Farewell Dinner for... Remia.
Thursday, April 30, 2009 @ 8:47 PM
Watched movie, Friday the 13th, with my aunt at GV Grand. I have to admit I did fell asleep in some of the talking parts of the movie. Was soooo tired, slept so late the previous night! Then I accompanied her to Bukit Merah library to return and borrow books. And as a result, I was late in meeting my work friends at Great World City :D We were gonna treat Remia to Kenny Rogers Roasters! A farewell dinner for her before she leaves Singapore on 6th May. Congrats in completing your 6 months attachment here at GV! Remia, you have been a very good friend and working colleague :)
We ordered a Family Feast and a Quarter meal to share! After eating, we went up to GV Grand to check on our working schedule and ended up chatting happily with Ganesh and Edmund while the situation outside is like a war. Stupid GV exclusive, Xmen Origins: Wolverine. Glad I'm not working on that day for closing :D Picture time.

Main with sides!

Corn muffins :P

Lastly a group picture.
(from the left) Puikwan, Remia, ShunAn, Reawen and me :)
Labels: dinner, GV friends
Akira Star
Akira Star
Happy Birthday, WeiLeng!
Tuesday, April 28, 2009 @ 1:53 AM
::25th Apr 09::
We celebrated WeiLeng's birthday at Joshua's house :D His house is definitely big enough for us to do the celebrating there! Next time we should all go to his house to celebrate each other's birthday :X So fun! Sang birthday songs, cut cake, ate cake. And went down to play tennis. I didn't play, of course. Didn't like ball games at all.
After that, I have to make my way down to Vivo City alone :( Was supposed to reach at 7pm. I reached there at 6pm. And the people I'm supposed to meet... ARRIVED AT 7.30pm! =____= Really wasted my time and made me suffered alone in that horrible crowded place...
Anyway here are the birthday pictures!~

Joshua, Eugena, Shuhua, WeiLeng, Moo and me :)

Striped choco mint cake pieces~

Tennis, which I did not play.
Thank you Joshua for letting us use your place and booking the tennis court for us.
Labels: birthday, RP friends
Akira Star
Akira Star
Cross Stitch: Mudkip
Saturday, April 25, 2009 @ 2:54 AM
Yay! The Mudkip cross stitch has finally completed!! :D
Mostly done by me, black crosses done by Johnatton.
Pattern by Littlemojo. Materials from Siew Lip, Jurong Point.

Time to continue stitching the one I first started on.
It's really going to take 20 years to complete T_T~~
It's really going to take 20 years to complete T_T~~
Labels: cross stitch, pokemon
Akira Star
Akira Star
GV Photo Spam!
Friday, April 24, 2009 @ 11:02 PM
::21st Apr 09::
Oh goodness. This entry is going to expire if I don't post it now. Was working on that day :) It was as fun as any other day working at GV, without Auntie SohKoon scolding me. It was also the day when approximately 3kg of Nachos expired :\ So much wastage!

The expired nachos were placed in the staff room for anyone who wanted them. I didn't take any home but I did eat a few there with the leftover cheese at the end of the day. And then Puikwan, Edmund, Remia and me decided to take pictures as we have finished our tasks early :) So now time for photos okay??? :D (Why am I asking you all anyway :\)

After the last shot was taken, Puikwan and I quickly changed out off our uniforms and took the last bus home~~~
Akira Star
Akira Star
Grab Bag Mystery Tee!
Thursday, April 23, 2009 @ 1:35 AM
My mystery tee from TeeFury has arrived! :D
TeeFury.com is a site where there will be a new t-shirt on sale everyday. So once the day is over, that t-shirt with that particular design will be taken down and will be replaced by another t-shirt with a new design. So once the t-shirt with that design is taken down you can't buy it anymore. It's gone forever.
So sometimes there will be a event called the "Grab Bag Mystery Tee" where you only have to pay US$5 for that shirt! However the shirt will be randomly picked from the previous designs. This is my first shirt purchased online... AND IT WILL BE RANDOM! D: Since it's only S$15 including of shipping fee. I gave in to my brother's temptings and bought it as well. Yes, he too purchased a random tee.

