Holidays begins!
Wednesday, August 13, 2008 @ 12:09 AM
::12th Aug 08::
Last day of school!! Firstly, this semster seems to end pretty horribly. No facilitators treated the class at all and all made us presented PPT. No games! >:(
Anyway, the holidays are here~ And I couldn't care less about school anymore...
Meh... I actually too tired to blog at all. I've got something important to say...
This thing actually made me pretty angry for some reason... Today when I was walking home, I noticed a cute slug (a little bigger than the usual ones I saw) in the middle of the road. I was actually planning to move it out of the way... But two boys were also taking that path. So I waited for them to pass, didn't want to obstruct the route with me squating in the middle of it. Little did I know, one of the boys go STEP on it already. WTH ar! I know it's partly my fault for not rescuing it in time. I said sorry to it... A lot of times. People should really look at where they are stepping... And not go around killing my friends... Please :(

Labels: celebrate, disappointment, happy, holidays
Akira Star
Akira Star