Tuesday, October 30, 2007 @ 10:52 PM
Discovery! Today is the day of discovery for me that is. Stumbled across two things!
First is..............................
Body piercing!! This is called the corset piercing. I didn't know something can be elegant and creepy at the same time. Looks painful, eh? And it really looks like a corset! I think you need to have the figure first then it will look nice. Imagine one fat person did this to her back... I don't think it will look nice on her though.
Second and also the last,
I finally found out the name of this fish looking thing. Axolotl! -It's actually a salamander. And I don't even know how to pronounce its name at all! Lil' Axolotl. This is the creature that they photoshopped it into a mudkip.
TATA!~ An Axolotl-ed Mudkip.
-Two waffles a day is enough for me-
Akira Star
@ 12:39 AM
Today I feel so noob! Slept at 4am. Didn't realize I woke up at 5am+ until my 6am alarm rang. So I like have only 1hr30mins to 2hrs of sleep!
And it's the start of "NO MEAT" Week. I didn't realize that most of my diet consist of meaty stuff. So nevermind, I will try my best! And after this week, my endurance power will rise to 100 levels above!
Watched: Resident Evil: Extinction!
Definitely a must-watch show! But the last day is tomorrow, 30th Oct so those who haven't watch it... WATCH IT! Bad points are too little blood and gore [what to do? it's only NC-16] and i don't know some dumb telekinesis power [no link leh...] But overall, really excellent! Excellent graphics and storyline! (And the Alice clones don't look that they have any boobs at all!! =X)
Johnatton tricked me into playing "Dementium: The Ward" before I sleep tonight! He even sent me the game and described the game as exciting. So before I even start playing it, I did my research."The Ward is a mature-themed first-person shooter/survival horror game for the Nintendo DS that tells the tale of a man who awakens to find himself alone in a mysterious, derelict hospital that is frozen in time. Confronted by the deadly, grotesque surgical experiments that wander the halls, a series of challenging puzzles and a cast of peculiar characters, he must face his deepest fears, unlock the mysteries of the hospital, and escape with his life.
The Ward offers a completely new experience on the Nintendo DS and pushes the platform to its limits with full 3D visuals and bone-chilling audio that brings the world screaming to life. The Ward also offers an intriguing psychological experience; one that challenges the mind to ask questions and think beyond the surface of the in-game surroundings. For those who survive the terrors that lie within the corridors and rooms, a shocking conclusion awaits." -strongly quoted from ign.com-
I didn't actually think it will be this horrifing. But it's true! ALL TRUE! When I opened my first door in the game and funny weird language voices(?) started talking, I immediately turned off my DS. YA! WITHOUT SAVING! This is totally like Silent Hill + Resident Evil + House of the dead, but in an eviler sort of way [you will know what I meant if you played or watched someone played before]... I think I will play it tomorrow and not at night! Hope I can sleep tonight... You good, Johnatton... You good... Very good indeed...
Akira Star
miko costume arrive!
Sunday, October 28, 2007 @ 10:48 PM
Watched The Seeker: The Dark Is Rising.
On his 14th birthday Will Stanton finds out that he is the last of a group of warriors - The Light - who have spent their lives fighting against evil - The Dark. Will has to travel through time to track down the signs that will enable him to confront the evil forces. -quoted from wikipedia-
Not very good graphics... Horrible flashing lights... But good storyline... So reading the book will be better, afterall this movie is adapted from the second book in the Sword-and-Sorcery five-book series by Susan Cooper.
Collected my costume today. This costume is from a yuri show, Kannazuki no Miko. Character: Himeko Kurusugawa. The clothes is freaking hard to wear... =( I need more practice wearing this!!
Lastly... SAW 4 IS COMING SOON ON NOV8!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-miko miko-
Akira Star
Saturday, October 27, 2007 @ 10:52 PM
Went to Eclair's house to do painting. Paint what? AMER'S SHOES! Purple paint used finish have to buy somemore. Fabric paint so expensive... X( Shoes left at Elcair's house to dry. Monday taking back! Then pass to XueNi to help me sew =D Hope can complete the shoes on time for EOY!
-chiong chiong-
Ecchi-sama with bunny fetish =)
Labels: EOY, preparation
Akira Star
16DC dinner
@ 12:09 AM
Yesterday was the 16 Degree^C outing! Dinner at Suntec's Pepper Lunch!