Here are the t-shirts.
The blue one is my brother's, which is known as the "Current" designed by JonJon.
The black one is mine, which is known as "Passion Can't Apply When We're So Drained and Pale" designed by Soulfume (Wow... that's a mouthful of words.)
So about my tee (quoted from teefury.com):
My goal was to end up with a main element that has an eye-pleasing, fluid motion but is also juxtaposed with some straighter, harsher elements like the rose stems. The balancing of the two was important to the overall concept. Death and Love play a large role in the message, but as with most of my designs, I prefer to leave it open to interpretation.
So yeah, I guess I'm pretty okay with my random tee :) It's random-licious great!!
The black one is mine, which is known as "Passion Can't Apply When We're So Drained and Pale" designed by Soulfume (Wow... that's a mouthful of words.)
So about my tee (quoted from teefury.com):
A word from the curator:
Two flowers, each standing only by leaning on the other, try to maintain their footing even as death swirls behind them, waiting to pounce. Symbolic, meaningful, and most importantly a great-looking shirt.
My goal was to end up with a main element that has an eye-pleasing, fluid motion but is also juxtaposed with some straighter, harsher elements like the rose stems. The balancing of the two was important to the overall concept. Death and Love play a large role in the message, but as with most of my designs, I prefer to leave it open to interpretation.
So yeah, I guess I'm pretty okay with my random tee :) It's random-licious great!!

Something to share~
I caught a baby lizard in my kitchen and
I have no idea where to dispose it... :( I can't have it wandering into my room!!!
Labels: animal, online purchase, random
Akira Star
Akira Star
:+ Lyrids Star Party +:
Monday, April 20, 2009 @ 4:37 PM
::18th Apr 09::
I registered for the Lyrids Star Party! It's a meteor shower/stars grazing activity hosted by RP, went there together with Johnatton and Moo. Reached RP at 3pm and head to the E2 lecture theater to watch two videos from History Channel, "Astrobiology" and "Mysteries of the moon". I have to admit... I slept through both of the videos!!! xD! There was also a talk given by someone from the Science Centre but... I only attended the last part of it :X Because I was outside eating and chatting with the Astronomy IG people.
After this, we boarded the bus to East Coast Park. They led us to East Coast Park Area D and welcomed us to there :\ The Astronomy IG started setting up the equipments like telescopes there while the rest of us went to get our dinner. Wandered about looking for food and ended up eating ice cream xD! Shared with Johnatton, though I didn't eat much. Too sweet
Went back to Area D. And woah... it's definitely dark there! And I could finally see the beautiful stars above... It was awesome. Moo explained and pointed out the constellations and of course, the planet Saturn! I really didn't expect to see it through the telescope. I thought it would be too far away to see it. But nothing beats the telescope O_O! I saw Orion the hunter constellation, Scorpio constellation, Gemini constellation, Southern Cross, Jewelbox, Orion's Nebula and maybe a few others. I went to lie down on the mat because my neck got tired of looking upwards. Moo and Johnatton lay down beside me too. We continued to stargaze and looking out for meteors, of course!! Johnatton saw one ahead of me :(
The meteors will be around the constellation "Lyra" which rise at about 1am. That's why the meteor shower is called Lyrids, name after Lyra. Thus the peak of the shower is at 1am. The time where there are more chances to see a meteor. Meteors are pretty hard to see. Like Moo always say, "It's like a waiting game." 15 meteors per hour, moreover the sky is so big! And I'm not going to stay overnight there.
So I waited... and finally I saw one. I think I saw one. It was bright and it moved really quickly like a short bright line across the sky. So... I supposed that's a meteor. But I'm glad happy that I saw one and we can go home already!~ Left at 10.50pm with Johnatton, and Moo accompanied us to the bus stop. Took a bus to Suntec City and a MRT to Redhill.
When I reached the Redhill station, it's already 12midnight! No more buses for me :( So I have to walked home alone. Accompanied by Moo's text messages (Thank you!), I walked for an hour and I reached home at 1am! T_T!~ But I really enjoyed the Lyrids Star Party! I learnt a lot from Moo Sensei :D *claps claps claps* Now picture time.

