Perler Continuation...
Wednesday, July 29, 2009 @ 4:13 AM
Was browsing through deviant art and I saw perler beads crafts. Lots and lots of nice onessss~ So I suddenly have the urge to make them too xD Took out all my different colour beads and started making some :)
The first one I made was an onigiri :3

A japanese riceball ;)

Using blutack, I stuck it on my NDS cover!
So cute~
Next, I saw Shuhua online so I decided to make one for her as well. I asked her if she wants a red mushroom or a green one. She wanted a green one. So I made it.

A mario 1up mushroom!
Shuhua, will pass it to you when I meet you @_@

So I herd you liek mudkipz...

A mario 1up mushroom!
Shuhua, will pass it to you when I meet you @_@
Time for a pokemon... A MUDKIP! :D

So I herd you liek mudkipz...
And I made this for my brother, Daryl. For the fun of it.

An awesome smiley! :D
Then I got tired of making them already. So that's the end of my perler beads urge.
Maybe more next time~
Oh noes. And I need to blog about my Science Centre trips soon... :X
Maybe more next time~
Oh noes. And I need to blog about my Science Centre trips soon... :X
Labels: crafts, perler beads, pokemon
Akira Star
Akira Star
Monday, July 27, 2009 @ 2:43 AM
Today is the last working day of our head manager, BeeYann~~ She left for a better paying job. To put it in a nicer way, she left so that she can further pursue her dreams :X I feel indifferent, really. Not very close to her. Just those hello, goodbye types... Anyway we are supposed to write in this farewell book for her. Goodbye messages and such.

Presenting the farewell book!~ xD
So Puikwan and I decided to share a page together. To write a little something for her. Puikwan will do the writing while me... I'll just plan out what to be written on the page. Yes yes... I don't take very much pride in my handwriting T_T~~ I drew the bees on the page though xD! We did this during our last session breaks during our EOS (end of session) duty until 3.10am.

Here is our masterpiece v^_^V!

We also discovered that one of our other managers, Umar, has an artistic talent!
He did this between sessions and everything straight onto the paper in ink!

Don't ask... :\
Annoying!! It's everywhere!! @_@
Labels: work
Akira Star
Akira Star
The worst 15mins...
Thursday, July 23, 2009 @ 12:55 AM
Working at Box Office... Could be enjoyable and also horrible. Assigning patrons their seats, listening to them sigh when there were only 3 rows left. It is very boring when there is no one to talk to or even worse, the colleague beside you, is not someone you enjoy talking to. Anyway I'm unable to leave my seat and have to stay there until patrons start coming in to buy tickets. Usually I spent my time doodling on papers :X
I love writing in my special letters :)
Anyone able to read what I have wrote? :X
One of the worst things I hate in Box Office... is the 15mins after the last showtime. For example the last showtime is at 10.10pm. I have to wait for 15mins more before I can closed up. Damn, those last minute patrons :\
SEE! Everything ready for closing!
Just need to wait 15mins more!!! :X
*Took these pictures secretly... Not supposed to have handphone with you when working.*
Anyway, Enough of talking about work...
I have to update my anime databases to the latest now!!! I have been leaving laying there for too long! Time to Download. Burn. Transfer. Check. Review. AND Tidy up my anime files! Seems like a lot of work to do :( Aww~ And I have started to play Dragonica again! Because... XueNi has started playing too!~ Yayness~

Okay. GTG. BRB...!

