Where Got Ghost? Spooky Night
Sunday, August 09, 2009 @ 1:00 AM
::7th Aug 09::
Finally!! The day have arrived to take a trip to the cemetery! That's right. I have participated in GV's "Where Got Ghost? Spooky Night" movie event. In this Spooky Night package, the Asia Paranormal Investigators (API) will take us on a tour at the Bukit Brown Cemetery before rounding off at GV Marina with the preview screening of Jack Neo's latest horror comedy, "Where Got Ghost?"
12 of GV Grand staffs participated in this event. Christina, Alvin, JunWei, HongLeong, Benson, Lyndy, Samuel, Edmund, HuiHui, ShunAn, Puikwan and me! I wonder if... GV Grand have enough staffs to work :X Probably yes, since there were no calls!~
Was 30mins late in meeting up ShunAn and Puikwan at 5pm :( I took a nap and overslept... What do you expect? xD Slept at 4am, woke up at 6.20am and 11am to feed Koko. Extremely tired... Anyway we went to meet Christina, HongLeong and Samuel at GV Marina to collect our tickets. We thought... they would have collected for us. But then they didn't! So we have to go collect 3 tickets for ourselves instead.
Using the telephone booking Edmund made, we managed to collect 3 tickets for ourselves and void the other 11 tickets :X Looks like Edmund overbooked.

$25 per ticket at GVMC price.
Saved $4! xD
Had dinner at KFC. Didn't feel like eating at McDonald's, Burger King or Long John Silver. After eating, I went to look for Kewen's birthday present at Action City. Bought a Eeyore plushie for her :) Edmund and HuiHui managed to find us after 3 phone calls, because we kept walking about!

Went back to GV Marina at 7.30pm+ to register for the event by submitting a form of wavier and showing of our NRIC and tickets for verification. The lady at the counter asked me how we know about this event. I told her that we are actually GV staffs :X

The goodie bag given!
Consist of 2 Pokka bottle drinks, disposable poncho, torchlight with 7 batteries, lightstick and jellybeans.

Koko the cat and Koko the cockatiel ;)
At 8pm, we went outside to get ready to take the shuttle bus to... Bukit Brown Cemetery!

Seems like we are in Bus D.
The last bus.
Went up the bus and listened to some speeches and watched a introduction video to the tour. After approximately 15mins, we have reached Bukit Brown Cemetery. This cemetery was named after its first owner, George Henry Brown. Home to over 80,000 graves, making it the 2nd biggest grave sites in Singapore. The first one is of course, Choa Chu Kang Cemetery, which is now the only cemetery in Singapore still open for burials.
Two by two, we made our way into the cemetery. My partner was Puikwan :) She wore slippers there!!! xD The path was narrow and the ground was uneven with lots of rocks and leaves. It was pretty damp as well. The cemetery was really really dark. Most of the time, I was shining the torchlight on the ground in case I slipped or something. The graves and tombstones were scattered everywhere. Once, Puikwan nearly stepped on a grave because there were some right beside the path. So when you thought something was just a stepping stone, think again :X
Halfway through, we were made to stand there like idiots for 10mins or so... After we were lead up to a small hut and listen to Charles Goh's (the founder of API) stories and explaination. So probably the long wait was because of the other teams A, B, C. Anyway, this hut is known as the house of the living. The only kampong house that was left behind. During the tomb sweeping month, there will be a group of people who used to be from the village will come down to help maintain the graves. Thus that's where they will be staying in.
Next, we will be heading to the house of the dead. Walked past someone trying to be funny by wearing a red gown and wig, and also a ghost revealing mirror. Soon we reached the house of the dead, which is also the grave of Tan Boon Cheng, the dog barkings were even louder. Someone (I forget who D:) built the house over the tomb. His daughter was also buried beside the house. Until now, there is a caretaker looking after the tomb. The house has over 9 dogs (that explains the loud barkings we heard along the way there) and 2 rabbits, probably belong the caretaker.
After that, we walked through the one of the spookiest roads in Singapore. The reason to that is because of all the nameless tombs there... Tombs without any identities. I saw some really big tombs there. And soon, the tour came to an end. We went up the bus immediately for aircon. It was extremely hot! To our surprise, Jack Neo came up our bus and talked about his movie xD

