Friday, February 29, 2008 @ 9:52 PM
Hee~ Today is like a very special day for all the 29th Feb babies! It's the only time they can celebrate their actual birthday date after 4 years! If I can, I would like my future child's birthday to fall on 29th Feb *^_^* But this would need a lot of planning... heeheehee~
And... I FINALLY PASSED MY FTE!! Whee~ After 2 failures, I passed! :D
My FTT would be on 16th May. Haiz~ So long... By the time I forget and have to re-memorise! T_T
Tomorrow is another driving practice for me :D I can finally continue~~
Went for running today also. Waited for Sally for around 55mins... She soon can be the second *** already. Today is Sally's final paper! She is very happy, thus her big smile on her face. I ran for 3 rounds without stopping......... Wah nearly faint! Nevermind, tomorrow I shall try harder! Osu! Tatakae! Ouendan! XD
Akira Star
Thursday, February 28, 2008 @ 9:40 PM
Today can say it is a rather exhausting day for me.
Went to Tiong to buy logbook and notebook for FYP with Audrey *^_^*
Walked all the way to Henderson CC.
Played badminton with Lisa, Puik, Audrey, Waikeong and his friend.
Got fed up!!! Stupid Shuttlecock!! ARGH!
Didn't take picture together, even though I did brought my camera... T_T
Went running next! With my twin terror, Puik! At Queenstown Stadium.
TRAIN FOR NAPFA! :@ I want to join the guys for NAPFA!
Favourite station: 2.4km Walk-Run :) Want to do well in this particular station!
I ran 2 rounds (0.8km) around the field non-stop! I will have to increase my stamina~
Tomorrow another training! :D 3 rounds desu? :3
Watched finished Kanon (2006) and Genshiken!
Kanon - Wah~ The saddest show I have ever watched.
Cried 7 out of 24 episodes T_T~
Genshiken - Otaku dream show(?) All Otaku must watch! Zettai must!!!
Next!! Next!! Tsubasa S2? ._.
Akira Star
Wednesday, February 27, 2008 @ 9:00 PM
Yesterday, went to Guanghui and Ricky's chalet~ With Puik and Sally! First time been to such a quiet chalet. Gamed all the way inside one small room on the 2nd floor. Eric was there too... Can't say I'm pleased to see him =X
Suddenly, "CRASH! BAM! WHAM" [hee... maybe a little too exaggerated] We looked up at each other and say... Chey~ Must be plates drop only... Then we continued to game. Guanghui came up to tell us... RICKY GOT INTO AN ACCIDENT!!! He rammed... I mean, banged :P unknowingly into the glass door! And got a huge cut on his thigh which needed stitching!
The broken glass door...
I wondered... why is there no bloodstains on it? O.o
For what I inferred when I came down to take a look, the floor before should be a bloody mess. There were still some bloodstains on the floor left uncleaned. If I used Luminol, confirm can see ALOT of blood traces~ [learnt from Ema of PW and AJ]
For your info, the glass costed $500! This is like total madness. Cheapo glass like this costed $500? 开什么玩笑? Kena scammed already, I think...
Anyway, hope Ricky can recover soon~~
Here are my plants for FYP! Cute deshou?
Guess what... I failed my FTE again... :(
Next re-test this friday! Hope I can pass this time round!!!!~
-Sally is behaving like a SHREW on the MRT
Happy now, Puik? LOL!-
Labels: outing
Akira Star
THE 3rd!
Sunday, February 24, 2008 @ 5:31 PM
Hur~ My first driving lesson of the year... And my 3rd after stopping for a total of 5 months. I suddenly have the motivation for driving.
Got to sit on cushion today! Didn't reveal to the instructor that I bought my own. It's like so embarrassing!! Would rather use theirs. And I can finally see where I'm going! Whee!~~
Today is a day full of mistakes! Forget to put on safety belt... 4 times! T_T simple common sense thing I also can forget. Looks like I'm damn stressed. Went up the curb once. Nearly bang into a couple of cars. Forget to stop at the "STOP" sign. Stop in the yellow box junction, cos the traffic lights changed too fast. Lastly, STALL ALOT OF TIMES.
(I felt like banging my head against the steering wheel)
Passed stage 1.04 and 1.05. Turning and changing of 3rd gear! I love 3rd gear :D Faster but so much smoother. Liked the feeling~ The instructor let me tried the 90 degrees turn... Sigh... Cannot make it. LOL! Is in need of more practice. Overall I think I did okay :) Not bad after 5 months.
Hope I can pass this quickly and be a happy driver :) But I have to pass my FTE first (this wed) before booking my next practice on the road~ Wish me luck indeed!
Labels: driving
Akira Star
Shows watched! Quite so recently :D
Friday, February 15, 2008 @ 6:15 PM