Okay. GTG. BRB...!
Labels: anime, game, rants, work
Akira Star
Akira Star
Whole Day at GV Grand :X
Sunday, July 19, 2009 @ 4:43 AM
::17th Jul 09::
Had a very
Did the same actions for 2 hours... It's like factory work where the machines did the same repetitive stuff over again and again. Fill the boxes with popcorn. Put the box into a plastic bag. Seal the plastic bag. Put the sealed popcorn box into a garbage bag. 20 popcorn box for each layer. One garbage bag could only hold 4 layers, and that is 80 boxes in total. We packed 300 boxes in 2 hours! D:

Yay! Raymond (manager) also helped us in packing :D
My favourite manager~ :)

Still got time to take pictures :X

And then 300 boxes of popcorn were done! :D
Okay okay. 5.30pm! Time to start work at Candybar. I don't like Candybar at all :\ So much things to do and I don't like popping popcorn. So smoky and the smell tend to cling onto my hair and uniform. Slaved all the way to 10pm without any food!! Imagine no lunch and dinner :( Too busy to even have a break or to buy food. When Puikwan and I finally ended our work, we went down to 7-11 with Edmund to buy instant noodles, bread... SINCE ALL THE SHOPS WERE CLOSED ALREADY!!! :\

Heh. Tuna and bread, my supper :)

After that, Edmund still cooked for us Myojo Tom Yam noodles! Omg. Bloated. Went to the toilet to puke the excess out :X Puikwan and I promised ShunAn that we would wait for him until his work ends at 1.20am. Since we have got nothing else to do, we signed-in for Transformers that starts at 10.40pm and ends at 1.19am. Just nice right?! The timing. We took blankets and made our way to the 2nd row of the side block, lifted up the armrests and laid down to sleep! :X
WRONG CHOICE OF SHOW TO SLEEP IN!!!!! :\ SUPER SUPER NOISY!!! BANG BANG BANG BANG BANG x1000000 times... CLANK CLING BANG BANG BANG!!! But I'm glad I still able to sleep abit during the quiet and not so loud parts. Phew... Should have slept in Sunshine Cleaning instead :(
WRONG CHOICE OF SHOW TO SLEEP IN!!!!! :\ SUPER SUPER NOISY!!! BANG BANG BANG BANG BANG x1000000 times... CLANK CLING BANG BANG BANG!!! But I'm glad I still able to sleep abit during the quiet and not so loud parts. Phew... Should have slept in Sunshine Cleaning instead :(

Still feeling drowsy, we walked about the whole place with the blankets xD! ShunAn was still not yet done with his Candybar closing... So we just wandered about, helped cleared a theater and FINALLY!! He's ready to go home at 2.10am. He gave up his taxi ride home and walked home with us~ Yay! 3rd time walking home!! Talked, laughed, joked all the way until we reached the junction, just outside the Defense Technology Towers, at 3.10am. That's where I left them to walk alone into Depot Road :(
Music was our only companion when we were alone.
Reached home... 3.21am!! :D
Labels: GV friends, movie, night walk, tired, work
Akira Star
Akira Star
Friday, July 17, 2009 @ 3:16 AM
::16th Jul 09::
Opening for me at Candybar :( Damn, I hate opening for Candybar the most! So much things to prepare before the mob of patrons arrives for the first session of shows, which includes Harry Potter. My work starts at 9.30am and I woke up at 8am. Thanks to the wake up calls from my manager, Raymond :) And! Yesterday I was doing Gold Class EOS (end of session), ended work at 12.45am and I slept at 4am+ xD
Anyway it was super tiring. Was happier when Auntie SohKoon arrived at 11am. Yay! Help has arrived :D And I was even happier when my shift ends at 6pm!! I has cake to eat too :D Went down to Vivo City with Edmund to meet Puikwan, ShunAn and XueNi.
We were meeting up so that I can get the measurements for our EOY cosplay costumes. All of us hid at the empty spacious staircase area of Vivo City, most importantly away from all the crowds, and Xue Ni started measuring our bodies (ShunAn, Puikwan and mine).

