Again and again.
Monday, December 29, 2008 @ 3:52 AM
::26th Dec 08::

Yes. I'm. At. The. Science.Centre. Again. Aiyoo..!!! xD This time is to bring my brothers, cousin and aunt there. They haven't been there for a long time. So I decided... Since I'm free on Friday, I'll bring them there bah. So there I am again. And again, the crowd there is x1000 times worse than last week :\ We had to queue for 45mins just to buy the tickets!!! Terrible. When we are finally in there, I brought them to see the different exhibitions there. Tick-tock. It's soon going to be 3pm. Tesla Coil time :D! We ran all the way to the Atrium to watch the Tesla Coil performance. I love it! And still loving it!! :D

Watch me trying to "arm-chio" at the camera :$

I was trying to get one of them to try out the vibrating chair...
But all of them chickened out. And I'm certainly not going to try it again like the time I been there in July.
But all of them chickened out. And I'm certainly not going to try it again like the time I been there in July.

Still very nostalgic! T_T~
I miss Chickadee and Duck very much.
(those who don't know them, I'll try to post a picture of them next time)
And this time, I get to go to the Ecogarden!! But however, I didn't manage to walk everywhere. Because people were complaining that they are hot and wanted air-con =__=

Mosquito ferns. They are really like mosquito... Refused to leave my finger alone!!!
All stuck to my finger like mosquito to blood :\

There's an iguana in a cage there :P

Sorry, I just had the urge of doing that, though it makes myself looks like a twit.


And flowers~

And more flowers!~
(Just to show I too can take pretty photographs hoh!!)

Mosquito ferns. They are really like mosquito... Refused to leave my finger alone!!!
All stuck to my finger like mosquito to blood :\

There's an iguana in a cage there :P

Sorry, I just had the urge of doing that, though it makes myself looks like a twit.


And flowers~

And more flowers!~
(Just to show I too can take pretty photographs hoh!!)
After that, my brother, Daryl, wanted to take the Morphis Ride. $4 for a 5mins ride...

It's a like a small space shuttle. We all go aboard it and see a silly dinosaur movie playing in front while the shuttle moves like a roller coaster ride. Thank god I didn't puke at anyone in the ride. It's a horrible ride. I knew I was gonna feel this way after taking the ride and I knowingly took it. Argh! Stupid stupid stupid me. Never gonna ride this again. Though little kids love it a lot... *makes puking sounds* Went the shop again and pondered over whether should I buy the branded sea monkey... The set costs $26!! After thinking for like extremely long, I decided not to after all :( But I really missed the time watching the sea monkeys swim about in the container. So happy. After this, we had to go meet my mama at IMM at 6pm.

I don't know when I will be coming back to Science Centre again. Not so soon, I guess. But maybe when there is a new exhibition featuring :3 Till then see you Science Centre~ Wait! One more random picture!!!

What am I looking at? :X

What am I looking at? :X
Labels: excursion, info, outing, science centre
Akira Star
Akira Star
Sunday, December 28, 2008 @ 12:01 AM
::24th Dec 08::
So what did I do on my xmas eve? :D Went out with my 16DC friends!~ For dinner gathering as usual. Before I met them, I was with dear :) (Even though, I'm still sick with LOTS of coughs and mucus) Anyway, this time we dined at Pasta de Waraku. My favourite japanese pasta restaurant! But aww... I didn't manage to finish my food :(

The people.
Guanghao suggested that we should all make a wish for the new year on the "Make a Wish" ball. So Lisa guided us to Suntec City where the "Make a Wish" booth is. It's free, btw. I didn't know there was such a thing! Maybe I should go out more... to these kind of places. We were provided with a new ball to start on, since there were so many of us xD

Going to start writing~~

Halfway through~
I wrote "no flu, no cough, no fever, no sorethroat" and "believe in fairies and unicorns!!"
Yes. I do believe that they are real. *puts on a serious face*

And we are done! *big smiles everyone*

Always posed with your handiwork, no matter what is it.

Going to start writing~~

Halfway through~
I wrote "no flu, no cough, no fever, no sorethroat" and "believe in fairies and unicorns!!"
Yes. I do believe that they are real. *puts on a serious face*

And we are done! *big smiles everyone*

Always posed with your handiwork, no matter what is it.
Made our way to Esplanade to sit-sit and play games!! with forfeits, of course. My favourite game would be the sound and rhythm game. Donka Donka! After that, we wandered all the way outside Esplanade deciding whether to stay and countdown for Christmas or go home and for me, play Maplestory. I voted for go home of course. You mean you want me to stay there and wait until midnight just to say, 10, 9, 8....3, 2,1 MERRY XMAS! okay byebye let's go home? And have to either walk home or take taxi because there is no buses operating anymore? No way! So we took "some" pictures there and head home :D Yay! And... once it past midnight, I started receiving floods of merry xmas sms from a lot of people! Even some unexpected ones like Willie and Aaron O_O

Look at all the wishing balls floating on Singapore river :)
When I look at them, I thought... People really do have alot of wishes.
Possible ones and not-so-possible ones.
That's what makes us humans.

