Sunday, November 30, 2008 @ 11:58 PM
::30th Nov 08::
Meh... Today I was called to work early. Jet, my manager, called me at 9am to ask me to come down to work at 12noon because someone was sick. And I agreed to. So silly! I was supposed to work at 4pm. And now I had to work for 10 hours and 25mins. Argh... So tiring. Never gonna do that again. 10 HOURS AND 25 MINS IN CANDY BAR... with Auntie Soh Koon somemore. Oh the terror... Don't like her at all. Kept scolding me. So naggy... =_=
Akira Star
Akira Star
G302 DONE! Over and Out!
@ 11:41 PM
::29th Nov 08::
I thought I will forget what I'm suppose to present during the presentation. So I kept reading through my notes on my DS on my way to school. Was really nervous. Had butterflies and moths in my stomach! Those really big ones O_O
When everyone in my team had reached, we went to register and collected our tags and paperwork stuff. The guys went to get our echeveria plants and the girls went to put up the poster in the designated classroom, W56D. Same class with ahsie's team :D and keeeithh's team D:

Our beloved $15 poster :X

In case you forget, my project is based on plant tissue culture of this lovely plant,
Echeveria "Topsy-Turvy"
Before the start of the presentation, I was really having serious jitterbugs. I even suddenly had a stomachache and felt like puking. Our first assessor who came in is... Jeremy Wu. But Hui Cheng, soon arrived as well. So we presented to two of them. Jeremy Wu asked the weirdest question of all the assessors. Don't know what stupid scientific conflict question. Something like if we bring this project of ours and let other scientists know about it, then they tried to prove our project is wrong or when they tried the same way as ours but ended up with a different results. What should we do? ............ Anyway, Jeremy Kong was also one of our assessors! :D

3 down. 3 more to go!
Halfway through.
Here we had a 30mins break with no assessors coming in to assess us yet. So we took pictures :X

With our PI, Lee Wan She :D
She is the best (:

With Arif, YT and Miki :)

Anyway the whole thing was over like a breeze. It was quite alright in the end. I guess I was more confident than I was at G301 presentation :3 Thank you my teammates for encouraging me during the presentation, especially Yehoshua. So here are more happy "FYP IS OVER" pictures :D:D:D

Team Echeveria FTW!
My clothes looks like a japanese school uniform :X

Team Echeveria FTW!
My clothes looks like a japanese school uniform :X

With our PI, Lee Wan She :D
She is the best (:

With Arif, YT and Miki :)
Labels: FYP, happy, nervous, relief, school
Akira Star
Akira Star
Friday, November 28, 2008 @ 10:20 PM
The day where every 3rd year students are waiting for... IS TOMORROW!
FYP presentation... Oh gosh, I hope I'm able to make it through again.
This time better than last FYP G301 presentation. I wish...
Akira Star
Akira Star
@ 12:28 AM
lub dub.lub dub.lub dub.lub dub.lub dub.lub dub.lub dub.lub dub.lub dub.lub dub.lub dub.lub dub.lub dub.lub dub.lub dub.lub dub.lub dub.lub dub.lub dub.lub dub.lub dub.lub dub.lub dub.lub dub.lub dub.lub dub.lub dub.lub dub.lub dub.lub dub.lub dub.lub dub.lub dub.lub dub.lub dub.lub dub.lub dub.lub dub.lub dub.lub dub.lub dub.lub dub.lub dub.lub dub.lub dub.lub dub.lub dub.lub dub.lub dub.lub dub.lub dub.lub dub.lub dub.lub dub.lub dub.lub dub.lub dub.lub dub.lub dub.lub dub.lub dub.lub dub.lub dub.lub dub.lub dub.lub dub.lub dub.lub dub.lub dub.lub dub.lub dub.lub dub.lub dub.lub dub.lub dub.lub dub.lub dub.lub dub.lub dub.lub dub.lub dub.lub dub.lub dub.lub dub.lub dub.lub dub.lub dub.lub dub.lub dub.lub dub.lub dub.lub dub.lub dub.lub dub.lub dub.lub dub.lub dub.lub dub.lub dub.lub dub.lub dub.lub dub.lub dub.lub dub.lub dub.lub dub.lub dub.lub dub.lub dub.
F.Y.P.P. S.O.O.N.
Akira Star
Akira Star
Thursday, November 27, 2008 @ 12:29 AM
Yay! Finally collected my wig for the EOY cosplay :3 Thanks to my mama :D I almost missed the dateline of collection and it nearly got sent back to Hong Kong. *phew!!*