After we were done, we decided to head down to Harbor Front to have our dinner. Was talking to XueNi about movies and then an idea popped into my head :D Since we are already at Vivo City, we could all watch The Haunting at Connecticut at GV Vivo. Well, excluding XueNi, as she will be watching Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince at 9pm with her family. Puikwan treated ShunAn and Edmund as they did not have compliementary tickets with them. Next time my turn, okay?!
Popped down to GV Vivo and the queue was looooooong! While lining up, we pretended to act like some of those annoying patrons we served at GV Grand. It was hilarious. But, of course, we didn't actually act like those silly patrons at the counter. We have dignity, okay... Bought tickets for the 9.15pm show and walked to Harbor Front's KFC.
XueNi went off first to watch her movie, while we still took our time and slowly walked back to GV Vivo. Oh ya... I just recalled our seats were at 2nd row from the screen ._. Felt dizzy after staring at such a big screen. Edmund clinged onto my sleeve throughout the whole movie. So cute! :X He didn't like horror shows very much at all. The movie, to me, wasn't scary at all and a little bit boring... Aww~ Can't wait for more gory movies to be released! Final Destination 4~ Ho ho ho :D
The movie ended at 11pm+ and everyone GO HOME. I mean... what else can we do? :X
After we were done, we decided to head down to Harbor Front to have our dinner. Was talking to XueNi about movies and then an idea popped into my head :D Since we are already at Vivo City, we could all watch The Haunting at Connecticut at GV Vivo. Well, excluding XueNi, as she will be watching Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince at 9pm with her family. Puikwan treated ShunAn and Edmund as they did not have compliementary tickets with them. Next time my turn, okay?!
Popped down to GV Vivo and the queue was looooooong! While lining up, we pretended to act like some of those annoying patrons we served at GV Grand. It was hilarious. But, of course, we didn't actually act like those silly patrons at the counter. We have dignity, okay... Bought tickets for the 9.15pm show and walked to Harbor Front's KFC.
XueNi went off first to watch her movie, while we still took our time and slowly walked back to GV Vivo. Oh ya... I just recalled our seats were at 2nd row from the screen ._. Felt dizzy after staring at such a big screen. Edmund clinged onto my sleeve throughout the whole movie. So cute! :X He didn't like horror shows very much at all. The movie, to me, wasn't scary at all and a little bit boring... Aww~ Can't wait for more gory movies to be released! Final Destination 4~ Ho ho ho :D
The movie ended at 11pm+ and everyone GO HOME. I mean... what else can we do? :X
Labels: cosplay, EOY, GV friends, meet up, movie, work
Akira Star
Akira Star
Argh... NoooOOoo
Wednesday, July 15, 2009 @ 11:59 PM
The end of Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen era today.
The start of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince era tomorrow.
When will this ever end? :(
Need to get ready for the battle tomorrow. Bookings. Full houses. Queues. T_T!~
Will be working long hours and 6 days a week.
DAMN YOU HARRY POTTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~ *stands at the top of the cliff and screams*
I've watched finish Sorcerer's Stone and Chamber of Secrets. Left with three more movies, before I can watch Half-Blood Prince. I *hearts* Ron Weasley!! ♥ ♥ ♥

