Well, Hello There...

Cosfest VII 2008, 2nd Day

Monday, July 07, 2008 @ 1:50 AM

I woke up earlier to prepare for my cosplay for Cosfest VII 2008, 2nd day, 6th Jul. Didn’t go on the 1st day because of FYP (If you guys are playing attention to my blog, you should have known.) Will be cosplaying as a random character in Eclair's Vampire Knight team.

I'm ready to leave the house! :D
Yes... I left the house with the uniform on.

Met Farhan, Zean and Pisces (same VK team! Such coincidence!) at City Hall MRT and once again, I was early. Zean brought his boots... and omg! It looks fail. But still must thank Zean for it. Later we met up Eisha at Pasir Ris MRT control station. Had to search for black spraypaint in order to touch up on the boots. This one I have to really really really thank Farhan and Zean for helping me with the boots. Without their help, I would be cosplaying without the boots and will be looking really ridiculous in a normal pair of shoes. THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH!

Zean and Farhan helping with the boots

Ray came to pass me the wig as well. Long brown wig. But it's really bad quality, full of tangles. But it was alright after much cutting and combing. Thank you, Ray. After this, I'm able to cosplay fully! Thus, Pisces and I started walking around to find our team and of course, look out for people we know.

Moshi was first one to find me! :D

Pisces, Eclair and me!

Found Kiwi!~ :D:D:D

And Alfred as well!

The entire VK team!
The team finally assembled themselves, that took them long enough...

The phototakings were scary! Once you posed, you cannot move for a long time! Due to people kept coming in nonstop to take your pictures. So Eclair taught us, "When the big cameras are gone, ignore the small cameras and move!" Pisces and I signed up for the Caramell Dansen video compilation thing. It was really fun. The people there even complimented me for learning so fast and doing it so well. -Heh! They didn't know I dance this everyday with Eisha =X- (hope I do get the video soon~ *Excited!*) and later we joined the "TRAIN 4 ALL"! Woot! So many cosplayers joined the train and moved around and around in the tent!

Anyway, around 6pm, I was very tired so I just hang out at the backstage and played DS with Farhan! Osu!! OUENDAN! When reaching 6.40pm, I quickly went to change and return the wig I borrowed. And wah lao! The wig made my straight hair become EPIC FAIL! So fail until I had borrowed from Farhan his extra cap.

We (Farhan, Zean, Mizuki, Lirin, Tama, Jojo and me) rushed all the way to E-hub to catch the movie, "Hancock". Although we missed a bit in front, but it was no biggie. After the movie, it was kinda late. Thus, I decided to leave and go home. Farhan walked me to the MRT station :) Thanks for lending the cap to me as well. My hair was still in a mess! :@

Me on the way home~
(Was playing around with photoshop with this picture xP)

Lastly I would like to thank these people again:-
*XueNi for helping me in making the ribbon for me :)
*Zean, Farhan for the boots :)
*Pisces for accompanying me throughout the event :)
*Ray for the wig :)
*Everyone who was there :)

I really enjoyed myself on that day! And looks like all the big main events gone and out of the way~ It's time for me to relax and drift along with the flow of life! ^_^*

** The Caramelldansen video! xD

Try to spot me? :X

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Akira Star

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