Hope it's the right colour...
and waste $50...
Now only left is to buy a grey cardigan and style this wig...
Anyone knows how to style a wig? :(
Anyone knows how to style a wig? :(
Labels: cosplay, EOY, preparation
Akira Star
Akira Star
Lose your mind~
Saturday, November 22, 2008 @ 10:49 PM
The 2nd day of EOY audition! Met up with ahsie earlier first and ate at KFC :3 When we reached the activity room near Lot One, there's people using the room :( We thought we went to the wrong place but in the end, it's the right one xD I saw all the auditions! So fun! But the best is Mizuki and friends (lirin, natsu, suki and farhana)' performance I would say. Yay!~ I will support all of youuuu :D
The most amazing thing is that... I met my HSS choir friends there!! Joanna and Sheryl. So long didn't see them. Surprisingly they still remember me and I still remember them. WE REMEMBERED EACH OTHER!! I didn't know that Joanna is one of the helpers from SMU. So happy to see them :D:D:D Whee~ And also...
Akira Star
Akira Star
They are backkkk
Friday, November 21, 2008 @ 10:57 PM
Related post: randommmm
Yay!~ Just received Calyx's camera photos and videos from the last Saturday's EOY briefing and audition! The videos of Calyx, ahsie and me... SINGING POKEMON SONGS! So high xD And so here are the some pictures :D

"Formal" shot

Informal shot

Teddymon has digivolve to... O_O I have no idea what's that!

Practicing dance steps D:

Lunching at TRCC cafe~
Labels: EOY, fun, happy, photo
Akira Star
Akira Star
wine... blehx.
Thursday, November 20, 2008 @ 8:56 AM
::19th Nov 08::
I won't drink wine again... Never... My colleagues, Mandy and Joshua, made me drank red and white wine. Red wine smells nice but tasted horrible. For white wine, smells horrible and tastes EVEN more horrible. I felt giddy and my body felt very hot, it's like I'm having a fever. When I went down to the office, my other colleagues thought I've got fever because my face was really red. One of them even tried to force me to eat panadol cold =_= I threw it away when I was outside. On the way back, I felt like puking, Joshua and the taxi driver made me go out and puke until I'm feeling better. I do not want loh... I wanna go home :( I will never drink wine again. NEVER~
Anyway, I also had a movie marathon with dear before I start work. I used my sign-in card and complimentary tickets to help him get in for free too :) We watched Madagascar 2: Escape To Africa and High School Muscial 3. So fun~ I wanna do it again and try watching 3 movies in a row :D
And... I have received my nebo card already :3

the night of nights~
-This is the last time to get it right
This is the last chance to make it our night
We gotta show what we're all about-
This is the last chance to make it our night
We gotta show what we're all about-
Akira Star
Akira Star
Happy Birthday, Audrey!!~
Monday, November 17, 2008 @ 11:16 PM
Yay~ It's Audrey's actual birthday date! We decided to celebrate for her in school... With pizzas! Since she doesn't want cake so we did something different. People there were, shuhua, jackie, eisha, LJ, WeiLeng, me and the birthday girl, Audrey~ I recalled something silly happened on that day as well... Shuhua gave her handphone number to the pizza person and her handphone died due to no battery. So I have to put her SIM card into my handphone. When I was downstairs, the pizza person called. I ran immediately to the One stop centre, to found out that I DIDN'T BRING MY WALLET! I had to call Audrey to tell her to pass the phone to Shuhua so that she can bring down my wallet for me :( So tiring. Anyway, picture time~ :D

Rite's BBQ Chicken and Hawaiian Pizzzzzaaas~

Jackie enjoyed giving Audrey her 20 punches.
Looks like Audrey enjoyed receiving them as well :x

Audrey posing with her new jacket!
-stop armchio-ing okay!-

Group picturessss xD! So fun!
Labels: birthday, celebrate, happy, school
Akira Star
Akira Star
@ 1:04 AM
It has been a very long time since I last did morning shift at Candybar 0_0... Don't even have time to prepare and count float, the crowd just kept coming in. I even worked for 1 more extra hour just to help them out :3 I'm good! :D
Next, went to celebrate Audrey's birthday in advance with the people (puikwan, lisa, shalee, birthday girl, daphne, siwei, zhanghao, guanghao, guowai) Ate at 天天火锅 at Bugis. I spent my money $17.60, on vermicelli and cabbage :x Aiyo... I go buffet or steamboat = waste money one :\

Food, Glorious Food.

As usual, a group picture is a must to remember the event.
Afterward, they decided to take a walk at the Southern Ridges after a round of random suggestions. Met up with Fazillah and took the bus273 from Bukit Merah interchange. I was pretty tired, bored and left out. Anyway I went being my antisocial other self and on my firewalls up to 90% high, all the way until I was going home alone. I guess soon I will be leaving this clique... It feels like we have nothing left in common. And yea, thus left out. Maybe... Maybe... Maybe...

