Asobi Masho... :3
Friday, October 31, 2008 @ 12:39 AM
::30th Oct 08::
Asobi Masho~ This movie, 20th Century Boys, is really enjoyable! Can't wait for the sequel :3 I watched the movie with ahsie and Audrey. Treated them with my black complimentary passes. Farhan cannot watch with us on that day :( So sad... Anyway, we went crazy after the movie and started taking pictures with the poster in the TOILET! :X Farhan met up with me later and he accompanied me to Pasir Ris :):):) For Sylvia's chalet BBQ at Pasir Ris's Aranda Country Club, which Audrey already went there immediately after the movie. Thank you Sylvia for inviting me to it!!! :D:D:D

So amusing.

Akira Star
Akira Star
Amazing Race again!~
Tuesday, October 28, 2008 @ 5:35 PM
::25th Oct 08::
I went to sign up for my school's Amazing Race again!The Cyriva Club’s Amazing Race. At first, we were not chosen to participate but at the last minute, they called us back. So my team and I thought "why not?" and replied the email as asap as we could.
This time, there were only eight teams and all were split up into different routes so that there will not be any collision. So there were different coloured cards with different routes to go. Ours was Orange. And also all the stations will end by 4.15pm. Start at 10am++, end at 4.15pm.

Team members:
Sooo... Our first destination which is everyone as well was at... The Bottle Tree Park at Khatib. All the clues on the cards given was like "picture" + "picture" + "picture" then go to "picture". So tough!

We had trouble trying to find this place and wasted some time walking all over the place in circles. Was actually first but then became second last. But nyeh, it's okay. We were just playing this for fun :) The task there was to look for our next clue card which is hidden somewhere there by the GMs. After finding it, off we go to our second destination...

Yeah, from Khatib to Somerset, Orchard.

Team picture in the MRT~
All of us looked so sweaty and yucky already!!

Yeah, from Khatib to Somerset, Orchard.

Team picture in the MRT~
All of us looked so sweaty and yucky already!!
Second task is to choose from two rows of cards placed out. The first row is the colours and the second row is the items. Then we have to find the picked coloured item and take a photo with it. So our team has chosen "BLACK SHIRT" from the rows of cards. I guess we are pretty lucky xD We didn't get anything difficult and unusual like bright flamboyant pink undergarments or something along that line :X We found a person wearing a black shirt almost instantly.

This looks pretty silly :X

This looks pretty silly :X
Anyway, our third clue leads us to the park beside Ang Mo Kio Hub. Clever ahsie guessed it right :) The task there was to walk up barefooted on a slippery sheet of plastic with your teammates hand in hand. This was easy xD And there is another task as well. It's something like Charades. One person acts out the words on the card. So fun and easy!! I'm the one who gets to looks at the words and act out to make them guess! I was good :D We did two of categories because we wanted extra hints from the GM xD First was Sports category and the other was the Superheroes category.

If you look closely enough,
you can see the bunch of ice cream sticks sticking from the ground xD

Lol! And the fourth destination was the most headache of all. We acted smart and got lost :X The clue states, "Vehicle82Jetty". We read it as Vehicle8 to jetty! So we went to Toa Payoh to take bus 8 to Bedok reservoir. On the way, we smsed the GMs to confirm our location and then... WE WERE WRONG! We should have taken bus 82 to Punggol instead. I didn't even know there is a jetty at Punggol. Alighted bus 8, we took the MRT at Boon Keng, went all the way to Punggol, took bus 8 and went to the jetty. WASTED 1hour+++++. Can't even go anymore stations after that.

On the bus~
Anyway the task there is to use just ice cream sticks to build a base and a pointer to point to where the direction the GM pointed to.

On the bus~

If you look closely enough,
you can see the bunch of ice cream sticks sticking from the ground xD
By the time, we have completed this task, it's already soon reaching the closing time, 4.15pm. So we decided to head back to RP instead. So we only completed 4 stations out of 8. Pretty pathetic, I would say :X BUT.... I had fun :D
Our whole Amazing Race route is
RP > Khatib > Somerset > AMK > (Toa Payoh, Boon Keng) Punggol> RP > Home.

