-Part 2-
AT NIGHT SAFARI!!! YAY!!! Most exciting night!
So here is the entrance. The tickets were pretty expensive... No choice cos here is a tourist place... An adult ticket cost $32 entrance+tram ride and $22 w/o tram ride... TRAM RIDE COST $10! So while Guanghao was buying the tickets, all wanna take pictures with the birthday girl, ME! XD

We decided to take the walking trail first, so we started from the "Fishing Cat Trail" then walked to the "Leopard Trail" and lastly to the bridge of suspense! So basically we walked one whole round! The trails were so dark, damp and the weather was humid. So if one person screamed, the rest will scream as well! If one person start running, the rest will chase after that person! It's a hilarious sight!

So these are some of the animals I saw there! Mousedeer, fishing cat, porcupine and giraffe! Very hard to take pictures there because it was dark and flash was not allowed. So we have to wait until there was no one then take the pictures. "Flash photography is not allowed as it will disturb the animals and other people" Lisa is totally scared of BATS! SO funny!! =D
Actually I kinda sad that I didn't see my bushbabies... The signboard map stated there are lesser bushbabies but our maps didn't stated except in the bushbaby place was the sugar gliders. So we went to the EAST LODGE to ask for directions. One of the Night Safari people said that the Tarsiers are actually the bushbabies and they move them there. But when I went home to do my research. THE TARSIERS ARE DEFINITELY NOT BUSHBABIES! Look at the pictures below:
Tarsier & Bushbaby Saw the differences?! They are two totally different animals... How can people working at the Night Safari don't know how to differentiate the animals. What is this?! I think they should go for training... ALL 3 OF THEM at the EAST LODGE station! So I didn't get to see my bushbabies at all! :@
But it's okay!! Because I get to see my GIRAFFES! When I saw it from a far, I went screaming "GIRAFFES!!! GIRAFFES!!!" I got a couple of shhhhh from the tram that was moving pass there... I was wow-ed by how tall they are!!! IT WAS AWESOME!

Next, we went to take the tram ride!! Our pictures was taken and when we asked how much. The guy say $4.50. But it actually cost $15! That guy really need to improve his diction... People these days =.= Anyway, Shalee was so happy that she get to see her TAPIR! The tram ride and the host were really good! And I get to embrace Mother Nature in the dark =D

Bought souvenirs from Night Safari!

Well, before we go home we took alot of pictures!! =D When I reached home at 12.15am, my birthday was already over and my parents were sleeping! So no one sang the Happy Birthday song to me and I didn't get to eat my cake! I admit it was kinda sad... =( But I had fun with my friends' at Night Safari. I guess this is called give and take. -most of the pictures were resized. please click for full view. Thanks!-

To end off, this is the main animal of the day in Night Safari! the BABIRUSA! All of us will definitely remember this animal, esp Lisa. -winks-
Btw, Thanks Shalee for making the video for me, the compilation of all the photos taken!