This is one of the "few" pictures we took together xD

From my youngest brother, Damien :D

From my dear :D:D:D:D

Look at all the wishing balls floating on Singapore river :)
When I look at them, I thought... People really do have alot of wishes.
Possible ones and not-so-possible ones.
That's what makes us humans.

This is one of the "few" pictures we took together xD
Now let's check out what I received for xmas. I know it's not a lot like some of you people out there. I'm jealous of you guys!!! :X

From Lisa and Shalee :)

From Lisa and Shalee :)

From my youngest brother, Damien :D

From my dear :D:D:D:D
So how do you spend your xmas eve?
Or maybe even on xmas day itself?
Yes... I know... I spent my xmas day working...
So pathetic, right? What to do? Double pay leh :X
Or maybe even on xmas day itself?
Yes... I know... I spent my xmas day working...
So pathetic, right? What to do? Double pay leh :X
"Joy to the world, the Lord is come!
Let earth receive her King;
Let every heart prepare Him room,
And Heaven and nature sing,
And Heaven and nature sing,
And Heaven, and Heaven, and nature sing."
My favourite xmas song :)
Let earth receive her King;
Let every heart prepare Him room,
And Heaven and nature sing,
And Heaven and nature sing,
And Heaven, and Heaven, and nature sing."
My favourite xmas song :)
Labels: degreeians, dinner, fun, happy, presents
Akira Star
Akira Star
Thursday, December 25, 2008 @ 12:16 PM
Merry Christmas everyone!!!
I'm gonna spend my xmas by working, sad to say...
Gonna smell like popcorn :\
Akira Star
Akira Star
::Magic: The Science of Illusion::
Tuesday, December 23, 2008 @ 1:04 AM
::19th Dec 08::
Wah. It looks like I'm really taking my time to blog. Not my fault okay... I fell sick. Horrible cough, flu, sorethroat and just recovered from slight fever.
Anyway this post is for the Science Centre trip with Johnatton :) The last time I've been there was this year's July xD There is a new exhibition which is called the Magic: The Science of Illusion exhibition. Was actually supposed to go to a goat farm first but... oh well! Next time!!

Following the leader xD

The place was kinda packed with families. We waited quite awhile to get our tickets.
1 ticket for entry of Science Centre, 1 ticket for entry of the Magic exhibition and 1 ticket for the IMAX movie, Wild Ocean. Total $17 for me.

Here, the Magic exhibition!
Pretty neat place where they show you the science behind the magic on stage O.o

Pikachu :3
One of the items used for an exhibit there!

Me on the elevating chair.
No one to help me take picture~~~ So used the mirror instead :\
After looking around the whole exhibition, we went to watch a magic performance at 3pm.

The magician, Nick. He is a very funny guy xD I totally enjoyed his performance.
Next we made our way to the omni-theater to catch our IMAX movie, Wild Ocean. The last time I went there is like secondary 2, I think. I didn't recall the theater being that small... I thought it was big! :X I felt pretty dizzy after watching it... Maybe I'm not used to it :\

The dome-shaped screen~

Lights at the back were bright and pretty :D

The film stuff.

I like this exhibit, it shows how a tornado is formed.
And I itchy-hand go messed up the smoke and watched it formed again xD

Lol'd at the Sea の Spirit Egg package.
Can you imagine? The eggs will hatched into sea spirits~~ xD
Aww... And I don't see anything moving in the glass yet... Maybe I did it wrongly because I went to pour everything inside and mix them together :X Or maybe the stuff is fake after all. Should have get the branded one! But those cost way expensive. SO SAD! :(
Lastly, thank you Johnatton for bringing me to the Science Centre again! Yay~ :D
Lastly, thank you Johnatton for bringing me to the Science Centre again! Yay~ :D
Labels: excursion, fun, happy, info, outing, science centre
Akira Star
Akira Star
Hope for AIDS!
Sunday, December 21, 2008 @ 2:44 AM
::17th Dec 08::
Went to take my driving practical again... Finally after so long. Took the 2nd session with WeiLeng. At least this time, I have a friend to go to BBDC with :) So... This is my first time driving after 8 months. And I thought I have forgotten everything! But it came back to me slowly. Before going to BBDC, WeiLeng asked me about my PDL, provisional driving license. I have totally forgotten about it! I looked for it in my wallet and to my dismay, it has already expired... like two months ago. Looks like I'll have to drive in the circuit for the whole entire lesson, I thought.

