Wednesday, November 28, 2007 @ 10:07 PM
Wah!! Today my PP presentation!! Really very nervous ._. I was like trembling and quivering physically and mentally...
Me and my friend, Hafiz, same booth!
The presentation was..... there are no words I can describe it... I had to present two times! Everyone in my booth also! The advisors never come together... So had to present twice! I think I will pass... HOPEFULLY!!! ARGH!!!
Then ahsie came to school and waited for me! We together head down to the CY bazaar!
But first we had problems finding our way there. Didn't print out or memorise the map! Wait... I didn't even look at it. So we called Teddy. What epic fail directions he gave...
=( And my hp died halfway!!
ahsie and I walked like mad under the hot sun! It's like omg~ I wore long sleeves somemore! Hot!!! Bad Teddy's directions! =( Walked one freaking round! I nearly screamed. Reached there, their banner also epic fail!! One single arrow pointing upwards. Are we suppose to learn levitation and the ability to pass through walls and ceilings? LOL!
Anyway I bought COMICS!!!!! XD like duh, like else can you buy there?
Comics Frenzy
Starting from the left top row then to the bottom right:
1) white book! The Mythical Detective Loki Book7 (english) - 5 for $5! So I spend $1 only! shared the 10 for $10 with ahsie!
2) 3 blue books! Superpsychic Nanaki 1-3[end] (english) - 5 for $5 also
3) pink book! Rosario + Vampire Book 9 (chinese) - 20% discount
4) black book! Captive Heart Book1 (english) - 20% discount -kyaaa~ same author as Vampire Knight!
5) greenish book! Yotsuba&! Book1 (traditional chinese) - Not from fair! But from Comics Connection!
Phew! Spent money again!! XD Comics~~ J2 spent around $120!!! (oh ya he suddenly pop down also) ahsie spent around $60(?) or maybe even more! Mine the least =D Oh yes, I also psycho the woman to open up a set for ahsie, she only wants book 2 and 4! And the woman also gave me a Pikachu mousepad XD Btw this bazaar last day is on 2nd Dec. For more details, check out
Suddenly it rained VERY heavily! Like raining cats and dogs. Over 9000 raindrops have fallen! Had difficulties making my way to Tiong to watch Enchanted!
YESH! I watched already XD This show is really funny~~ It's a comedy-fantasy-musical film. Enjoyed it but not as much as Stardust, I think. The ending is so predictable and corny! They lived happily ever after. THE END! Then credits rolls~
Now that my PP is finally finished. I really felt that a huge boulder had fallen off my back and what remains are little peddles of uncertainty. OSSU! I must be confident! Time for more bonding time with DS-chan~ Muacks!~
Akira Star
Tuesday, November 27, 2007 @ 9:31 PM
Akira Star
Monday, November 26, 2007 @ 10:31 PM
Woah... Today really make me believe in Equivalent Trade!
And then! When I thought today will end so badly... but.............
Let me start from the beginning... I was rushing to complete my posters that I don't even have time to go into 4chan... =( Anyway, suddenly my RP Maple friend, choc-ettes, msn me asking me whether am I Slyphina? I replied yes. And she told me I WON IN THE MAPLE CONTEST! I was like O_O! How can that be?! I immediately rushed to the MapleSEA to check it out!
And look! I'm the 3rd one there!~ I'm one of the WINNERS! Click to check it out!
Sorry that I looked fugly there... I only took one shot of myself and submitted it. I did it for the LOL and FTW! To keep things short, yes! I did it for fun and I DID NOT expect to win! And now look! I won! XD Btw, I joined this contest in secret. =X When can I go collect my plushies!!! So excited!!
So you can see there is an Equivalent exchange, or you can just say I'm lucky~ =D
If you did read my past post on this costume, it's not for maple de hoh! It's for my cosplay photoshoot! That would most probably take place this weekend. The pictures would be so much better. Uber photographer, uber camera, uber poses, uber background, everything also uber! but first I have to get through my PP presentation...
OSSU! I can hear ouendan and EBA cheering for me already!! PUMP IT UP!~
-I can't believe I actually won... O_o-
Akira Star
Sunday, November 25, 2007 @ 9:31 PM
Next we (Xue Ni, Sally and me!) head to Bugis... To get my new ZINC bag!! Woot! $42!
My bunny bag with its new white tie and my new Zinc leather bag! The texture so nice~ [sorry, my room lighting very bad...]
Next stop was Sunshine Plaza! To get XueShan's birthday present... I get to see Kieran [XueNi's dolfie]! and at the same time molest and set him into funny poses! =X
The only thing I bought from there! Shippuuden Sasuke!!~ My love~~
Lately... I'm HIGH on Yaoi!!! I almost forget how Yaoi can make me so high!!