The Comers:
Ate this as usual! Hamburger steak with egg =) $11.80... i think... Then suddenly I got stomachache! VERY PAINFUL! My stomach twisted and turned like some alien! Due to the undigested food, lots of air was produced! And I can't release them! SRSRLY! Can't fart or burp... Worse pain! Worse than cramp! My friends call me to drink Yakult for digestion. Yes, yes.. I know... I got learn before k! But I don't like Yakult so I get Vitagen instead. I really didn't think that the effect would be immediately. But I was wrong! In a few minutes time, I felt much better =) And of course, I do feel like shitting =X GO Lactobacillus! I LOVE YOU! =D
So next we went to 'Toy "R" Us' [but we are not toys... are we? maybe something or someone is controlling us like toys... And that shop is hinting us! =O] to play! Halloween is coming soon so there are lots of props and costumes for that occasion. So...
TATA~* More pictures are located at our 16 Degree^C blog [where you too can see me in hot pink wig =X]
Btw! Today I received delightful good news! My Miko cosplay costume have arrived! EXCITED!! Next photoshoot coming soon. -winks-
-soon the world will be ruled by Caterpies-
Akira Star
Tagged 02
Friday, October 26, 2007 @ 12:11 AM
WTH! Got tagged again! Sally you gg... >=(
(List out your top 5 birthday presents that you wish for):
But... my birthday already over... Nevermind this is for next year =)
1) Nintendo WII
2) Overseas trip!
3) Dolfie.... My ARU! T_T
4) Having all my friends to celebrate with me =D
5) A huge strawberry cake!
(Person who tag you):
(5 impressions you have on him/her):
1) Looks like Pegasus from Yu-Gi-Oh! -secondary school joke! LOL-
2) Very devoted to God =)
3) Right now... Watching those chinese dramas like mad... going to addict soon. Maybe she already is! O_O
4) Very high endurance power!! -salute her for be able to stand all the nonsense coming from me =X-
5) Likes cute stuff like... Disney characters.......................
(Most memorable words she has said to you):
that's when this phrase come in useful... "no one is perfect" and all the usual words like mad, crazy, etc, etc...
(If she/he becomes your lover,you will):
Sweet~ Yuri -winks- but no way. But if she was a guy, she will fall in love with me =) JK! HA! HA! HA!
(If she/he becomes your lover,things he/she has to improve on will be?):
Her chinese!! =X But my chinese also no better... And her long straight hair of hers! Pegasus!! -giggles-
(If he/she becomes your enemy,you will):
Enemy? Won't happen. The whole world is my friend =D But that really happens?
Ignore or curse her and rip out her spinal cord and stabbing her with it.
(If he/she becomes your enemy the reason will be):
If she join forces with that "someone"......................
(The desirable thing you want do for him/her now is):
Laughing at her for no reason. =)
(Your overall impression of him/her is):
Great listener. Very easy-going person =) Love her! ^_^
(how do you think people around you feel about you):
This?! 3 words: Hyper, Noisy and Crazy. -right? see I know!-
(Characteristics you love about urself):
My over-friendliness! I dunno already... =(
(Characteristics you hate about urself):
Nothing! I completely love myself.
(The most ideal person you want to be is):
(For people who care and like you say sumtink to them):
For people who care and loveeeee me! I LOVE YOU ALL TOO! =D Muacks x Infinity!
Sabo-ing Time!
Suppose to sabo 10 people to do this. I will be kind-hearted and only pick two people =)
Akira Star
Wednesday, October 24, 2007 @ 10:28 PM
Completed: School Rumble Term 2!
Superb anime!! Really funny. Can't wait for season/term 3!
I don't want Harima together with Tenma! Tenma should be with Karasuma! Two dumb dumbs together =D Harima should be with either Yakumo or Eri!
Anyway, I realized that this is an auratic anime! Just look!
she is playing a....
DS! White DS somemore...
Accompany Shuhua to a Gardenia Bread Making Tour today. So I have to go to school on my off day!! Anyway, the factory is so small! But it's quite an unusual experience. =D
Akira Star
Tuesday, October 23, 2007 @ 8:53 PM
Akira Star
Monday, October 22, 2007 @ 10:58 PM

Labels: quiz
Akira Star
(o_o) blank
@ 6:37 PM
For those who know me! Yes!! I am have finally been AURA-ED! Today!
