GV Photo Spam!
Friday, April 24, 2009 @ 11:02 PM
::21st Apr 09::
Oh goodness. This entry is going to expire if I don't post it now. Was working on that day :) It was as fun as any other day working at GV, without Auntie SohKoon scolding me. It was also the day when approximately 3kg of Nachos expired :\ So much wastage!

The expired nachos were placed in the staff room for anyone who wanted them. I didn't take any home but I did eat a few there with the leftover cheese at the end of the day. And then Puikwan, Edmund, Remia and me decided to take pictures as we have finished our tasks early :) So now time for photos okay??? :D (Why am I asking you all anyway :\)

After the last shot was taken, Puikwan and I quickly changed out off our uniforms and took the last bus home~~~
Akira Star
Akira Star