Saw this while hiking halfway through...
Looks like Christmas is here early xD
Although the tree looks like a really tall thin tower with lots of lights and a star at the top...

Saw this while hiking halfway through...
Looks like Christmas is here early xD
Although the tree looks like a really tall thin tower with lots of lights and a star at the top...
Labels: birthday, degreeians, depressed, outing, sad
Akira Star
Akira Star
Sunday, November 16, 2008 @ 12:23 AM
Today went for EOY briefing + audition~~~ Did totally random stuff there. Draw, sing, dance, play... Play somemore... Sing somemore... Watch people auditioned. Yay for dear, having to pass the audition! :D Jiayou Zean and Tama for their song. Me ar? Cosplay performance competition... Nooooooooooooo... Nightmare for me. Jiayou for me as well... :( I must master Hare Hare Yukai!!!! OSSU!~

Princess cry, Prince bleed.
Met with Lirin and Suki afterwards at Liang Court. Lirin collected our mickey mouse mp3 and passed it to us. Thank you Lirin~ And thank you so much dear for buying it for me :3 So cute~ :D

Mine ish pink! His ish black!
My ipod can retire for now :x!
-edited- Aiyo... Mine has a problem with the charging... :(

Mine ish pink! His ish black!
-edited- Aiyo... Mine has a problem with the charging... :(
and... Zoombeast is down with a mutation... Deletion? Point? Insertion? Inversion? Nonsense? Random? zo0MZ0omzo0M~ :D
and... Zoombeast is down with a mutation... Deletion? Point? Insertion? Inversion? Nonsense? Random? zo0MZ0omzo0M~ :D
Labels: EOY, fun, happy, random
Akira Star
Akira Star
Bad day :(
Friday, November 14, 2008 @ 12:04 PM
Overslept again... Only this time is I woke up at 7.20am... Was rushing my FYP report the previous night and went to sleep only at 5am. Furthermore, I have not completed it yet! Still left with abstract... Today is the submission date already. Moreover the facilitator sent my draft back only yesterday... And the worse thing, I have to work until 11.50pm yesterday and I reached home at 1am. But I'm glad that I have submitted my report already... :)
Final report with 7,243 words

Looks weird without jeans...... :X
Luckily the facilitator allowed me to come into the lab.

So short!!!!! :@:@:@:@:@
Panties can even be seen from the back... =_=
The person must have used my waist measurement, instead of the hips measurement... So I have to wear at my waist so the skirt become very very very very short. And it's very tight somemore. Now I have to buy another skirt if Mikuru cannot help at all. :@ Hope my wig is alright... If not, I'm gonna walk out. Can't afford to spend anymore money. Already over budget.
Labels: angry, cosplay, EOY, FYP, panic, report
Akira Star
Akira Star
Happy~~ Whee~~
Monday, November 10, 2008 @ 1:23 AM
::9th Nov 08::
Finally~ I'm back at Box office :D Did some usual silly mistakes like not doing mix payment for prepaid card. But it was alright. The only thing not alright is... I HAVE TO SAY "QUANTUM OF SOLACE" another time... My brain will explode. I have to say that movie title for like over 9K times. Wah! I'm sick and tired of it. Anyway...
This. post. is. to. tell. all. of. you. that. I. got. my. sign. in. card. already!!! :D:D:D:D
Tata~ So funny that they use the stock card as the sign in card.
I pestered Bee yan, my manager, to give me the card. Like "when can I get my sign in card?" "can I get my sign in card now? please?" Until she say "Aiyo~ you very "fan" leh! Okay ar! I give you lah!" So whee~ Puikwan faster get yours okay :D
And also... I didn't down today! My account balanced :D So happy. I thought today I would really down... Because got alot of people... All WANT TO WATCH QUANTUM OF SOLACE. *brains exploded*. My account like had $1.9k so pretty lucky that I didn't down! Yay! :3 Now back to Candy bar I go~~~ Popper cleaning~~
Dear came to find me and waited for me to end work as well. So sweet of him <3
And also... I didn't down today! My account balanced :D So happy. I thought today I would really down... Because got alot of people... All WANT TO WATCH QUANTUM OF SOLACE. *brains exploded*. My account like had $1.9k so pretty lucky that I didn't down! Yay! :3 Now back to Candy bar I go~~~ Popper cleaning~~
Dear came to find me and waited for me to end work as well. So sweet of him <3
Akira Star
Akira Star
Sunday, November 09, 2008 @ 3:50 AM
::8th Nov 08::
Argh~ EOY auditions approaching... FYP presentation just around the corner waiting to frighten me. Went to practice the EOY dances with my team. Head hurts by trying to memorise everything at one shot. Swing arms, shake hips, turn around... Ahhhhhh................. *faints*

The SOS Dan. Our team~ :D
-drew by Dempster-
After practicing nonstop for few hours, I went to find dear and the rest (mizuki, zean, tama, lirin, farhana, suki) Looks like they too finished practicing for their EOY performances as well :) Hang out. And wow~ They really like playing the plush crane machine... I wanna try but I'm afraid to waste my $$ again like that day... I also want toy :(... Anyway, I spent a few coins on Guitarfreaks and Puzzle Bobble 4. Oh yea before I forget, I did something crazy with the girls!! We tried taking a picture in the passport photo machine.

