Whole Day at GV Grand :X
Sunday, July 19, 2009 @ 4:43 AM
::17th Jul 09::
Had a very
Did the same actions for 2 hours... It's like factory work where the machines did the same repetitive stuff over again and again. Fill the boxes with popcorn. Put the box into a plastic bag. Seal the plastic bag. Put the sealed popcorn box into a garbage bag. 20 popcorn box for each layer. One garbage bag could only hold 4 layers, and that is 80 boxes in total. We packed 300 boxes in 2 hours! D:

Yay! Raymond (manager) also helped us in packing :D
My favourite manager~ :)

Still got time to take pictures :X

And then 300 boxes of popcorn were done! :D
Okay okay. 5.30pm! Time to start work at Candybar. I don't like Candybar at all :\ So much things to do and I don't like popping popcorn. So smoky and the smell tend to cling onto my hair and uniform. Slaved all the way to 10pm without any food!! Imagine no lunch and dinner :( Too busy to even have a break or to buy food. When Puikwan and I finally ended our work, we went down to 7-11 with Edmund to buy instant noodles, bread... SINCE ALL THE SHOPS WERE CLOSED ALREADY!!! :\

Heh. Tuna and bread, my supper :)

After that, Edmund still cooked for us Myojo Tom Yam noodles! Omg. Bloated. Went to the toilet to puke the excess out :X Puikwan and I promised ShunAn that we would wait for him until his work ends at 1.20am. Since we have got nothing else to do, we signed-in for Transformers that starts at 10.40pm and ends at 1.19am. Just nice right?! The timing. We took blankets and made our way to the 2nd row of the side block, lifted up the armrests and laid down to sleep! :X
WRONG CHOICE OF SHOW TO SLEEP IN!!!!! :\ SUPER SUPER NOISY!!! BANG BANG BANG BANG BANG x1000000 times... CLANK CLING BANG BANG BANG!!! But I'm glad I still able to sleep abit during the quiet and not so loud parts. Phew... Should have slept in Sunshine Cleaning instead :(
WRONG CHOICE OF SHOW TO SLEEP IN!!!!! :\ SUPER SUPER NOISY!!! BANG BANG BANG BANG BANG x1000000 times... CLANK CLING BANG BANG BANG!!! But I'm glad I still able to sleep abit during the quiet and not so loud parts. Phew... Should have slept in Sunshine Cleaning instead :(

Still feeling drowsy, we walked about the whole place with the blankets xD! ShunAn was still not yet done with his Candybar closing... So we just wandered about, helped cleared a theater and FINALLY!! He's ready to go home at 2.10am. He gave up his taxi ride home and walked home with us~ Yay! 3rd time walking home!! Talked, laughed, joked all the way until we reached the junction, just outside the Defense Technology Towers, at 3.10am. That's where I left them to walk alone into Depot Road :(
Music was our only companion when we were alone.
Reached home... 3.21am!! :D
Labels: GV friends, movie, night walk, tired, work
Akira Star
Akira Star