::Magic: The Science of Illusion::
Tuesday, December 23, 2008 @ 1:04 AM
::19th Dec 08::
Wah. It looks like I'm really taking my time to blog. Not my fault okay... I fell sick. Horrible cough, flu, sorethroat and just recovered from slight fever.
Anyway this post is for the Science Centre trip with Johnatton :) The last time I've been there was this year's July xD There is a new exhibition which is called the Magic: The Science of Illusion exhibition. Was actually supposed to go to a goat farm first but... oh well! Next time!!

Following the leader xD

The place was kinda packed with families. We waited quite awhile to get our tickets.
1 ticket for entry of Science Centre, 1 ticket for entry of the Magic exhibition and 1 ticket for the IMAX movie, Wild Ocean. Total $17 for me.

Here, the Magic exhibition!
Pretty neat place where they show you the science behind the magic on stage O.o

Pikachu :3
One of the items used for an exhibit there!

Me on the elevating chair.
No one to help me take picture~~~ So used the mirror instead :\
After looking around the whole exhibition, we went to watch a magic performance at 3pm.

The magician, Nick. He is a very funny guy xD I totally enjoyed his performance.
Next we made our way to the omni-theater to catch our IMAX movie, Wild Ocean. The last time I went there is like secondary 2, I think. I didn't recall the theater being that small... I thought it was big! :X I felt pretty dizzy after watching it... Maybe I'm not used to it :\

The dome-shaped screen~

Lights at the back were bright and pretty :D

The film stuff.

I like this exhibit, it shows how a tornado is formed.
And I itchy-hand go messed up the smoke and watched it formed again xD

Lol'd at the Sea の Spirit Egg package.
Can you imagine? The eggs will hatched into sea spirits~~ xD
Aww... And I don't see anything moving in the glass yet... Maybe I did it wrongly because I went to pour everything inside and mix them together :X Or maybe the stuff is fake after all. Should have get the branded one! But those cost way expensive. SO SAD! :(
Lastly, thank you Johnatton for bringing me to the Science Centre again! Yay~ :D
Lastly, thank you Johnatton for bringing me to the Science Centre again! Yay~ :D
Labels: excursion, fun, happy, info, outing, science centre
Akira Star
Akira Star