My star necklace :D Purposely wore for the event :X

Moo setting up and adjusting the telescope.

Saturn! I took this picture through the telescope :)
Same way as you take a picture of cells through the microscope.
You can even see the ring around it! AWESOME!

Johnatton's attempt to take picture of the lightning.
I failed. I couldn't take a picture of it. MISSED!

Light sticks were given out :) I love the pink one a lot.


The millipede I found while walking home.
Oh ya! I moved two snails off the walkway as well :)

The ladybug is still in my house!!! It's like 4 days already...
Next day, I have to meet up with ahsie and Xue Ni at Jurong Point at 10.30am. I was an hour late! Sorry ahsie!!!! Xue Ni reached at around 2pm, though :X So ahsie and I decided to buy the cross stitching materials first. And started stitching while waiting for Xue Ni to arrive. ahsie will be stitching a Ditto, Xue Ni a Munchlax and Snorlax, and me a Mudkip. I spent around $19 for the materials.
ahsie had to go home after that, while Xue Ni and I went to eat at MOS Burger. Discussed where to go after that. Finally decided to go to Bukit Merah Central to print her Munchlax/Snorlax pattern out at HQ Comic store and settled down at the McDonald to start our cross stitches! :D
We cross stitched from 5pm to 12.40am. Pretty impressive, right? Our dinner were only fries and ice cream. I enjoyed eavesdropping on anyone around me. Well... I can't be only concentrating on my cross stitch. I must do something else also! Anyway, we had to walk home after that as there were no more buses operating. I reached home at 1am+ and got a scolding from my mama. Thank you Moo for accompanying me home with your call. It was pretty scary to walk home alone ._.
We cross stitched from 5pm to 12.40am. Pretty impressive, right? Our dinner were only fries and ice cream. I enjoyed eavesdropping on anyone around me. Well... I can't be only concentrating on my cross stitch. I must do something else also! Anyway, we had to walk home after that as there were no more buses operating. I reached home at 1am+ and got a scolding from my mama. Thank you Moo for accompanying me home with your call. It was pretty scary to walk home alone ._.

With this many threads, I think I can make like 20 Mudkips!

What Xue Ni has done so far.

What I have done so far.
Anyway... I'm about to complete the Mudkip stitch~~ And pass it to him! :D
Labels: astronomy, crafts, cross stitch, excursion, info, insects, night walk, pokemon, RP, RP friends, stargazing
Akira Star
Akira Star
Perler Beads: Totodile
Saturday, April 18, 2009 @ 2:37 AM
Started on Totodile...

Over-ironed it :( Turned out pretty bad. I have to redo again! WASTE BEADS! Especially all those black perler beads... I have to get more if I want to continue making.

Seeing double? :X
Labels: angry, crafts, pokemon
Akira Star
Akira Star
Perler Beads!
Friday, April 17, 2009 @ 12:57 AM
Presenting my new hobby... Perler beads. Got influenced by Johnatton!! Thank you for passing me half of your mixed perler beads :) and ahsie for accompanying me to Suntec City to get the rest of the materials. Expensive hobby...

I looked all over the place for this box and finally found it at Plaza Singapura's Daiso :)
Now it looks so pretty with all the different colours!! :D
So ahem... I decided to start on it. I was making a charmander as a test, then I realized... I DO NOT HAVE DARK ORANGE.

So I tried putting orange beads for all of it.

So I destroyed it immediately! :@
I started working on Jackie's requests instead. Her requests are Squirtle, Totodile and Mudkip. I'm going according to their National Pokédex number :D So squirtle is first!

Done :)

After ironing~ Here is the front :)

Here is the back which is the ironed part.
By the way, I'm charging her $10 for three pokemons. They are not for free. Sorry! But prices could be negotiated though. It's an expensive hobby!! NEED MONEY FOR BEADS!
Labels: crafts, perler beads, pokemon
Akira Star
Akira Star