The worst 15mins...
Thursday, July 23, 2009 @ 12:55 AM
Working at Box Office... Could be enjoyable and also horrible. Assigning patrons their seats, listening to them sigh when there were only 3 rows left. It is very boring when there is no one to talk to or even worse, the colleague beside you, is not someone you enjoy talking to. Anyway I'm unable to leave my seat and have to stay there until patrons start coming in to buy tickets. Usually I spent my time doodling on papers :X
I love writing in my special letters :)
Anyone able to read what I have wrote? :X
One of the worst things I hate in Box Office... is the 15mins after the last showtime. For example the last showtime is at 10.10pm. I have to wait for 15mins more before I can closed up. Damn, those last minute patrons :\
SEE! Everything ready for closing!
Just need to wait 15mins more!!! :X
*Took these pictures secretly... Not supposed to have handphone with you when working.*
Anyway, Enough of talking about work...
I have to update my anime databases to the latest now!!! I have been leaving laying there for too long! Time to Download. Burn. Transfer. Check. Review. AND Tidy up my anime files! Seems like a lot of work to do :( Aww~ And I have started to play Dragonica again! Because... XueNi has started playing too!~ Yayness~

Okay. GTG. BRB...!

Okay. GTG. BRB...!
Labels: anime, game, rants, work
Akira Star
Akira Star