Yes, it's a RUBIK'S CUBE! A 2x2x2 to be precise! $8.50 [to those who knew what happen, sorry for being dumb @.@ it's in my genes!! =D] Bought it from Johnatton. He is like a promoter and seller for Rubik's Cube. =X
And my MCB faci is leaving us soon! He is not going to be teaching us anymore after the 1 week holidays. He is going back to do his researcher stuff again... So sad. He is the reason why I look forward to going school on monday. =( He taught me alot of things about life and of course school stuff. [KISS,SOSDD,FUBAR,AMAF] There will never be a faci like him. T_T I wish he don't have to leave...................
Was playing with my photoshop! First time doing this though. Yes! Learnt a new skill in photoshop!! So fun ^_^
Inside joke =X
-Day 1 (o_o)-
Akira Star
Thursday, October 18, 2007 @ 2:10 PM
Yesterday, watched Mr. Woodcock.
Pretty okay show to me... Not very great... Bad ending, actually it's more like no ending! DX
Hurray! Finally watched finished Bakumatsu Kikansetsu Irohanihoheto. -that's a mouthful of words!- In my opinion, the excitement only starts at episode 15! And the ending is teh best!!! LOVE IT! *^_^* Really like samurai shows! =D Now I can watch School Rumble S2!!
I like the smell of the SST gel & clot activator!! I not sure why but I like the smell!!!
And I was reading about sleep deprivation because I have been sleeping very late every night! And I found out I got lucid dreams. But lucid dreams are really fun =D And I too read about sleeping disorders. One really scary disorder is the Ondine's curse, means putting in layman terms, you forget to breathe when you are sleeping! SCARY!!
Its name is a reference to the myth of Ondine, a water nymph who had an unfaithful mortal lover. He swore to her that his "every waking breath would be a testimony of [his] love", and upon witnessing his adultery, she cursed that if he should fall asleep, he would forget to breathe. Eventually, he fell asleep from sheer exhaustion, and his breathing stopped.
Anyway, this is the best blonde joke I have ever read. I found it here.Check it out though and tell me whether it's funny or not! =D
Akira Star
Tuesday, October 16, 2007 @ 2:28 PM

YAY! My report has been accepted!! =DDD So fast!!!
but I heard from my friend, she said the PP advisor may change it to fail if she reads it again and finds mistakes... Hope my advisor is not that fickle-minded ._.
Akira Star
PP submit
@ 8:46 AM
I don't care my mentor already! She takes so long to reply. I will go submit my PP right now!

and the email.
"Dear Student,
Your final report submission has been received by the PP system and will be routed to your PP advisor/supervisor for their evaluation.
If approved, an assessment date/time will be scheduled for you to perform a poster presentation (based on format available on PP website) in front of a panel of assessors. If rejected for rework, you will need to revise and re-submit another final report within 2 weeks of notification.
Office of Industry & Career Services"
Hope I won't get rejected! =(
Akira Star
tagged idiot thing
@ 1:54 AM
Can I not do this dumb tagged thing... Lisa you good... :@ Anyway heck...
[On the Outside]
Name: nette -i'm not gonna write my full name-
Birth Date: 6 Oct 1988
Current Status: Dating
Eye Color: Black -don't care what browny bits in my eye-
Hair Color: Black+ fading brownish-red O_o
Righty or Lefty: Right hand person
[On the Inside]
Your Heritage: Chinese
Your Fear: Being left alone, no one likes little old me.
Your Weakness: Talk too loud. -i'm loudhailer. got a prob with it?-
Your Perfect Pizza: pepperoni, ham, cheese... ermm.. more cheese?
[Yesterday, Today , Tomorrow]
Your First Thought This Morning: Yay!! It's MCB module today!! =)
Your Last Thought Before Bedtime: Oh shit! 3am already and I'm still psp-ing!?
Your Most Missed Memories: secondary school life, anything that is fun and the memories are still fresh in my mind.
[Your Pick]
Pepsi or Coke: Coke -though i have never touch it for a few months already-
McDonalds or Burger King: McDonalds -actually i prefer long john silver =S-
Single or Group Dates: Groupies!