Ron Standee!~
Taken after watching 20th Century Boys 2 with ahsie.
Banbaku BANZAI!!!
I also have the Half-Blood Prince's post cards :)Banbaku BANZAI!!!
Lovely? I love the Ron one lots :)
1 postcard for every 2 tickets purchased.
This is the Wizard Combo, $12.
Cauldron for the popcorn, cute wizard hat lid for the drink :D
*like promoting hoh? Combo for Harry Potter, must get!*
And sooo I have nothing more to say. The end then.
When will I ever find my Natsume?
Akira Star
Akira Star
East Coast Park!
Monday, July 13, 2009 @ 3:39 AM
::12th Jul 09::
2nd day of Cosfest. I'm not there! Instead, I went to watch the 11am Ice Age 3: Dawn of the Dinosaurs with my aunt, cousin (WeiLong), brother (Damien) and Puikwan :) I ♥ the movie! It was great :D Will watch it again if I've got the chance, which is very slim =_=
Ice Age combo, $10, gives you the lovely cup in the picture together with a large popcorn.
Scrat the squirrel plushies were given out for every 3 Ice Age tickets purchased.
After that, I waved goodbye to Puikwan as she went off to find her mama and I followed WeiLong and Damien to the arcade and watched them play for awhile before leaving. My quest began immediately after I left Great World City, which is..... TRYING TO GET TO PARKWAY PARADE/EAST COAST PARK! I didn't know how to go there by myself at all. So I first followed Puikwan's directions to go there. Her directions were take bus to Tiong Bahru, then a MRT to Eunos and lastly bus13 to ECP (East Coast Park). Actually everyone was supposed to meet at Parkway Parade to have lunch but then I didn't want to have lunch so I decided to head to East Coast Park first.
Was on bus16, going to Tiong Bahru... Then Audrey called me :\ She told me NooOOoo, there's an even faster route to Parkway Parade because they were meeting up early so by the time I get there, they would have already finished their meal and we can head to ECP together. I was like whatever. So I changed and followed Audrey's directions. Took the MRT to Bugis instead and made my way to Raffles Hotel... Such a long distance... Walked around the hotel just to find the bus stop so I can take bus 36. STUPID BUS TOOK SO LONG TO COME!!!! D: When the bus finally came after 2387464251821854mins, the journey there was horrible. So crowded and stuffy.
When I reached there... It's already 2.30pm. Everyone, like Audrey has predicted, finished eating. So we made our way to ECP for some cycling/rollerblading! :D This is actually my RP clique gathering and also to meet up with LiangJun (we called her LJ because it's easier), who recently came back from Australia~ Thank you for the Cadbury Tiramisu Chocolate that you brought back :3 And... it's also the last time for Moo to have fun before he goes into army the next day.
Then... we proceeded to rent the bicycles and rollerblades. Okayokay enough of words. I'm also tired of typing already :X
Was on bus16, going to Tiong Bahru... Then Audrey called me :\ She told me NooOOoo, there's an even faster route to Parkway Parade because they were meeting up early so by the time I get there, they would have already finished their meal and we can head to ECP together. I was like whatever. So I changed and followed Audrey's directions. Took the MRT to Bugis instead and made my way to Raffles Hotel... Such a long distance... Walked around the hotel just to find the bus stop so I can take bus 36. STUPID BUS TOOK SO LONG TO COME!!!! D: When the bus finally came after 2387464251821854mins, the journey there was horrible. So crowded and stuffy.
When I reached there... It's already 2.30pm. Everyone, like Audrey has predicted, finished eating. So we made our way to ECP for some cycling/rollerblading! :D This is actually my RP clique gathering and also to meet up with LiangJun (we called her LJ because it's easier), who recently came back from Australia~ Thank you for the Cadbury Tiramisu Chocolate that you brought back :3 And... it's also the last time for Moo to have fun before he goes into army the next day.
Then... we proceeded to rent the bicycles and rollerblades. Okayokay enough of words. I'm also tired of typing already :X

The rollerblading people.

The cycling people.

It's been like ultra super long since I last rollerbladed. And woah, am I scared :\ But after awhile, I managed to handle it pretty okayish and I didn't fall down at all! (Actually I'm pretty disappointed that I didn't fall down :X) And omg! Moo rode WeiLeng's bicycle with his rollerblades xD! It was pretty cool. Halfway through, WeiLeng decided to try rollerblading as well so I switched with her. I wore her shoes too! xD Damn, the bicycle was too tall. I couldn't reached the ground so I needed someone to start me off first before I can continue on myself :D

