Argh... NoooOOoo
Wednesday, July 15, 2009 @ 11:59 PM
The end of Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen era today.
The start of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince era tomorrow.
When will this ever end? :(
Need to get ready for the battle tomorrow. Bookings. Full houses. Queues. T_T!~
Will be working long hours and 6 days a week.
DAMN YOU HARRY POTTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~ *stands at the top of the cliff and screams*
I've watched finish Sorcerer's Stone and Chamber of Secrets. Left with three more movies, before I can watch Half-Blood Prince. I *hearts* Ron Weasley!! ♥ ♥ ♥

Ron Standee!~
Taken after watching 20th Century Boys 2 with ahsie.
Banbaku BANZAI!!!
I also have the Half-Blood Prince's post cards :)Banbaku BANZAI!!!
Lovely? I love the Ron one lots :)
1 postcard for every 2 tickets purchased.
This is the Wizard Combo, $12.
Cauldron for the popcorn, cute wizard hat lid for the drink :D
*like promoting hoh? Combo for Harry Potter, must get!*
And sooo I have nothing more to say. The end then.
When will I ever find my Natsume?
Akira Star
Akira Star