So cool, seeing him in person! :D
Halfway through, we were made to stand there like idiots for 10mins or so... After we were lead up to a small hut and listen to Charles Goh's (the founder of API) stories and explaination. So probably the long wait was because of the other teams A, B, C. Anyway, this hut is known as the house of the living. The only kampong house that was left behind. During the tomb sweeping month, there will be a group of people who used to be from the village will come down to help maintain the graves. Thus that's where they will be staying in.
Next, we will be heading to the house of the dead. Walked past someone trying to be funny by wearing a red gown and wig, and also a ghost revealing mirror. Soon we reached the house of the dead, which is also the grave of Tan Boon Cheng, the dog barkings were even louder. Someone (I forget who D:) built the house over the tomb. His daughter was also buried beside the house. Until now, there is a caretaker looking after the tomb. The house has over 9 dogs (that explains the loud barkings we heard along the way there) and 2 rabbits, probably belong the caretaker.
After that, we walked through the one of the spookiest roads in Singapore. The reason to that is because of all the nameless tombs there... Tombs without any identities. I saw some really big tombs there. And soon, the tour came to an end. We went up the bus immediately for aircon. It was extremely hot! To our surprise, Jack Neo came up our bus and talked about his movie xD

So cool, seeing him in person! :D

The shuttle bus then took us back to Marina Square. Since the movie will be starting at 11pm, I went to the arcade and played GuitarFreaks V with Shun An. It's his first time playing it xD Puikwan wasn't the type that is interested in arcade :( Probably because it's a waste of $$$. But I love DDR (Dance Dance Revolution). That's the only game that I'm willing to spend on :X

-credits to ShunAn for this picture, don't say I never hoh-
After that, there's still some more time before 11pm. We sat on the ground near to the standees at GV Marina and wait... and chat... and wait somemore. Until Edmund and HuiHui came back to find us, we then went to collect our regular popcorn and drink. So sad. The popcorn and drink cannot be changed. I don't eat sweet popcorn and don't drink Coke.
Went into the theater 4. Woah, the theater's screen is a really small one. Probably smaller than GV Grand's smallest screen. ShunAn, Puikwan and I sat at the side block while the rest sat in the middle :\ There were 2 empty rows in front of us, due to the voiding of the extra 12 seats. Zheng Ying Ying, Liu Qian Yi and Jack Neo went up front to give a short speech before the movie plays.

-credits to ShunAn for this picture, don't say I never hoh-
Went into the theater 4. Woah, the theater's screen is a really small one. Probably smaller than GV Grand's smallest screen. ShunAn, Puikwan and I sat at the side block while the rest sat in the middle :\ There were 2 empty rows in front of us, due to the voiding of the extra 12 seats. Zheng Ying Ying, Liu Qian Yi and Jack Neo went up front to give a short speech before the movie plays.

The "Where Got Ghost?" hor-medy (horror+ comedy) was pretty enjoyable. Except for the fact, people from the 2nd row, changed their seats and went to sit in front of us. They were tall and they were blocking me. I have to shift my body into an awkward position so that I can see the subtitles... Moreover, there were some irritating people who CLAPPED during the funny parts. Laughter is okay. But CLAP?! Who claps during a movie anyway? So annoying! And also there's one idiot guy who kept reciting the lines from the trailer during the movie... I think that was the most annoying thing that happened. People who wants to spoil my movie.
Anyway, by the time the movie ends, it was 1.30am. No more public transportation :( Benson, Edmund, ShunAn, Puikwan and me walked to Cityhall bus stop, while the rest took cab home. Rich people who don't mind the double taxi charges :\ At the bus stop, I decided to take the Night Rider bus, NR5 :) Puikwan and ShunAn joined me as well. Edmund continued walking home and Benson took cab.
Alighted at Tiong Bahru and continued walking home from there. Reached home approximately 3.20am! And......... ShunAn got legs that spoil easily!!! :X
Anyway, by the time the movie ends, it was 1.30am. No more public transportation :( Benson, Edmund, ShunAn, Puikwan and me walked to Cityhall bus stop, while the rest took cab home. Rich people who don't mind the double taxi charges :\ At the bus stop, I decided to take the Night Rider bus, NR5 :) Puikwan and ShunAn joined me as well. Edmund continued walking home and Benson took cab.
Alighted at Tiong Bahru and continued walking home from there. Reached home approximately 3.20am! And......... ShunAn got legs that spoil easily!!! :X
Labels: event, excursion, GV friends, movie
Akira Star
Akira Star