Well, Hello There...


Thursday, August 06, 2009 @ 4:22 AM

Sid: [about the baby mammoth] It's a boy!
to the baby dinosaur] Spit out little Johnny or we're leaving the playground right now!
[the baby dinosaur spits up a bird]
Sid: There you go. The picture of health.
Aardvark Mom: That's not little Johnny!
Sid: Hey, it's better than nothing.

Diego: [to Manny, about possibly staying] This is my kind of place.
Buck: [Pick up a rock like it's a cellphone] Hello? No... No I can't really talk right now... Going to retrive a dead sloth. No, I know. They're following ME! Yeah, and they think I'M crazy! O-Okay... We're going into the Chasm of Death, I'm going to loose you. Yeah. O-Okay.
Buck: I... I love you too. Goodbye... Goodbye!
[throws the rock aside]
Buck: Let's get a move on, shall we?

Manny: [to Diego] That will be YOU in three weeks.

Manny: Just WHEN exactly did you loose your mind?
Buck: About three months ago. I woke up married to a pineapple... An *UGLY* pineapple.
[sighs lovingly]
Buck: But I loved her so...

Crash: What's that noise?
Buck: It's the wind. It's speaking to us.
Eddie: What's it saying?
Buck: I don't know. I don't speak wind.

Manny: Oh, we need a code word. Yeah, something that says, "th
e baby's coming."
Ellie: Hmm. How about, "Aaah! The baby's coming!" How's that?
Manny: Nah, it's too long. We need something short and punchy, like, uh... "peaches"!
Ellie: Peaches?
Manny: I love peaches. They're sweet and round and fuzzy, just like you.
Ellie: You think I'm round?
Manny: Uh... Round is good. Round is foxy!

Sid: [to Mummy Trex] No wonder you're single, you don't communicate. I say they're vegetarian, you say "grrr". I say let's talk about it, you
say "grrr". That's not what I call communication.
Mummy Trex: GRRRRRR!!
Sid: See that's your answer to everything!

Presenting the best quote from the movie, IMO.

Upon seeing the footprint and the broccoli, Buck was coming up with possible scenarios that could had happened. Like a detective at a crime scene, there were two imagined views of Buck describing Sid's possible encounter with a T-Rex.
Hypothesis 1:
Buck: Dinosaur attacks Sid, Sid fights back with piece of broccoli, leaving dinosaur... a vegetable.
Manny: Where's the dinosaur's body?
Buck: Good point.
Hypothesis 2:
Buck: Sid's eating broccoli. Dinosaur eats Sid. Dinosaur steps on broccoli, leaving broccoli... a vegetable.

-credits to imdb.com, beyondexpect.blogspot & yahoo! answers-

Obvious right? That I really love Ice Age 3 ;P

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