Lost but now found :)
Friday, June 26, 2009 @ 12:28 PM
Was woken up at 9am+ to go down and search for yipyip. My mama, aunt, Damien and me brought down Ocean and Sky in a small cage and walked around the flats until we almost gave up. A night has already past, so many things can happened during that period. Probably yipyip has flew far far away, flew into someone's house or maybe even died already. And moreover, when birds fly away, it's very hard to find it... Because they have wings to take them to further places...
When we were about to head home, Damien decided to put the cage in the field in front of our block. All of the sudden, the birds that was quiet from the beginning of the search, began to chirp! And there were chirping replies immediately after each chirp made by Ocean/Sky. My mama and I walked towards the direction of the replies and... saw a small green bird with peach face perching on a branch of a small tree! IT WAS YIPYIP :D!! We were so surprised! It was definitely a miracle.

Yipyip was found on one of these small trees in front of my block.
My mama went to it and tried to catch it. But yipyip flew away in fright onto the road!! D: My mind was OH SHI-... Damien then quickly ran after and tried to chase it back. It flew to the trunk of a tree by the road side. My brother tried to catch it again but it flew back to ground near the small trees. We quickly but quietly put the cage on the ground near it. Ocean and Sky kept chirping while yipyip approached the cage slowly with caution.

Lousy handphone camera :\
But you all can see yipyip right?

Lousy handphone camera :\
But you all can see yipyip right?

Finally, yipyip climbed on top of the cage and it even shit on Ocean's head =.= Damien crept closer and closer towards the cage but then he LUNGED at yipyip. yipyip got frightened from the sudden movement and flew ACROSS THE ROAD. ARGHH!!!!! So lucky that the cars didn't ram into yipyip. If not, I'm gonna condemn cars/driving for life.
My mama quickly crossed the road and chased yipyip off the road first. yipyip flew to the fence of a working building(?) This part I was so scared that it will fly into the compound and we will never get it back anymore. Because I think we need authorization to enter the place. My mama tried to catch it again but it flew onto a papaya tree in front of the fence. Phew... Luckily it's not on the other side of the fence... So many attempts to catch it!!! This is like our final chance... Brought small cage over and put it in front. No use... They are not chirping anymore. Discussed on what other plans to make it come back to us. I decided to bring the big cage down. Because it is its home. So I went up and carried the big cage down. Oh god. It's HEAVY!!
Stupid cars... So many. I wanted to cross the road quickly as possible so yipyip can come home :( After crossing the road, I placed the opened big cage beside the small cage. We waited but nothing happened... Damien tried to carry the big cage in front of yipyip. But yipyip didn't seem to be responding. Next we tried to put the small cage with the 2 birds into the big cage. And then carry the cages up again. Nothing happened. We ran out of ideas already. So my mama said, "It's now or never. Last chance to get it back. If this fails, no more yipyip already." Had to use brutal force now.
I crept up towards the papaya tree and tugged the stem of the leaf which yipyip was happily sitting on, down towards us. My brother then quickly grabbed it and he managed to do so this time... yipyip bit my brother's finger hard that it bled. But he didn't let go and only releasing it into the cage. And we went home exhausted but relieved that yipyip has finally come home... :)

Cage in a cage technique.
My mama quickly crossed the road and chased yipyip off the road first. yipyip flew to the fence of a working building(?) This part I was so scared that it will fly into the compound and we will never get it back anymore. Because I think we need authorization to enter the place. My mama tried to catch it again but it flew onto a papaya tree in front of the fence. Phew... Luckily it's not on the other side of the fence... So many attempts to catch it!!! This is like our final chance... Brought small cage over and put it in front. No use... They are not chirping anymore. Discussed on what other plans to make it come back to us. I decided to bring the big cage down. Because it is its home. So I went up and carried the big cage down. Oh god. It's HEAVY!!
Stupid cars... So many. I wanted to cross the road quickly as possible so yipyip can come home :( After crossing the road, I placed the opened big cage beside the small cage. We waited but nothing happened... Damien tried to carry the big cage in front of yipyip. But yipyip didn't seem to be responding. Next we tried to put the small cage with the 2 birds into the big cage. And then carry the cages up again. Nothing happened. We ran out of ideas already. So my mama said, "It's now or never. Last chance to get it back. If this fails, no more yipyip already." Had to use brutal force now.
I crept up towards the papaya tree and tugged the stem of the leaf which yipyip was happily sitting on, down towards us. My brother then quickly grabbed it and he managed to do so this time... yipyip bit my brother's finger hard that it bled. But he didn't let go and only releasing it into the cage. And we went home exhausted but relieved that yipyip has finally come home... :)

Cage in a cage technique.

From here, you can see why yipyip still able to fly.
One of its wing's inner feather has grown out.
Thus it can still fly but not very well. Not balance!
Anyway, we have already cut it away.
Well, I hope Damien has learnt his lessons and remembers to close the windows when playing with the birds. I DO NOT WANT TO EXPERIENCE THAT AGAIN!
"I still can't believe that we can find yipyip back" - Damien
Michael Jackson died today as well :(
The King of Pop is gone Q.Q
Michael Jackson died today as well :(
The King of Pop is gone Q.Q
Akira Star
Akira Star