Where are you now???
Thursday, July 15, 2010 @ 11:32 PM
A pause to all my pending post to blog this very critical news...

Yes, Sky is gone... Sounds like another repetition? Yep, yipyip flew away once before...
View these two posts for more info: post 1 & post 2 on the yipyip incident.
Damien and his friends, Gerald and Gavin, let out all the lovebirds today to play. Well, none of their wings were clipped; because we don't let them out often. They didn't close the windows as they were so certain the birds won't fly out... Well, guess again. Sky flew out. I heard they were trying to catch it, Sky got scared and accidentally flew out of the window :( They saw Sky flew down to the 21st floor. Tried to knock on the door but no one's there. In the evening when my mama came back, she went to knock again. The owner said there's no yellow lovebird at all.
Tomorrow in the morning, my mama and Damien will be looking for Sky again with the other birds... Hope we can get lucky on the second time and find Sky back. But the chances seems very low because Sky now has full grown inner wings; while that time yipyip only had one full grown inner wing.
View these two posts for more info: post 1 & post 2 on the yipyip incident.
Damien and his friends, Gerald and Gavin, let out all the lovebirds today to play. Well, none of their wings were clipped; because we don't let them out often. They didn't close the windows as they were so certain the birds won't fly out... Well, guess again. Sky flew out. I heard they were trying to catch it, Sky got scared and accidentally flew out of the window :( They saw Sky flew down to the 21st floor. Tried to knock on the door but no one's there. In the evening when my mama came back, she went to knock again. The owner said there's no yellow lovebird at all.
Tomorrow in the morning, my mama and Damien will be looking for Sky again with the other birds... Hope we can get lucky on the second time and find Sky back. But the chances seems very low because Sky now has full grown inner wings; while that time yipyip only had one full grown inner wing.
我的蔡天空 Q.Q
My lil' fat, adorable, nasty lovebird!
我的蔡天空 Q.Q
My lil' fat, adorable, nasty lovebird!
I cannot tell people I got four birds anymore... Q.Q
=edited with continuation as follows=
The next day after my work, I met my mama and Damien underneath my block to look for Sky. I supposed it was already too late to look for Sky; but we just give our luck a try. Carrying a small cage with Ocean and yipyip in it and Koko on the shoulder, we wandered around trying to see if Ocean will call out to Sky. We went up to the highest level of the multi-storey carpark and placed the cage on the floor. We waited for Ocean to call out and strained our ears to hear if there's any reply at all.

=edited with continuation as follows=
The next day after my work, I met my mama and Damien underneath my block to look for Sky. I supposed it was already too late to look for Sky; but we just give our luck a try. Carrying a small cage with Ocean and yipyip in it and Koko on the shoulder, we wandered around trying to see if Ocean will call out to Sky. We went up to the highest level of the multi-storey carpark and placed the cage on the floor. We waited for Ocean to call out and strained our ears to hear if there's any reply at all.

There were replies, bird replies. But we weren't sure if it's Sky or where is it coming from. We thought we heard a lovebird reply (lovebird's chirps) coming from the HDB flats on the right. Making our way towards there, we continued to strain our ears for any more lovebird's chirps. Soon, we found out that it was impossible to find Sky anymore. It was getting darker and there were lots of other bird chirping as well. We started to doubt ourselves whether did we actually heard the lovebird's chirps. Yes, we gave up. Sky is gone forever and she's not even two years old Q.Q Let's hope that Sky has gone to a better place...

and they lost a fellow bird friend...

and they lost a fellow bird friend...
Good bye Sky the lutino lovebird...
Akira Star
Akira Star