Cow goes MOO~
Monday, March 31, 2008 @ 2:30 PM
This post is dedicated to Lina :) Since she requested it. Hahaha~
Here are all my cows~
Except for 2 small cows... They didn't want to join in.
Oh well... Can't force them.
Okay now back to AO~ XD
Labels: animal
Akira Star
Saturday, March 29, 2008 @ 12:46 AM
This is one of the classes I have, my Lab Management module.
I have different people in my class everyday,
but this is my favourite class, judging by the people in it!
I guess I'm rather pleased with this class, W56A. Although I've got only one class this time, I do miss having 4 classes now :(
I have Audrey in my class this time! YAY!~ Finally same class! Kelvin and Tuck Hong are also in one of my classes! Can play Yu-Gi-Oh! in break time again~ WeiLeng is also in two of my class!
I guess as your days in RP grows, the more people you will know! So happy~ I hope to make more friends (: especially anime-loving ones! My, my! I can't wait for school to start now!
Having break time together with Mushroom, Eugena, LJ and WeiLeng is a must! You guys know the rules! Better book me early or else... :(
Although I have 4 classes, I still need to come back to school for FYP during my off-day :( That's like rather sad. FYP SOONER OR LATER YOU ARE GOING TO RUIN MY LIFE! THANKS ALOT! :@ AND YES, I MEAN IT! pif~ FYP totally suck ass... (omg... I'm starting to sound like Cartman. Oh shi-)
Akira Star
Bored... Then how?
Tuesday, March 25, 2008 @ 3:17 PM
To be a Who, that would be nice!
I will marry Jojo and be the next major's wife.
But I certainly would not like to have that many children.
Oh no, 97 children is definitely too many!
Like what the hell am I typing... Too random! And definitely too bored!
School is starting like in 2 weeks time. I DO NOT WANT to go to school.
I pretty much like my life now. My holidays are like:
anime anime anime anime anime anime anime anime anime anime anime anime
game game game game game game game game game game game game game
south park south park south park south park south park south park south park
surf net surf net surf net surf net surf net surf net surf net surf net surf net surf net
Gosh, it's like I get to do all my favourite things I wanna do!
Oh ya... Have to include FYP. Going down to school once/twice every week.
It's like man! It's HOLIDAYS HERE! Like why do I have to still go down to school? It's not next door, you know!
Meh!~ I'll say. Meh!~
Soon I will get to know my new class and classmates. Hope there are no stupid idiots in my class... You hear me?! If there are stupid idiots in my class, I'm gonna... i'm gonna... GO TO THE TOILET AND CRY! Yes! That's what I'll do! And PON THE CLASS LIKE MAD! :@
Okay... I realized after typing this post sounds kinda mad... :X Oh well, too bad~ :D
Labels: spam
Akira Star
Who hears a who?
Monday, March 17, 2008 @ 11:16 PM
Yup~ I watched this movie, Horton hears a Who! already~ It's like my favourite cartoon movie now! So cute! Great storyline! Lovely character design. I want to watch it again! I would either download this movie or buy the dvd if it's not too expensive.
I LOVE YOU DR.SEUSS!~Quote of the show: "A person's a person no matter how small" Even the quote is cute :D
And my favourite character is JOJO

Jojo O'Malley the Mayor's teenage son and the oldest of the mayor's children. Like other teenage boys, he has a glum, angst, sarcastic disposition. Being the oldest of 97 kids, Jojo is next in line to become the Mayor of Whoville, though he doesn't want to follow in his father's footsteps. In order to keep from disappointing his dad, he finds it best not to talk at all. However, he is able to hear rhythmic patterns in just about anything. His undiscovered voice is a vital asset for the Whos' survival, and he can be pretty loud. He also shows a surprising talent for inventions. He is also the only boy out of all the 97 children.
