Cheesecake :3
Saturday, February 28, 2009 @ 2:53 AM
::26th Feb 09::
After my auto car driving practical lesson (auto car is really fun! I totally lovee it!), I headed down to ahsie's house. Imagine I have to travel from Bukit Gombak to Tampines. Transport fare prices nowadays are so crazy. Especially now I'm not schooling so I have to pay for myself :\ No more allowancessss!
Purpose? To learn how to make cheesecake at her house and also to meet Amalina, her best friend :) Heh, I got to meet ahsie's mama! At least, she wasn't as scary as I thought she would be and scold me for everything :X
When I reached there, they have already bought the ingredients and I paid my share of $9.80. I took over pounding the biscuits into crumbs. (And it's pictures time!)

*pound pound pound*
Hey! Don't start without me! I'm still pounding! D:

Add butter in it and MIX!!!

Making the base of the cheesecake!
Now for the cheese itself.

Philadelphia cheese and some yogurt - strawberries flavour~

Put them in a bowl and lemonified them!!

Yogurtified them as well.
The strawberries looked strangely like fetuses...

Blendified them together and add some condense milk and sugar.

When it's done, put the cheese cream stuff on the base.

Today's cheesecake is STRAWBERRIES CHEESECAKE! xD
Oh the joy!

Decorate time!~

And it's done! Whoopee~
Pop it in the freezer or fridge and it will be ready to be eaten.

Philadelphia cheese and some yogurt - strawberries flavour~

Put them in a bowl and lemonified them!!

Yogurtified them as well.
The strawberries looked strangely like fetuses...

Blendified them together and add some condense milk and sugar.

When it's done, put the cheese cream stuff on the base.

Today's cheesecake is STRAWBERRIES CHEESECAKE! xD
Oh the joy!

Decorate time!~

And it's done! Whoopee~
Pop it in the freezer or fridge and it will be ready to be eaten.
Heh! I popped mine in the freezer for one day, and it became an ice cream cheesecake! :3 And I love it~ It tasted really good, although a little sour (due to the strawberries and lemon, I think) But yeah! I *hearts* it! :D
Thank you ahsie and her mama! :) *two thumbs up*
Thank you ahsie and her mama! :) *two thumbs up*
Labels: driving, food, friend's house, fun
Akira Star
Akira Star
EOY Photoshoot!!
Thursday, February 26, 2009 @ 2:51 AM
Related post: !!EOY08!!
Vince123123 & iamacow's Photography Studio @ EOY 2008

Yay! Finally got around to post them :)
Labels: EOY, photo, photoshoot
Akira Star
Akira Star
Botanic Continuation
Tuesday, February 24, 2009 @ 1:20 AM
Related post: :: Botanic Gardens::
Lemme continue before the post expired. It's really bad for posts to get expired. Because no one will care about them anymore T_T~ So let's carry on by having a massive photo spammage!

Introduction picture.
So that you all will recall what this post is about!

Heritage Tree: The $5 Tembusu Tree!
The main reason why I wanted to come here!

Posed sitting on its funny looking branch.

Haha! Joshua so short :X Yay!

Our only group photo taken at the Sundial Garden.
Really sunny at there. Look at our squinting eyes except for mine :X

Wonderful statue at the garden, sun basking her wonderful breasts!

The signs there are really short!

Another Heritage Tree: Big big big big big roots tree
(Gah... I don't remember its name!)

We must have our pictures taken among the big big big big big roots of the tree!

Act LOST! :X

Went to the Shaw Foundation Symphony Stage.
Shuhua wanted to pretend conducting on it, thus I accompanied her.

Sneaked in to the Jacob Ballas Children's Garden, because it's only for children below 12 years old or adults with children below 12. No wait... Actually we 光明正大 walked in, since we can't go back being 12 years old and it will be super long time till we get our own children.

We got chased out by security guard while resting under this small hut xD
It was so much fun! We acted blur and pretended that we didn't know!
Woah. The day at Botanic Gardens was pretty awesome! I enjoyed every part of it. Walking in the rainforests, spotted squirrels infested trees, disturbed a snail. Getting really sweaty walking for one end of the Botantic Gardens to the other end.
Thank you WeiLeng for taking those excellent photos :D Really must give credit to her!! And to Joshua for planning this excursion because I wanted to go to the Botanic Gardens and guiding us through the Gardens, even though he didn't remember some of the plants' names :X And for me LOL-ing at him! So bad of me xD! Thank you Shuhua for accompanying along! More the merrier! :D
Thank you WeiLeng for taking those excellent photos :D Really must give credit to her!! And to Joshua for planning this excursion because I wanted to go to the Botanic Gardens and guiding us through the Gardens, even though he didn't remember some of the plants' names :X And for me LOL-ing at him! So bad of me xD! Thank you Shuhua for accompanying along! More the merrier! :D
Labels: excursion, happy, RP friends
Akira Star
Akira Star
::Botanic Gardens::
Saturday, February 21, 2009 @ 10:47 PM
::18th Feb 09::
One day, I suddenly felt like going to the Singapore Botanic Gardens. The last time I've been there (not including the trip down for FYP) was during primary school with my family to complete my Young Botanist Science Card. So I asked Joshua to plan an excursion there!~ And he did. I asked Shuhua along and she asked WeiLeng along. So there were four of us :) Arranged to meet up at Clementi at 1pm but I was late as usual :\ Ate at Subway (Eat Flesh) and made our way down to the...