I told my instructor about it. And... He is so nice! He drove me to the nearest post office to renew my PDL. And yes! I can drive outside :D The whole driving thing makes me very nervous... And I'm still very nervous, sad to say. I'm afraid that I might knock down someone or destroy public properties or other people properties. I don't mind if I get injured but other people? :\ So scary. Anyway, I forgot to put on my safety belt again! So clever. Even the instructor didn't realize. Until after I realized it myself which is like I have already been driving for 30mins. Power, right? And I stalled the car a couple of time, due to didn't step on the clutch pedal on time. Sigh... But I think it's pretty good after 8 months of not driving! I think I still have my night driving phobia though... Hmmm... We'll see.
After this, made my way down to Clarke Quay. Saw Xue Ni and Jess... They lured me into eating Pepper Lunch!! ~_~ Anyway, my main motive of going there is to go to Fazillah's FYP event: Hope for AIDS at Home Club :D It's my virgin clubbing!! xD
After this, made my way down to Clarke Quay. Saw Xue Ni and Jess... They lured me into eating Pepper Lunch!! ~_~ Anyway, my main motive of going there is to go to Fazillah's FYP event: Hope for AIDS at Home Club :D It's my virgin clubbing!! xD

The people, which is a lot of them.

Sat around, listened to the loud music playing, felt the huge beating vibrations. Didn't really know what to do there after seeing the different performance, so I went to play games with the guys. Soon it's time to PARTY~ All of us danced like mad people xD It's really fun to let loose and dance to the loud clubbing music. Though most of us aren't really dancers, we did enjoyed ourselves by dancing anyhow :3 *I didn't drank any alcohol!! because I would just get myself drank instantly*

Last group shot before all of us left trying to catch the last bus!! And I didn't manage to catch my 195 :( Smsed Iris and I received the message telling me that the bus is not operating anymore. So I just took the same bus as Daphne and alighted at Redhill. I walked alone... All the way home to Depot Road. Thank you dear for keeping me accompany on the phone and my friends, Puikwan, Sally for worrying about me getting kidnapped. They kept telling me to take taxi... But I didn't listen to them. Aiyooo Cab fare expensive you know! :\ But thanks ar.
And my dumb youngest brother... THREW MY STRAWBERRY PLUSHIE OUT OF THE WINDOW! The best thing is it didn't fly all the way down. But fell onto someone's side balcony. Can't get it back already...... The next day, it wasn't there anymore :(:(:(:(:( need to find something else to replace it.

And my dumb youngest brother... THREW MY STRAWBERRY PLUSHIE OUT OF THE WINDOW! The best thing is it didn't fly all the way down. But fell onto someone's side balcony. Can't get it back already...... The next day, it wasn't there anymore :(:(:(:(:( need to find something else to replace it.

Labels: driving, event, fun, tired
Akira Star
Akira Star
Thursday, December 18, 2008 @ 1:43 AM
::13th Dec 08::
Argh... Another late post! Anyway, let's get on to it!
Slept 4 hours, woke up a little late, met Jackie at Tiong Bahru MRT, overslept on the MRT all the way to Pasir ris =___= Sat back to Expo, thus being late

I looked pretty weird O.o
Most of the time I spent wandering around on my own. No one to hang out with. Not close to my cosplay team. Friends busy with their duties and their own cosplay teams. Wandering around, looking at booths and buying items alone, can be pretty fun! Sometimes people even stopped me and asked to take a picture with them O_O Which is kinda surprising xD Later I went to register at Vince and Iamcow's photoshoot booth. Took pictures of myself and my group. Then I also went to join xxTamaTamaxx's team for a photoshoot because they are lacking of a Nagato Yuki. It was really fun taking pictures with them :D Here are some of the pictures I took during my time alone :)

And I also enjoyed taking pictures with my friends~ :D Given the chance if I saw them.

with Shuhua~

with Aim~

with Kewen~

With Sheryl~

With Alfred~
The only person I forget to take with is ahsie!! And she was there the whole day!! *facepalm*

With xxTamaTamaxx's team :D

with Shuhua~

with Aim~

with Kewen~

With Sheryl~

With Alfred~
The only person I forget to take with is ahsie!! And she was there the whole day!! *facepalm*
Now for the photoshoot pictures :) Thank you for the pictures... Though I don't actually know all the photographers' names. I only remembered time shock and dxboy. Well, these pictures were credited to them.

My team.

My team.

With xxTamaTamaxx's team :D

Thanks to ah_dong for the pictures :)
Here is our performance, credit to the one who video it xD

Here are my goodies :D
I really like the Kallen picture... *blushes*
This is my favourite EOY!! I had so much fun!! Hope there will be another EOY next year... Don't let it stop!!! :( Anyway, good job to all the helpers at EOY, especially ahsie! :) Now with all the huge events over... I can finally relax... :)

Signing out!
Labels: cosplay, EOY, event, fun, happy
Akira Star
Akira Star