!
Banzai to GV Grand team! :P
And everyone starting to feel the heat of the sun; especially me! I'm like wearing three layers of clothings (@.@) So we proceeded into the tent area~ Not very nice to take pictures in there 'cos flash have to be used due to the rather dim lighting in there. Inside was more crowded than outside! I think everyone couldn't stand the heat anymore and retreated indoors, like us D: We walked around looking at booths and listening to the singing competition on stage (there's someone who sang the Japanese version of the first Pokémon theme song! High!!*)

Usavich - Putin and Kirenenko / xxxHolic - Watanuki Kimihiro

Kamen Riders + Maido!

Heh, this is hilarious to me! xD

Yusri was very happy to find other cosplayers of One Piece :D

Whose shoes is whose!?

My goods :P
(actually wanted to buy a Vocaloid shirt but after lots of considerations, I didn't!)
Got rather tired from all the enclosed noise and dim lights, we went out from the side door of the tent and camped in the small area there - taking pictures! JiaQing was there as well :P He managed to take some pictures of us before his camera battery depleted (O.Q)

Yusri applying Thousand Years of Pain techique on me secretly! D:

My fellow SSG of Epsilon♥

Taking picture with my prop, Japanese umbrella~
"当兵很辛苦 hoh?~"

With Puikwan, my twin terror~♥

With SSG♥

Camwhoring with ShunAn!~

Last minute when we were about to leave, we saw Eclair! :D
(as Maria†Holic - Shidō Mariya)

Yusri applying Thousand Years of Pain techique on me secretly! D:

My fellow SSG of Epsilon♥

Taking picture with my prop, Japanese umbrella~
"当兵很辛苦 hoh?~"

With Puikwan, my twin terror~♥

With SSG♥

Camwhoring with ShunAn!~

Last minute when we were about to leave, we saw Eclair! :D
(as Maria†Holic - Shidō Mariya)
At 6pm, we called it a day for Day 1 :) Since we didn't spend any money on cab earlier, so we decided to take cab back to TingYu's house to change and collect our bags that we have left there (ShunAn and I didn't bring our bags to Cosfest, you see.)

On the cab again~

Last shot before removing of clothes~ :X

Emo/Goth peeps? (O.O)
And then, ShunAn and I bid TingYu "see you tomorrow" and went off to meet Joshua, Puikwan and XueNi at Pasir Ris MRT to train home together~
Lastly, here are some shots taken by other photographers :)
HD quality nonetheless, most of them were taken by JiaQing♥ :P

by Teddy!

by Francis Wong

by sgAmirul

Thanks to TingYu for allowing us to camp at her house to dress up and make up!!
Thanks to Jasmine for touching up my make up!
Thanks to TingYu for helping me carry my stuff in her bag 'cos I didn't bring my bag out.
Thanks to everyone who came down specially to accompany us, cosplayers :)
Thanks to JiaQing and other photographers for taking my pictures :$
Thanks to ShunAn and TingYu for the pictures taken as well :D
With that,

On the cab again~

Last shot before removing of clothes~ :X

Emo/Goth peeps? (O.O)
And then, ShunAn and I bid TingYu "see you tomorrow" and went off to meet Joshua, Puikwan and XueNi at Pasir Ris MRT to train home together~
Lastly, here are some shots taken by other photographers :)
HD quality nonetheless, most of them were taken by JiaQing♥ :P

by Teddy!

by Francis Wong

by sgAmirul
*Ahem* Here are those taken by JiaQing!~
Love them (*_*)
Love them (*_*)

And so, Day 1 was really a cosplay warm up for Day 2. But I have real fun with all my friends and cosmates still! So sad that some of them are unable to make it for Day 2 like Puikwan, XueNi and ashie! They really wanted to see my Pokémon Ginjinka of Caterpie :( So sorry that we are doing it on Day 2! But it's okay! There will be pictures :3 Heh~♪
Appreciation List
Thanks to Jasmine for touching up my make up!
Thanks to TingYu for helping me carry my stuff in her bag 'cos I didn't bring my bag out.
Thanks to everyone who came down specially to accompany us, cosplayers :)
Thanks to JiaQing and other photographers for taking my pictures :$
Thanks to ShunAn and TingYu for the pictures taken as well :D
With that,
Credits to ShunAn, TingYu, JiaQing and the following photographers
for the pictures that were used.
for the pictures that were used.
Labels: cosfest, cosmates, cosplay, epsilon, event, RP friends
Akira Star
Akira Star