-quoted from wikipedia-
Kyaa~~ He is like so cute!! I want to hug him and pinch his cheeks~ ♥_♥
And I even named my Echeveria after him~ :X
Due to my FYP, I decided to get one too :D
Completed: ARIA the Animation~
Pretty girls~ Heart warming storyline. Every episodes touches my heart! Yes! Not joking!
Note: The Alice Carroll I cosplayed as is from this anime too :D
The main girls of the story~ CHIOBU ARRR~
Akira Star
Happy Whale :D
Sunday, March 16, 2008 @ 1:25 AM
Yay! Came back from our class BBQ~ Thank God, it didn't rain! Though it did drizzle abit :)
Before I meet my friends at Eunos MRT on friday, I went to Orchard with my mother and aunt to collect my free movie tickets!~ Yup, the one I won from eating Cornetto~ I couldn't remember where am I suppose to go to collect the tickets. I only remembered it's at Somerset, Singapore Power Building. The person called me when I was sleeping. How am I supposed to remember? :( Luckily the receptionist at the counter knew about it and directed me to Unilever, #16-05 :D
The place is sooo pretty~ It's like a ice-cream shop!
And that's my free tickets, expiry date: April 2009!
Wandered around and finally settled down at Popular, reading "True Singapore Ghost Stories Book 17". Wah! There is a woman who wrote in saying she has made contact with Jigoku Shoujo! Yes! The anime, Jigoku Shoujo (Hell Girl). I was shocked and read on with disbelief. She said that she even had the black mark on her chest after she made a contract with the Hell Girl! I think that the story could be made up... I don't believe that there is such thing as Hell Girl. IT'S JUST AN ANIME! ARGH!!~~
Anyway, after that I went to meet Puikwan, Shalee and Sally at Eunos MRT control station. Sat bus 13 all the way to East Coast Park. And WALKED A LONG DISTANCE to Pit 16!
The people who came! Even my Choir teacher, Mrs Ong, came! :D
She still remembers me as xiao mei mei, I put you in my pocket! :(
Can't believe she still wants to do that! LOL!
♥Love my Shorties♥
A handful of us later camped overnight in a tent. Went star-gazing!~ Learnt how to locate Scorpio and Crux in the starry night above. Thanks Daphne and TZH! :D next, I DS-ed all the way until 3am no one played with me... was so disappointed... and fell asleep~ Woke up around 6am(?) and saw dawn approaching~
Dawn is approaching!! Quick! RUN!! AHH~
Packed up everything and headed to the bus-stop. Thought I could go home and sleep somemore on my comfortable bed (and not on the hard sandy ground), but I could not! Instead of my bed, I have to lie on the dentist chair! And have the dentist drilling away on my teeth! One of my molars is need of filling!! It chipped off when I was eating :( And I certainly DO NOT WANT to wait 3 months for the polyclinic one... I think by the time my molar will disintegrate into nothingness... So went to do scaling and filling at the private dental. So expensive! T_T
Why... Hello there!
Omg! I just love these red millipedes!
If only I knew whether are they poisonous or not,
I would pick them up and let them walk all over my arms :D
-Happy Whale refers to the shirt that I am wearing!
It's definitely happy :D-
Labels: dental, insects, outing
Akira Star
Bloody Wednesday!
Tuesday, March 11, 2008 @ 11:44 PM
Today went to do FYP again with my teammates. Can finally start on our plants, the Echeveria! Yup, those plants in my previous posts.
The end product :D
Hope they would grow~
During one of the steps in the protocol, I... accidently... poked/stabbed 3 of my fingers with the syringe (injection needle)! Yes! 3 times!! The first time I was removing the cap of the needle. It was kinda tight so I used force. Due to the impact of removing the cap, I poked my index finger. I could already see blood through my glove. A thought came to me, "Don't tell me I'm gonna faint..." (for those who don't know me well, yup I have low blood pressure and I feel faint when blood is drawn out of me. And I'm not scare of blood at all! Don't Assume!)