Thanks to 4chan /y/!
Yaoi can enhance any ANIME!!!
↓↓↓↓↓look ↓↓↓↓↓!
-PPP this wednesday ._. SCARED!-
Labels: anime, EOY, new, preparation
Akira Star
Friday, November 23, 2007 @ 1:11 AM
Yesterday, finally get to watch The Game Plan!
A show about the love of a father to his daughter! *_*
And my DS-chan looks prettier!! Love~~
Today reformated my laptop!!! I skipped class just to reformat it. I like to reformat! No more lag waves~ (But just now I kena the Grey screen of Death!! Hope it's alright now...) Wah installing and transfering everything back to the laptop, it's like taking forever! Wait wait and more wait. Oh ya, not only me reformat laptop today. Lisa and Kelvin too! Jackie and Audrey accompanied us. Ponners!~ After that Lisa went home cos she is sick... So poor thing. And the rest of us went to the Character Design Workshop hosted by Comix-Funics, from 5pm to 8pm! They call us to create our very own character with bio-data and background!
My character:
Name: Ravine Ravenheart
Nick/Alias: Raven Black-Chan
Star sign: Leo
Occupation: Student/Mahou Shoujo (Magical girl)~
Likes: Black, Gothic Lolita, cute things^^~
Dislikes: Anything with bright colours
Weakness: Spiders, worms
Personality: Quiet, alone, does not like to be with people
Power/ability: Summon Guardian beasts/beings
Ravine became an orphan at the age of 5 after her parents died in a tragic accident. She was later adopted by another couple. They abused her physically and mentally. Ravine decided to run away from all the pain and torture. She lived in alleyways, surviving with just mere scraps of food. Later on, an old lady took Ravine home and looked after her. The old lady later revealed that she was a Mahou Shoujo when she was younger. Because she had no one to pass the skills on, she decided to teach Ravine the art of being a Mahou Shoujo. In order to repay the old lady, Ravine having no interest at all just carried on learning. Later did she know that she is actually the chosen one who would save the world from the impending disaster in the near future.
After that, I have to draw out my Mahou Shoujo!! Using the following outlines given!!
It's not my fault that the head is so big!! The outline of the head is this big an oval! And looks exactly like a Wobbuffet!!! Then for our final piece for submission, we get to change one part of the body only! And of course, I'm definitely gonna change the head shape!
So this is my Raven Black-Chan!~ My very own Mahou Shoujo!
Next to my biggest surprise, I was chosen together with Kelvin and two other guys to be interviewed for being the most creative. I was FREAKING EMBARRASSED! I was babbling all the way. I didn't know what I was saying at all! And we will be having another workshop to help us improve our characters who's-know-when. Everyone's work will be submitted for a competition! -excited excited!-
Jackie, Audrey, Kelvin and me laughed until we stomachache. Laughing so uncontrollably and hysterically like complete mad people. Kept using 4chan memes XD And WE LOL'ED NONSTOP AT KELVIN'S 三妹!!!
Next best thing! I have completed Osu! Tatakae! Ouendan (押忍!闘え!応援団, Osu! Tatakae! Ōendan)
Labels: drawing, DS, game, movie
Akira Star
Tuesday, November 20, 2007 @ 8:28 PM
Does your mind ever tell you that YOU'RE DOING IT WRONG? Yes, and this is what my mind is telling me now!! I'm suppose to start doing my PP poster and get ready for the presentation. But I kept finding it hopeless! My presentation date is approaching! 28th Nov, 9am! THE VERY FIRST ONE TO PRESENT!
I'm pleased to tell you that I have finished my drawings! Time taken: 76 anime songs! I drew Mikoto from Mai-Hime! Here is the completed piece taken by camera:
I know it's like kinda blur cos of the lightning and resize... But bear with it!
Leon told me that... MOYASHIMON PLUSHIES WILL BE OUT!!! NO WAI!!! YES WAI!!! And here's how they looks like!
AND I WANT THEM SO BADLY! THAT I CAN SCREAM AND SHOUT AND DEMAND FOR THEM!!! My favourite microbe is the yellow sun-looking one there! The yeast!
Labels: drawing
Akira Star
Sunday, November 18, 2007 @ 10:56 PM
Watched Stardust!!! Finally!!!~
It's a really good show! 100 times better than The Seeker! Even my youngest brother likes it XD It's like a RPG, there's other world, witches, princes, magic, sword fighting, everything that a fantasy should have! Too bad it's ending soon~
Short blog today! No time already. I HAVE NOT COMPLETED MY DRAWING!!!
AHHH!!!!1!!1!1!!11!!eleven!!!!11!!!one! And tomorrow Double Dose of MCB! T_T
-Is that a Babylon candle?