And look at my complimentary ticketssss~~~
-this is like totally random-
Our whole Amazing Race route is
RP > Khatib > Somerset > AMK > (Toa Payoh, Boon Keng) Punggol> RP > Home.

And look at my complimentary ticketssss~~~
-this is like totally random-
::Elfen Lied::
Akira Star
Akira Star
A Change
Monday, October 20, 2008 @ 8:50 PM
Yes, yes. I know all the Firefox users kept complaining about my words can't be seen due to the blog layout. And I have too recently become a Firefox user as well. So I finally changed my blogskin after so long! Just some random blogskin I chose. Anyway, now Firefox viewers can now see what I typed! I'm not sure about IE users... Ahhh~ Nevermind about them xD
P.S: I even added an anime picture of what anime I'm watching now!! So nice~ :D
P.P.S: By the way, that anime is call Hayate no Gotoku!
P.P.P.S: And some random pictures to keep you guys entertain. :)
Labels: blog layout, random, spam
Akira Star
Akira Star
Yay for GVMC!
Thursday, October 16, 2008 @ 1:16 AM
One of the privileges of being a GVMC member, short for Golden Village Movie Club, is this!~
The Birthday One for One treat! :D
Buy one ticket and get the other one for free during your birthday month, with terms and conditions applied.
Quick go sign up now! It's free!!
Sign up at and collect your little popcorn card at any GV cinemas :D
(looks like I'm advertising... :X)
Akira Star
Akira Star
Wednesday, October 15, 2008 @ 1:35 AM
::14th Oct 08::
OH GOSH! Noooooooooooooooooo... I overslept again! And this time I woke up at 8.30am... Don't need to go already. School already started! Labwork somemore. And today is my favourite module, Structure Biology with all my favourite friends and facilitator. By the time I actually made my way there, the labwork has ended, no need to do already. So I stayed at home and spent my whole morning trying to patch the stupid RO2. And nooooooooooooo... IT STILL DOES NOT WORK. :@

Hur~ I miss such fun times in lab again! :(
Before I overslept again.... =.=
Before I overslept again.... =.=
Labels: lab, sad, school, tired, work
Akira Star
Akira Star
Go Japan!
Tuesday, October 14, 2008 @ 9:37 AM
::11th Oct 08::
Was suppose to meet ahsie and Jonathan at Clark Quay, but as usual... I overslept. So I went there alone, ate alone, until ahsie came to find me. Jonathan and his gang have totally forgotten about us! Not even a call. How idiotic is that? Anyway... So the reason for going down there was to see the performances of the Go Japan Masturi at Central. (Actually I was there last week as well to pay for my EOY cosplay clothes... $54) There was the Cosplay Fashion Parade and Competition going on there. I saw friends over there! :D People like Aim, Alfred and Kiwi. Leon joined us later on. And later on, the "Singapore Japanese Idol" Group performance... Aim, Alfred don't want to let me go off!!! :@

ahsie, Kiwi and me! xD
Kiwi cosplayed as Hibari from Hitman Reborn.

Group shot!
I realized we didn't take a picture together with Alfred and his Kamen Rider costume!!
Because he was busy with his performance on stage. Yes! He joined the competiton and won the Most Macho Cosplayer title. xD

And I collected my $76.50 yukata from Eclair already!!
Thank you :)

My papa bought for me this!! A 640GB external HDD!!
Labels: cosplay, event, fun, happy, presents
Akira Star
Akira Star
Saturday, October 11, 2008 @ 4:13 AM
::10th Oct 08::
**Note that this is a gaming post =X
It's been a long time since I had so much fun in RO! We teamed up together and explore/train/fight until it was so late (or is it early?)! Gosh, I really had so much fun! Went to Geffenia, Biolab, Juperos Core and Abbey Monastery. And here are the pictures~

My character in InsaneRO
Fayette the Creator and Amistr the Homunculus
as known as Goat girl... :\