Adidas or Nike: Nike -not such a branded person so wateva!-
Tea or Nestea: Tea
Chocolate or Vanilla: Vanilla -Strawberry would be teh best!-
Cappuccino or Coffee: Coffee
[Do You...]
Smoke: No wai! -can't stand the smoke...-
Curse: wait... you mean alphabets? like knnccb? LOL! nah.. But I do sometime use the word F***, not out loud of course. you think i'm some kind of crude woman?!
Take showers: Yup!
Have a crush: of course who doesn't have crushes? -like me, i have crushes on the nintendo wii!! =D-
Think you are in love: erm.. duh?
Go to school: yup! Love school! =)
Want to get married: not sure... too much of a burden...
Believe in yourself: Yes, of course but I do believe in the heart of my cards more =)
Think you are a health freak: not that serious. if i am, i won't be doing this. this is definitely bad for my health. =/
[In the Past Month]
Drank alcohol: Nope. Can't, Don't, Won't drink.
Gone to the mall: like duh? You think i'm some kind of hikkikomori?
Been on stage: Yes, for life itself is a stage!
Eaten sushi: nope. yucks.
Dyed your hair: nope. my colour is still there though.
[Have You Ever...]
Played a stripping game: w00t! sounds fun, but no.
Changed who you were to fit in: Wth does this means?
You are hoping to be married at the age of: Sorry. Don't even wanna think of it.
[In a Girl/Guy]
Best Eye Color: Black, Green, Blue, Red. *_*
Best Hair Color: Red, Brown, Blonde.
Short Hair or Long Hair: Short.
[What Were You Doing]
1 Min Ago: still doing this dumb stuff.
1 Hour Ago: PSP-ing VALKYRIE PROFILE!! -shrieks-
4.5 Hours Ago: I think I was doing my RJ...
1 Month Ago: The end of holidays! School~ +_+
1 Year Ago: Planning for my next birthday? O_o Actually I don't know. But most probably gaming! XD
[Finish the Sentence]
I Love: building pyramids! XP
I Feel: that there is a need for more pyramids.
I Hate: slaves that wouldn't listen to me. WHIPPING TIME!
I Hide: my real face underneath a veil.
I Need: more SLAVES!
[Tag five people]
1) Shuhua
2) Sally
Actually... I can't be bothered... You wanna do, you do. I don't wanna force anyone to do this. IT'S TORTURING!
Akira Star
@ 1:46 AM
Message of the day. (The words I used most today)

So funny!!! I love the "NO WAI!!!" the most!! =D
Duel yu-gi-oh with kelvin/momo today! lose horribly. Liar! Still say his deck is fan deck. BLUFF ONE. Mine then call true fan deck! Then still shuffle all my monster cards to the bottom. If not, I still have the chance to win!!! :@
Akira Star
Monday, October 15, 2007 @ 12:18 AM
Thanks Mushrm aka Shuhua for this song, Portal Song - Still Alive. It has really made my day =) was kinda down today.
Portal Song Lyrics
This was a triumph.
I'm making a note here: HUGE SUCCESS.
It's hard to overstate my satisfaction.
Aperture Science
We do what we must
because we can.
For the good of all of us.
Except the ones who are dead.
But there's no sense crying over every mistake.
You just keep on trying till you run out of cake.
And the Science gets done.
And you make a neat gun.
For the people who are still alive.
I'm not even angry.
I'm being so sincere right now.
Even though you broke my heart.
And killed me.
And tore me to pieces.
And threw every piece into a fire.
As they burned it hurt because I was so happy for you!
Now these points of data make a beautiful line.
And we're out of beta.
We're releasing on time.
So I'm GLaD. I got burned.
Think of all the things we learned
for the people who are still alive.
Go ahead and leave me.
I think I prefer to stay inside.
Maybe you'll find someone else to help you.
Maybe Black Mesa
Anyway, this cake is great.
It's so delicious and moist.
Look at me still talking
when there's Science to do.
When I look out there, it makes me GLaD I'm not you.
I've experiments to run.
There is research to be done.
On the people who are still alive.
And believe me I am still alive.
I'm doing Science and I'm still alive.
I feel FANTASTIC and I'm still alive.
While you're dying I'll be still alive.
And when you're dead I will be still alive.
Anyway, I have completed my PP! Finally! Just sent it to my mentor. Hope she approve it and then I can submit to my PP advisor. =)
Akira Star
Thursday, October 11, 2007 @ 1:38 PM
Today is a ._. day for me...