Claymore!~ I love all the chiobu inside this show XD Great action!
And not forgeting, all the Blood and GORE~

Zero no Tsukaima: Futatsuki no Kishi (ゼロの使い魔 ~双月の騎士~)

Zombie-Loan (ゾンビローン)~
Fancy for some horror or even some handsome-looking guys and moe-looking girls? WATCH THIS! XD
That's alot right? I chiong ARRRR!! XD
Akira Star
I'm Back!!
Thursday, February 14, 2008 @ 2:06 PM
Woah this trip I have been to a lot of places!
From Shanghai to Wuzhen to Hangzhou to Suzhou to Nanjing to Wuxi and back to Shanghai again! XD That's a lot right?!
And I still haven't see my snow yet! Only leftover ones on the ground, trees and rooftops! T_T
Missed the internet and animes!
- The West Lake 西湖 at Hangzhou.
It is said that this lake is beautiful in every season!
I hope that in the future I'll get to see them all!
- The Oriental Pearl Tower 东方明珠塔 at Shanghai.
Yes! That space looking tower over there! (Though I have a closer shot of it but I would like to use this picture) I went up to the 259th floor! But I didn't get to go to the very most top.
-The Merlion at Suzhou
Singapore helped China, Suzhou with their housing. Our very own Lee Kuan Yew officially opened the Central Park, which is where this Merlion is located at, on Sep 1999.
Looks like our MRT? But it is definitely not like it! This train here can move at up to 300km/hr! I sat on this train to get to the Pudong Airport of Shanghai and it only takes me 7min to get there! Yes, IT'S THAT FAST! Whoosh!!!~~
Yup, those are the stuff that left me with a deep impression. Will definitely remember them for life! So... I'm back! But I will be flying off again on Sunday, 17th Feb. Will be coming back on Wednesday, 20th Feb! (For more pictures, ask me and I'll show you XD)
Love animals!! :D -petpetpetpet-
Akira Star
Flying~ Soaring~
Wednesday, February 06, 2008 @ 1:31 PM
Yes! I will be flying tomorrow, 7th, and coming back on the 14th! Thus I won't be online~ XD
Btw, here is some raspberry turtles for you :)

Akira Star
Long post is LONG!
Monday, February 04, 2008 @ 11:23 PM
As those of you who know me =D I'm already having my holidays~
I will be going through what happened during my last week of school =D
28th, Last MCB (Molecular and Cell Biology) Lesson~
Priyanka treated us with brownies, but she first played a joke on me by telling me there is not for me. How bad is that!!! :@ (Anyway they were all eaten by Jackie) Priyanka seems reluctant and sad to leave us~ Ha!
29th, Last Genetics Lesson~
(My favourite module~ Though I ponned once, cos it's getting boring)
Special lesson! Had to do a problem statement on the movie "GATTACA", a 1997 movie!
The title 'Gattaca' is composed of the initial letters of the four DNA nucleotides (adenine, cytosine, guanine, and thymine). Liked the movie, but HATE it cos Jerome died... T_T
And I got my first A in Genetics XD Hope Chaitra Jagdish will be teaching me for my Genomic module in 3rd year!
"There is no gene for the human spirit."
30th, No school on Wednesday~~
31st, Last MT (Medical Technology) Lesson
didn't like MT... Too dry, regret taking it! 3rd time ponning~
Went to Weiling's house to tame her hamster and scared her mice =X (LJ came along too =D)
Managed to tame her hamster by using the "Last Resort", but it seems to have short termed memory... Oh well~ Her mice seems to be SCARED of EVERYTHING! Oh GOD!! Sound also scared! LOL!~~ I love hamsters~~ T_T But my mama don't allow me to keep them..................
1st, Last Immunology Lesson (Last day of school!)
Very slack lesson~ Watched Singapore's True Ghost Stories by Russel Lee... So boring that I even fell asleep. Lousy~~
Jackie came to my class during the 3rd meeting! Charlene allowed! XD
3rd Feb,
Met Chee Shen together with Lisa. (Our Maplestory online friend) XD 3rd online friend meeting!
Ate at Waraku! Yes, the 3rd time!
Cream Hamburg Steak desu~
Today, 4th
Ate at.... Waraku again! XD
Pasta + Pizza Set with Ice Lemon Tea~
Downloaded the Kenya SONG! Whee!~~ Oh Bouncy Lions and Tigers~~
Learnt how to bank transfer =D
Hamster like DS-Chan? O.o
-Flying off soon~ Bless you, MY SLIME!-
Akira Star