!!! :D:D

The magnificent gates already feels like it's welcoming us!
And then suddenly I don't feel like blogging... Just kidding... I have to find a way to organize all those photos taken! So... please wait... patiently. Thank you! :X
Labels: excursion, RP friends
Akira Star
Akira Star
Wednesday, February 18, 2009 @ 1:41 AM
Heh. Do you realize I usually don't blog about sad things that happen in my life? That's because I don't want people to question me about it. I tend to keep everything to myself. Now I feel like showing a quote from my emo blog. Something that happen today.
"Why is the feeling of rejection is so painful? And today I'm rejected not once, but twice. I think if I dive down into a pit full of spikes and sharp objects, the pain won't feel as much as the pain I'm feeling in my heart now. I felt that my heart has been slashed open a hundred times, each time... making it weaker than before. I am even more pathetic than ever. My self-confidence has once again dropped a few bars lower. Soon it will be a negative."
I hate myself.
Akira Star
Akira Star
More yipyip?
Tuesday, February 17, 2009 @ 12:52 AM
Yay! Here are more yipyip's pictures :X Sorry I don't know what else to blog already. And I'm obsess with it! :D

it has a new sleeping place :) and it really loves it!

We can bring out yipyip already! :D
it's less afraid of us :)

Okay okay... I'll post pictures about my SAM (Singapore Art Museum) excursion with Johnatton as well. It's my first time going to SAM. All the abstract artworks I do not understand them at all :\ But I do like the Korean artworks though! They are calming and really pretty :D I can't take alot of pictures there... Only a few. Didn't want to get caught by the security guards over there.

Free admission from 12noon to 2pm

Little houses :)

Little rainbow bottles :)

Pretty :3

Free admission from 12noon to 2pm

Little houses :)

Little rainbow bottles :)

Pretty :3
AND! Today I went for my first job interview as well. I woke up at 6.30am and reached NUH at 8.30am. My interview slot is at 10am :X I was there pretty early, just to meet Eugena and Shuhua. I really hope I get the job... *prays* Then I don't have to go through so much trouble again!! Now need to wait 2 weeks for the call........... *pouts*
Labels: excursion, pet, photo, stress
Akira Star
Akira Star
yipyip! :D
Monday, February 09, 2009 @ 2:30 AM
It has a name now! The name is yipyip! Yes... My mama named it... So the name just got stuck. So fun calling it :X I can even spam it!
Here are more pictures of yipyip!

*Sorry about the colour! My dining room lights are orange in colour :D!
Akira Star
Akira Star
Science Centre Outing
Sunday, February 08, 2009 @ 4:18 PM
::7th Feb 09::
Yay! Went to the Science Centre with Johnatton and ahsie :) So fun :D Went to see the new Maths Exhibition, though it's not quite ready yet. First puzzle played is the string and ring puzzle, you are suppose to move one ring to the other ring. The puzzle looks like this but only bigger:

ahsie playing checkers with the CPU.

Played this game which tests our reaction by pressing the buttons when it blinks! ahsie scored 3 points. I scored 1 point! So pathetic. And Johnatton scored 24 points! :O! So scary :X
Johnatton brought us to see the "Thunderbolt demo" at the World of Energy exhibition and he disappeared for awhile. ahsie and I wandered about by ourselves and Johnatton had to search for us :X Though it's pretty easy because we didn't wander off very far. ashie got to sit on the "Shocker" Chair! The one I sat when I first came to Science Centre.

Heh! I think she enjoyed it :X
I have one photo with her showing some funny expression, I don't think I'm gonna post it out here. In case, she kills me D:

And he enjoyed looking at ahsie being tortured(?)
Next up! It's 12.30noon! The Tesla Coil demo! During this time, Johnatton left us again, I guess he has seen it like over 9000 times :X It's my 3rd time watching this demo! I loveee it :D This time, I purposely went up to the demonstrator and asked her to remember to hand me the fluorescent tube... and she really did :D So pleased! Love the hydrogen balloons after it gives off a heat wave when they burst!

didn't cover my ears this time! Took a picture of it myself :)

Since, Johnatton didn't came back, I brought ahsie to the Ecogarden :) I love the Ecogarden too! I don't know why no one goes there... Probably it's too hot :\ Saw alot of interesting plants and some cotton stainers :O! Amazing looking bugs those are. Didn't manage to take a picture of them because they were too fast!!! Go google them yourself :X Johnatton later found us at the Ecogarden after a call. Looks like he knew that we would go there... Strange...

Hu lu!~ :X Gourds!

ashie likey them!

Took pictures with the Weeping Willow.

Hu lu!~ :X Gourds!

ashie likey them!

Took pictures with the Weeping Willow.
After this, we went out of Science Centre to have our lunch. Have to look for halal and vegetarian food. Then later, ahsie had to go home already :( So Johnatton and I headed back to Science Centre to continue looking at exhibitions. This was when I realized I didn't go to some of the exhibitions before like the Robotics Learing Centre, Amazing Electron and the i-SPACE. The i-SPACE is pretty interesting! It shows how advance technology is in the future :)

I love this little robot girl! She is soooo cute :3
We ended off by watching a balloon performance, "Balloon Magic" at the Maxwell Auditorium. The way the kids respond were so funny! The words they say, their actions! I didn't know kids nowaday behaved like that!

Oh ya, Johnatton went to spin on the spinning playground thingy which I don't know its name. And asked me to spin as well. Oh god! After spinning, it was so dizzy that I couldn't even walked properly. I kept falling down! D: And I still went to spin on it for a few more times. Then I have to go to the toilet to puke. Wek. Wek. Wek.
Thank you ahsie and Johnatton for the Science Centre Outing :D It was really fun. So sad ahsie had to go off early :( We'll go next time okay? AND OH YA! I still didn't manage to walk finish the Ecogarden! D:
Labels: fun, info, outing, science centre
Akira Star
Akira Star