Pictures taken during the resting time.
Joshua went to get drinks :)
After 2 hours of fun, we have to return everything. Aww~ And then it's time to go home. But it was really enjoyable :) We must have more of these outings! SOMEONE START PLANNING NAO! >:)
Labels: meet up, movie, outing, RP friends
Akira Star
Akira Star
Sunday, July 12, 2009 @ 2:09 AM
::11th Jul 09::
I didn't want to go to this year Cosfest. However, since XueNi and ahsie wanted to go... Argh. So I just tagged along xD But! If I'm going to a cosplay event... I MUST COSPLAY! xD! Gonna wear my yukata I bought last year for Natsu Masuri~ Yay! Finally :D
We only went on Day 1 of Cosfest. This time some of my GV friends (ShunAn, JiaRu & Joshua) came along too! :) Met XueNi, JiaRu and Joshua at Tiong Bahru to have brunch at Long John Silver before heading down to Downtown East. Seems like ShunAn and Puikwan arrived before us. Joshua went off to find them first while JiaRu and I had to change into our costumes, with XueNi helping us out :) Yep, JiaRu borrowed from me, my Vampire Knight uniform :D It's her first time cosplaying~
I took super super long to change into my yukata. Because THE YUKATA IS TOO LONG!!! (Or I'm too short D:) XueNi tried tucking the excess in until it's short enough for me to walk properly. And this took a super long time to do so. To make things worse, the toilet was really warm as there were no fans :( Anyway, thank you XueNi for helping me with the wearing of my wig and yukata~ :D

Yay Done! :D
Although I still have to lift up my yukata to walk xD
Have to alter if I want to wear it again.
Thus chara doing:
Anime: 「Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuutsu」
Character: Nagato Yuki (Yukata Version)
Location: Downtown East; Cosfest
Location: Downtown East; Cosfest
And into the crowded tent we go to find the rest. Once we have found them, we started taking pictures together in the corner of the tent :D

Me: Nagato Yuki in yukata
JiaRu: Random Vampire Knight day class student

And also must take pictures with my friends individually! :D

And this was my first cosplay friend that I met, Aim.
He found me xD
He's cosplaying as True Assassin from Fate/Stay Night.
After that, we realized that the tent is getting more and more crowded so we decided to go outside and stood by the side where there were lesser people. And started taking pictures all over again xD A couple of photographers came to me, requesting to take my picture. So I have to stand there and pose for a long time :( Once you posed, more and more photographers will start to gather. Really never ending ^^''''

Last year's EOY, I have forgotten to take a picture with her :\
Glad I didn't forget this time :)
Thank you for the Sri Lanka tea and clothes :D!!

All of us got really tired of standing and decided to sit down xD
And some of my friends took out their dolfies :D

Pretty, eh? ;)

With Calyx :)

And yay! I finally got to see Kiwi~
She's cosplaying as Ian from Trinity Blood.

Some of the cosplays I saw.
I really really really like the Sumomomo momomo cosplay!! :D
After that, we left the place around 5pm. I was lazy to go to the toilet to change so I stripped on the spot. And of course, I'm wearing my clothes inside... All the time when I'm cosplaying. Then... I realized I've forgotten to bring my cap :( My hair will be an epic mess! So I just left my wig on and head down to Tampines for the Hokkaido Fair.

I traveled by MRT and walked around Tampines Mall looking like this :X
A lot of people stared :\ and my friends overheard some of them called me crazy :\
Puikwan didn't follow us to Tampines but went to Jurong Point to see her idol, Raymond Lam. ahsie stayed on at Downtown East with her other friends. So only XueNi, ShunAn, JiaRu, Joshua and me (Okay... Basically the rest of us :X Just wanna remind you who are the people with me, okay...) were left.

The fair was small and the food there were really expensive!!!
I only bought a cream shrimp croquette, $3. It's damn good :D
Joshua and JiaRu left us early, while ShunAn, XueNi and I went to MOS Burger to talk about random stuff and most importantly, to discuss about... EOY! ;) And we left the place for home at approximately 7pm or so xD It's great that some of my GV, Polytechnic, secondary school friends met each other real life today :) They know each other's names through my blog! And now they know more about each other :D Awesome~
I didn't get to see Tsukikage and Eclair at Cosfest :( Because they went on the 2nd day. Boohoo.
I didn't get to see Tsukikage and Eclair at Cosfest :( Because they went on the 2nd day. Boohoo.
Labels: cosfest, cosplay, event, GV friends
Akira Star
Akira Star