Getting ready~

Aww~ All dead... :(

We tried a lot of times to make the emoticons at the same time!
And finally we made it :D
Akira Star
Akira Star
Monday, October 06, 2008 @ 12:31 AM
::6th Oct 08::
It's here again! The day I leveled up! Both base and job levels. Level 20 for base and level 15 for job. (Don't understand? Base is real age, job is inner self.) If some of you know me well, yes I have an inner self :)

Anyway here is this year's list of people who wished me "Happy Birthday" the earliest!!
Aim - 12.00am
Farhan - 12.01am
Quanhao - 12.06am
Zean/Tama/Lirin - 12.07am
Daphne - 12.28am
Guanghao - 1.50am
And I thought everyone else forget my birthday! :(

But in the morning and throughout the day, a lot of people wished me, either by sms, msn, friendster, tagbox and real life! :)
(Sorry if I miss anyone out...)
ahsie's goldfishie wishes
And my really good friends celebrated my birthday in school! Thank you Shuhua and Audrey who did most of the planning :D And the rest who were there to celebrate with me :)

My favourite :D Strawberry cake~
Handiwork by Shuhua =X

My favourite :D Strawberry cake~
Handiwork by Shuhua =X
I'm really happy to see him today as well :) It's been like forever since we last met! :3 And here are the presents I received! (I didn't manage to include my brother's one in, he passed it to me too late.)

Thank you Lisa, Daphne, Puikwan, Shalee, Alice and Audrey for the t-shirt.
"I'm not short, I'm just fun sized."
Thank you Shuhua, LJ, WeiLeng, Eugena, ahsie and Audrey for the Pokemon wrapping paper, card, strawberry pocky and of course, the two cow plushies.
Thank you ahsie for the skirt :)
Thank you Daryl for the book, Slient Scream.
Thank you Joshua/Yehoshua/Zoombeast for the cow looking dog :D

Thank you Lisa, Daphne, Puikwan, Shalee, Alice and Audrey for the t-shirt.
"I'm not short, I'm just fun sized."
Thank you Shuhua, LJ, WeiLeng, Eugena, ahsie and Audrey for the Pokemon wrapping paper, card, strawberry pocky and of course, the two cow plushies.
Thank you ahsie for the skirt :)
Thank you Daryl for the book, Slient Scream.
Thank you Joshua/Yehoshua/Zoombeast for the cow looking dog :D

Labels: birthday, celebrate, happy
Akira Star
Akira Star
DS..... i?
Saturday, October 04, 2008 @ 1:20 AM
THIS IS LIKE OMG!! Nintendo has officially announced that there will be a new DS console out soon! It's called the DSi.

o Thinner, lighter than DS Lite with bigger screens
o No GBA slot.
o Two camera (a 0.3 megapixel camera on the internal hinge pointed towards the gamer and a 3.0 megapixel camera on the outside of the shell.)
o SD card slot
o Speakers larger and have improved sound quality
o AAC audio player (No MP3 support?)
o Downloadable software (DS Ware). Wii Points renamed to Nintendo Points. Software price brackets will be Free/200/500/800 points.
o Web browser (downloadable from DS Ware store)
o Will release in Japan November 1 for 18900 yen (about US$180),
All these are translated... There may be mistakes...

Two colors: White and flat black.

How inside looks like.

Comparing with DSi and DSLite.
o No GBA slot.
o Two camera (a 0.3 megapixel camera on the internal hinge pointed towards the gamer and a 3.0 megapixel camera on the outside of the shell.)
o SD card slot
o Speakers larger and have improved sound quality
o AAC audio player (No MP3 support?)
o Downloadable software (DS Ware). Wii Points renamed to Nintendo Points. Software price brackets will be Free/200/500/800 points.
o Web browser (downloadable from DS Ware store)
o Will release in Japan November 1 for 18900 yen (about US$180),
All these are translated... There may be mistakes...

Two colors: White and flat black.

How inside looks like.

Comparing with DSi and DSLite.
-info credited to Johnatton and NeoGAF-
I could like say OMG over 9 thousand times!! I want a DSi when it comes out in stores!!! But there is no pink colour DSi available yet. DSi or Wii?!!?!? OR BOTH?! I really need to start saving money now. There's like so many things I want and really want! So excited! So high! xD
Akira Star
Akira Star