1) Odd one out in group! All 3rd years! and they do not listen to me and gave me n00b work!! So I gave up trying to communicate...
3) UT! One question answered wrongly!! They asked for ratio! And you know what I typed?! PERCENTAGE!! ARGH!!
4) Spend lots of money!!!
5) Overslept in the train
Now I will officially introduce PSP-kun and welcome him into the family!! -claps, shoots fireworks and opens champagne-
So about the spending $$ part! Bought the psp charger $25, data cable $8, screen protector $12.90 and psp servicing $10! But I got discount of $11.90! Actually the guy wanna sell me at $49 but using my uber puppy eyes. He was so touched by them and sold me all at $44. XD Then during that time, my CRAMPS strike even harder than before. I felt faint and dizzy. @_@ I've got googly eyes. If not, I'am gonna scold the guy for giving me a torrent web for downloading psp games! How I hate torrents!! =(
Anyway I struggled on the bus and to the MRT station. When I sat on the MRT seat, I fell asleep immediately! At one point, I sensed someone sitting beside me playing DS. I thought it was LJ so I continue sleeping. My mind was like LJ still beside me = haven't reach Jurong East = still can sleep more! But suddenly I heard "RAFFLES PLACE INTERCHANGE", I woke up in a shock. Then I looked at the girl beside me and nearly spoke to her. And I got the shock of my life... IT WAS NOT LJ! It was a girl playing Trauma Centre on her white DS. I was like crap... What was I thinking... Shit! Stupid girl with white DS made me miss my stop! So I came home late. Very late.
Well... Tomorrow for sure will be a better day! Released one hour early! YAY! 3pm can go home already!
Lina drew for me! =D Thanks haha!!
ate at New York New York again! With Guanghao, Xue ni, Xue ni's friend and Sally!
Ate this! Creamy Penne with half spring chicken! $12.90
And watched Balls of Fury! LAME SHOW!! -"You squash lucky cricket!"-
Oh ya... Laptop-san! Continue to rebel again!! You will get reformat! Don't say I didn't warn you... /gg
Akira Star
Monday, October 08, 2007 @ 7:58 PM
Looks like I got another prezzie! belated one from my brother! A DAN BROWN Book!! Now I've got the whole collection of all 4 books! =D
He did not give it to me yesterday because his bag was in the CC locker. When he went there, the CC have already closed so he have to wait until today to pass it to me XD
TATA! I completed this game, "Trace Memory". This game is about this girl called Ashley, she have to return to this island called Blood Edward Island to trace back her past and at the meantime help a ghost, D who she had meet on the island, get back his memories as well! It's a fun, short, puzzle solving game!
"Save your game to unlock the starred game - this game is only available if you get the "good" ending. The starred game is essentially the same game, with minor changes to some scenarios. When you play through the starred game and get a "good" ending again, you'll get an surprise puzzle. Solving this puzzle will give you a special message." -quoted-
Looks like I have to play again to get the special message!!! ._.
Akira Star
Sunday, October 07, 2007 @ 11:57 PM
Today I get to cut my cake and blow the candles! Although it's belated! But it's better than nothing at all!
I can't wait for monday! For Molecular and Cell Biology module! My favourite module... The faci has 3 nicknames for me! Netteh (he pronounced nette as Netteh), Nestle and Egyptian girl!
Akira Star
Birthday! P2
@ 7:40 PM
So here is the entrance. The tickets were pretty expensive... No choice cos here is a tourist place... An adult ticket cost $32 entrance+tram ride and $22 w/o tram ride... TRAM RIDE COST $10! So while Guanghao was buying the tickets, all wanna take pictures with the birthday girl, ME! XD
We decided to take the walking trail first, so we started from the "Fishing Cat Trail" then walked to the "Leopard Trail" and lastly to the bridge of suspense! So basically we walked one whole round! The trails were so dark, damp and the weather was humid. So if one person screamed, the rest will scream as well! If one person start running, the rest will chase after that person! It's a hilarious sight!

Tarsier & Bushbaby
To end off, this is the main animal of the day in Night Safari! the BABIRUSA! All of us will definitely remember this animal, esp Lisa. -winks-
Btw, Thanks Shalee for making the video for me, the compilation of all the photos taken!
Akira Star