Yes... it's a bubbling candle.
Labels: movie
Akira Star
@ 1:29 AM
The first picture is taken by Puik's excellent photography skills. (See! I praising you leh) I blurred the background so that your focus would be only me! X) And woah, she cut her hair on the same day as well! Except hers is shorter! Really short! It's great to take pictures with my twin terror again. =D And no taking of my chain +_+ DO NOT WANT!
And X'mas is coming soon... Though to me, it's still a long way to go~ Those crazy kan chiong shopping centres already have their x'mas trees up! This one is Takashimaya's.
Drawing craze hits Lisa, Audrey and me! We decided to draw during the weekends and show each other's work on Monday! Hope I got enough time to draw finish!!! Won't reveal what I'll be drawing yet. Not suppose to show! =X -Rush rush! Chiong chiong!-
-Caterpie shall finish her drawing on time!-
Akira Star
Rebel Acheron
Friday, November 16, 2007 @ 12:27 AM
Things that happened today
(in timeline order, except there is no time but there is order):
-Tomorrow DOUBLE DOSE of Immunology! Lesson + UT = Combo 2 -faints- Immuno is definitely not my forte. The UT1 results also not yet out! -quivers at the thought of it-
-Acheron: in Greek mythology,
Akira Star
Thursday, November 15, 2007 @ 12:05 AM
About a bee sue-ing the human race for stealing honey. So after the bee won, all the world's honey was returned back to the bee hives. Too much honey -> bees don't have to work anymore -> no pollenating of flowers -> all die. The bee decided to correct his wrongdoing.
The end. Btw, the jokes they used were great! =D
And Guanghao bought for me,
Hamster? Mouse? Camel's head? Anyway it's CUTE right?! This toy is listed one of the 25 most baffling toys from around world! It's no.14 on the list. Click me for the site. When I saw this toy, I was like pointing and saying one of the 25 baffling toys!!!! The shopkeeper uncle also know! And he gave me a 10% discount and it's the last one!! X) So happy~
I bought these as well! Taiko drums~ It's on offer! Taiko no Tatsujin!!!
(Crap... Lots of soft toys!! Where to keep them!-thinks thinks-)
And GG, I said GG! (Great Genetics)
Genetics, we mated fruit flies! OMG so fun! I wish that they would faster have sex~ and I will get to see eggs and larves! XD
-Piercing... @.@-
Akira Star
Tuesday, November 13, 2007 @ 2:11 AM
Completed: Sumomomo Momomo: The Strongest Bride on Earth (すもももももも~地上最強のヨメ~, Sumomo mo Momo mo ~Chijō Saikyō no Yome~)
The series centers around a young girl, a strong martial artist, who wants to marry and bear a child with a boy that she believes to be a strong fighter.
For more info click here. [don't wanna spam the blog anymore =(]
My say:
This show is FTW! Best Fighting x Ecchi anime! How can I ask for more!? Epic win!~
The last episode is what Momoko would say: "すばらし!! Subarashi!!"
101% recommended anime!
-next: Kyou Kara Maou!-
Labels: anime
Akira Star
Monday, November 12, 2007 @ 9:02 PM
today again! slept at 5am, woke up 6am. can you believe it? on the first day of school?! 1 hour of sleep only! and I didn't take any naps in school at all. was running around everywhere.
BANZAI TO LISA IN THE MORNING!!!!111!!!!11!!one!!!eleven!!!1!!!!! Really salute her! BIG WINNER!!!
During break 1, I was happily msn-ing (not doing work... okay, maybe a little) then suddenly LJ remind me that today take HepA jab!!!!! I started to panic cos I remember need to pay on the spot! $150! Where can I dig out the money in such a short time?! I went to ask Kelvin then he too panic with me. So funny lah! Cos this very smart boy rather watch anime and WoW than coming to school! Luckily LJ helped me ask Robin to lend me money. When I told Kelvin no need already, he started scolding me and say he want to install some logic into me. -Note: "install logic"- he said I should have ask someone who is in RP earlier on than finding he who is now at Jurong. Sorry loh... I like to think stuff in a twisted way. -good twisted, not the bad twisted-
Wah then after that I got scolding NON-STOP, I feel like everything my fault. Hep jab queue long long also my fault. No fair right? I see the doctor also like not very professional like some freelancer. He poke the needle into my arm. The first thing that comes into my mind was WTH LAH!!! SO PAIN!!!! Then when he took out the needle, still got throbbing pain left behind. Now I can't move my left arm freely. Good loh! GG!
Then some scenes went skipping.... Loop de loop~
Went to Shuhua's class to pass her movie and to collect my $5.20 keychain RUBIK CUBE from Johnatton. Yes, I got Aura-ed again. (._.)
