Koko is here!~~
Thursday, August 06, 2009 @ 2:49 AM
::5th Aug 09::
Yay! Finally the day has arrived. The day I'll get a new bird. A cockatiel ;) My youngest brother, Damien, is meeting up with the seller. And since I do not have work, I accompanied him all the way there.
Waited for Damien to come back home from school and off we go!!~ Found the directions to the place online the other day. Took the MRT to Marsiling and boarded any bus there. Alight 2 stops after. When we reached the void deck of the block, we called the seller.

We were thinking that the seller will be some middle-aged man. But it turned out to be a young guy, probably around my age or so. He brought down a cage with 3 cockatiels and 1 pied lovebird. They were all babies!~ Sooo cute! :3 Of course, we are not going to buy the lovebird. The 3 cockatiels there were 2 pearl and 1 lutino. 3 weeks old. All hatched 2 days apart. The seller seems to have lots of birds at home O_O He told us that he even has a Sun Conure that can do flying tricks. How awesome!!!~

Pearls and Lutino.

Baby lovebird cute?
They all still have pin feathers xD
We asked about the hand feeding thing and whether he can sell us the hand feed formula as well. He called up and his brother (I think) came down and passed him the hand feed formula. Taught us how to feed it and stuff. And we finally decided on which cockatiel to buy. Not going to get the lutino one though. Have enough of Ocean and Sky's colours. So we bought the pearl cockatiel :)

We picked this one :)
Paid $70 for it and $8 for the hand feed formula. We put the cockatiel into a shoebook and brought it home like that. Stopped by a POSB ATM on the way to bank transfer the money to Ray. I couldn't wait to get home!! Anyway when we finally reached home, I washed the small cage while Damien prepare the food for it.

Koko is the name :)

Formula mixed with hot water.
The formula has to be the correct temperature – if the food is too cool, it will not digest properly and if it is too hot, the baby's crop may burn.
So troublesome!! D:
Need to use thermometer to measure the temperature...

Nice hairdo, eh?
Waiting to be feed only... Kept making funny noises because it wants to eat!

Feeding time!! :D
Have to hold it down because it keeps jerking violently.

It has really big wings as well.
Not going to clip it yet though :)
Too young to fly. Around 8 weeks old then it will be flying.
We have to wait 5-6 months then we will be able to tell its gender... D: So long!!! I hope Koko is a male~ Then it will be able to sing and talk :) Females can't do that because they don't need to look for mate. It's the males that look for females to mate! :(
Anyway, I love Koko *hearts*~
Btw, the lovebirds seem to be quieter now. Probably they are scared of the new bird :X
Anyway, I love Koko *hearts*~
Btw, the lovebirds seem to be quieter now. Probably they are scared of the new bird :X
Labels: excited, happy, new, pet
Akira Star
Akira Star