Haha~ We looked rather silly trying to squeeze ourselves in that small space.
$6 "Neoprints"
Labels: EOY, KHK friends, photo
Akira Star
Akira Star
Report draft completed!
Saturday, November 08, 2008 @ 11:26 AM
Report draft completed!!~~ Yay! Stayed up until 4.30am just to complete and submit it. Well, I didn't manage to do some parts like abstract and some tables buuuuttt, it's just a draft. Now I have to finish up my logbook and online log~ :3 *prays that the draft has little mistakessss*
Fig1. Report draft with 6,232 words X_x
Labels: dead, FYP, report, tired
Akira Star
Akira Star
Keyboard Test!
Thursday, November 06, 2008 @ 3:02 PM
Wanna test whether your keyboard is working properly?
Try this. Type out this phrase with both of your shift keys pressed down.
THE QUICK BROWN FOX JUMPS OVER THE LAZY DOGAnd see how many alphabets you managed to type out.
For me, I only managed to type out this pathetic amount of alphabets:
T_T looks like this is the results for gaming too much.
So sad. I wanna change my keyboardddd.
By the way, that phrase is a pangram
(a phrase that contains all of the letters of the alphabet).
Thanks for trying this out :) Have a toast :3

Labels: random
Akira Star
Akira Star
Bom bom bom.
@ 3:17 AM
::5th Nov 08::
Ahhh~ I REALLY HATE REPORT WRITING... Submission date getting closer and closer. And my mind is still wandering about. Games~~~ Argh. I need to control myself.
14th Nov submission deadline. *yawns*
*stop chants*
Now what? =_=
Anyway, my work today is so tiringggg... Weekday still so many people. Bookings bookings, The Carrotcake Conversation, and of course, the James Bond 007 movie, Quantum of Solace, is out today. I talked until I'm breathless. "Do you want any popcorn to go along with that?"....................................................................................
I even had to work OT somemore. So silly! 12midnight then can go homeeee. By the way, I took lots of off day to complete my report. Please make it worth it!! Onegaishimasu~

I love my cheesy hotdog with extra cheese :3

I cut myself with the warmer sharp edges~
I think... I should really deserve a prize :D
Oh wait, it's too late. Time to sleep~ :)

I cut myself with the warmer sharp edges~
I think... I should really deserve a prize :D
Oh wait, it's too late. Time to sleep~ :)
Labels: FYP, report, stress, tired, work
Akira Star
Akira Star
Monday, November 03, 2008 @ 12:24 AM
Akira Star
Akira Star
Sunday, November 02, 2008 @ 3:58 PM
::1st Nov 08::

But the Haunted House was really good and more frightening!! They really revamped the whole place with more scary props, doors and effects. And it seems longer this time. Those people dressed up in monster and ghost costume kept frightening me :( I held dear's hand really tightly throughout the whole thing. I screamed until I came out with no voice. But still... My favourite ride is the Cabury Inverter! 360 degrees of pure fun! However Suki, Lirin and I got to go off earlier... like around 10.45pm. I ain't gonna hang around until I have to take a cab back home.

Whee~ :3
Akira Star
Akira Star
Happy Birthday, Shalee~
Saturday, November 01, 2008 @ 3:09 PM
::31st Oct 08::
And... It's Shalee's 20th birthday~ It's our first time celebrating her birthday for her and she insisted to celebrate on the day itself xD Her birthday wish is to celebrate it by the beach. So yea, that's what we did. But first, dinner at Breeks, VivoCity :X

Then off to Sentosa, we go~ Siloso beach's Emerald Pavilion. Sang birthday song. Ate fruit cake. Took pictures. Flash or no flash. Played with glowsticks and sparklers. Suffocated in sparkler smoke. Enjoyed the night view at the beach. Went home sweaty and smelly :X But Shalee had lots of fun and so do we :D Now, enough of words... PHOTO TIME~

& lastly

not forgetting Halloween as well :)
-Pumkin container from GV's Halloween combo >:)-
Labels: birthday, celebrate, degreeians, dinner, fun
Akira Star
Akira Star