But I can't help it! It's so small and cute and it looks edible! Munch! =X It's my mini cute cubie! One of its sides is pink!~ -all of a sudden, I can hear Johnatton correcting me. it's PURPLE- Omg. I gave up already. Purple lah purple lah. @_@ I like pink also cannot... I not colour-blind, okay.
Oh ya, I wanna say Eisha so bad!!!! Don't want to give me a waffle that I can call my own. And I would named it WAHO!~
Akira Star
Sunday, November 11, 2007 @ 9:14 PM
was at my grandparents' house. No internet so laptop-san can't follow!! X(
completed The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass (ゼルダの伝説 夢幻の砂時計, Zeruda no Densetsu Mugen no Sunadokei)
Link looks so much handsome on the cover than in the game. ;)
Set some period after The Wind Waker, Phantom Hourglass opens with Tetra and her pirate crew along with Link chasing down a Ghost Ship claimed to have taken sailors and residents of the local islands in an area of the Great Sea. The crew discovers the ship, but when Tetra goes aboard to explore, she disappears; Link attempts to follow her but ends up adrift in the ocean.
Link later recovers through the help of the fairy Ciela, who has some amnesia about her past, and an old man named Oshus, who help Link on his quest to find the Ghost Ship and reunite with Tetra.
I got to play with my cousins at my grandparents' place too!
Cute? I love Wei Qi meimei!! And that's her bro, WeiLong =D
Today, went kbox-ing with my 16 DC friends. They kept singing chinese songs! I don't know how to sing!!! RoaR! The bill was amounted to $124! Each person has to pay $15.50.
-Home at last!-
Akira Star
Friday, November 09, 2007 @ 1:17 PM
will be offline, inactive and MIA until Sunday. sms if there is something you really need to say. Till then see ya! =)
Akira Star
@ 12:07 AM
Today eat at WARAKU again! This time I ate:
Akira Star
Thursday, November 08, 2007 @ 4:45 AM
Completed: He Is My Master (これが私の御主人様, Kore ga Watashi no Goshujin-sama)

Yoshitaka Nakabayashi, a 14-year-old millionaire received a huge inheritance as a result of his parents' death in an accident. Later after firing the original maids, he needed to be looked after so he decided to hire new live-in maids. Two runaway girls, Izumi and Mitsuki stumped into Nakabayashi's mansion and got hired by Yoshitaka immediately. For Yoshitaka is not only a rich boy but also a pervert with uniform fetishes, who wants to be addressed as Goshujin-Sama (Master). Having nowhere else to settle down along with Mitsuki's pet alligator Pochi, Izumi accepted the job reluctantly. Another girl, Anna, later becomes a maid as well, and all three live in the mansion with Yoshitaka.
-quoted from ANN-
My say:
3 words! "Ecchi! Lots of FAN-SERVICE!"
Imagine all 12 episodes of fan-service!^^ with cute maids~ The anime is definitely better than the manga. =D
"It may be important to continue looking for a place for yourself,
But it might be even more important to do your best in the one place you are."
P.S. Sorry about all the reviews! The only thing I can do during holidays is to complete my mountain of un-watched anime. ^_^''''''
Akira Star
Wednesday, November 07, 2007 @ 7:50 PM
My blog like becoming a review and summary site for DS games and Anime!
Completed: Touch Detective (おさわり探偵 小沢里奈, Osawari Tantei: Osawa Rina)

Touch Detective is a unique mystery adventure as you become a private eye in a strange new world. When Mackenzie's father unexpectedly passed away, she inherits the family business: a renowned detective agency. In a world world populated by mechanized butlers and walking skeletons, mysteries are very different. With the aid of cheerful mushroom-man Funghi and robotic servant Cromwell, Mackenzie sets off to prove herself worthy of being called... the Touch Detective!
-quoted from
Finally completed all 4 cases, my touch list and the bonus episode in the game! 100% completed!
The gameplay is overall quite alright. Sometimes you really have to think out of the box to solve the cases! Things are not always they seems to be. The only thing I wish is that the gamespeak or should I say the speed of the chat is FASTER! Too slow already! Talk faster, can?
I like Mackenzie and Funghi! So cute~
Here are some game art =)
Akira Star
@ 4:06 AM
Completed: Shining Tears X Wind
My say:
The best thing is the seiyū, Sōichirō Hoshi! I can't believe I get to hear his voice again! He sang for Daisuke Niwa's character song, HEARTS. Love his voice!! I guessed I know who is my favourite seiyū now!
And there are some mild yaoi-lookalike parts in the anime!
and no, they are not gonna kiss =( So disappointing right?
-next anime: He is my Master (hoping for some ecchi!)-
Akira Star