Long post!~
Thursday, December 06, 2007 @ 11:28 PM
I think I will be blogging a lot of things today! Get ready!!~

More individual poses. -Jackie is like staring at Kelvin with the "wtf are you doing" look- =X
Yay for group pictures! -the 1st pix is the one when we laugh about Kelvin's "I AM MR SLIM"-
I think we look really nice in the final picture we took. Yes, I'm talking about the group picture!! Jackie looks like a bodyguard, me as a mafia's daughter and Kelvin, PEDOBEAR! kiddin' a childhood friend. After this, Jackie and Kelvin started stripping cos they cannot breathe and laugh at the same time! FOR I AM MR SLIM! -jiggles-
So yeah, on that day too, I found out that our EOY cosplay clothes have already arrived. So we (J1, J2, Leon, Jackie and me) headed to Bishan to collect the costumes at Izumi's house. Woah man! The distance between the Junction8 and her house is freaking long. My feet hurts ._. And her house is huge! Two storeys HDB house. Rich people X(
When I finally get to take a look at my costume. I was EXTREMELY disappointed. YES! To a point where I wanted to give up cosplaying for EOY. The dress... I would say... IS SHORT! REALLY SHORT. Can see my panties if I really wore that out. T_T DO NOT WANT! So embarrassing... But I didn't give up yet! Spend too much money to give up. CANNOT! It's really sad.... I really felt that I have wasted my money~~~ Btw, J2 and Leon's swords was really well-made!~
On Wednesday (DESU DAY!), I met up with XueNi. She is here to help me in my EOY costume! Muack!~ Love her~~ Bought lots of stuff as well... MY MONEY ARGH!!! DON'T FLY AWAY!! Stuff like 1 metre cloth [wah this one walk everywhere also cannot find the exact cloth and colour, so in the end bought a cloth which is one tone lighter], fabric glue [scammer... IS NORMAL PVC GLUE LOH!], strings and more stuffs!
Saw buttons that look like candies in jars!~ So deliciously colourful~ But the CANDY IS A LIE!
After all the stuff was bought (well, most of it), we went to eat at SWENSEN'S!~ Baked rice XD Then we made our way to her house and start work!
LOL! So messy! Everything was like dump on the floor. Really thank you to XueNi and her mother to help me extend the dress, at least to a length that cannot see my panties XD THANK YOU SO MUCH!! But I still can't jump!! =( Next Sunday, for shoes~~~ Reached home around 11pm, luckily it had stopped raining. It has been raining like from 10am+ to 9pm+! It's like the sky cannot hold its bladder anymore and let out all at once!
And for today Thursday, I get to use the blood pressure machine in today's lesson! So fun~ And it's so easy to use!
My readings for the systolic/diastolic blood pressure is 78/48 and pulse rate is 79.
*For your info: The systolic blood pressure represents the pressure in the arteries as the muscle of the heart contracts and pumps blood into them. The diastolic blood pressure represents the pressure in the arteries as the muscle of the heart relaxes after it contracts.
My faci said I got low blood pressure... =( Hope it's not deadly... yet... Oh wait, it's good to a certain extend! People who have lower blood pressures have a lower risk of stroke, kidney disease, and heart disease. Therefore, low blood pressure is desirable as long as it is not low enough to cause symptoms and damage organs in the body. XD
Then my faci also asked me to calculate my BMI (Body Mass Index)
Formula: BMI = weight(kg)/height^2(m^2)
And my BMI is 16! I'm UNDERWEIGHT! XD Woah if I'm lesser than 15, I would be in the Starvation Category. And I'm like nearly there! What AM I to DO!? XD
And that's the end of my super uber long post! THE END~
Oh yes, I changed my blogskin so that those mozilla firefox users can view my blog properly!!!
-OMG SO LATE! 3.20am
Good night all XD-
Labels: EOY, lab, photoshoot, preparation, RP, sad
Akira Star