My team mate, Joshua, called me to change the needle as it is already been contaminated. So I closed back the cap and tried to remove the needle from the syringe. My hand were already feeling weak but I still tried to remove it. Alas... Due to the impact (yes, again...) and lack of controlling my already weaken hand, I poked the other 2 fingers. Audrey ordered me to put down everything and seek for help from Kenneth. I stood up, faced myself to Kenneth (St.John hoh!!) and tried to tell him. But he didn't seem to get it. So I removed the glove and for a moment, I looked at the pretty red blood droplets at my fingertips, before flinging them on the floor to attract his attention. He quickly got up and supported me to the sink next door (our poor lab here has no sink...) I dripped a bloodly trail along the way! And Audrey helped me clean it up :D Anyway I did cry, was trying to hold back but couldn't stop them from flowing out! :@
Here is one drop of my precious blood
that is soon gonna be wiped away by Ethanol...
My PI (facilitator in charge of our FYP) came over to help as well. By the time, I already feeling faint. Wasn't able to stand or walk properly. But I was glad I didn't faint :) So after some rest, I was alright and felt like a dragon~ (some kind of chinese idiom? Don't remember...) And my teammates wouldn't let me handle sharp stuff like the syringe and knife anymore :(
My poor plastered fingers. Do Re Mi~
-The throbbing pain actually feels nice-
Labels: FYP
Akira Star
Another Photoshoot: ARIA~
Sunday, March 09, 2008 @ 9:26 PM
Yes! Today is my 3rd photoshoot! Another tiring yet fun photoshoot. Had to walk along Singapore River~ I waved to everyone who were on the boats :D Then there was this angmo little girl who walked by and started pointing and shouting "This woman has green hair! Look!" Seriously, I couldn't stop laughing! LOL!
Anyway, here's one of the pictures taken by Rayblade-san!~
Character: Alice Carroll (アリス・キャロル)
Location: Along Singapore River~
Photographers: Rayblade
So how's this time my performance? Do I look better in green hair? LOL!
Do comment in my tagboard!
More photos soon to come~ :)
For my other 2 photoshoots pictures, they are located in "My Photo Album" at the side :D
Labels: cosplay, photoshoot
Akira Star
Not scary ghost show is not scary...
Saturday, March 08, 2008 @ 8:36 PM
Went shopping with Alice, Shalee, Puikwan and Lisa at Vivo City and Bugis Street. Bugis street is crazy!!! Never like going there at all! SO MANY PEOPLE! I don't like crowded places... So cramp... :(
Eating ice cream with friends is so much fun~
Winning a pair of movie tickets? Lucky :)
Don't know how to collect them? Wasted! XD
- pix credited to Daphne-
Akira Star
L: Change the WorLd!!!
Wednesday, March 05, 2008 @ 2:08 AM
YAY! Finally watched this show! with Audrey, Lisa and Sally. I think this show is pretty good despite not being part of the manga.
This movie is a spin-off of the Death Note movie series, Death Note and Death Note: The Last Name. The film chronicles the final 23 days of L's life, and follows L as he solves one final case. Yup, before he dies...
The Cast.
And... I have completed Tsubasa: RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE 2nd Season
(ツバサ-RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE-).
Mokona Modoki Tokidoki!~ Ahh~ Puuuu!!~~
-No matter how gifted you are,
you alone cannot change the world-
Akira Star
Chords of Steel! Here comes Justice!
Sunday, March 02, 2008 @ 3:58 PM
Finally completed this game here, after much pushing from Johnatton. LOL!
Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney, as known as Gyakuten Saiban 4 (逆転裁判4)
Really good plot!! Amazing that they can thought of such a storyline! There are new game play elements as well! Makes finding contradictions so much easier! :D
Won't be saying any spoilers here... Play it yourself! But I will be showing the final scene from the game :D
Here comes JUSTICE! XD
Labels: DS
Akira Star