Hatred for Driving...
Saturday, May 16, 2009 @ 3:44 AM
I failed my traffic police driving test on 13th May... Haven't even go out of circuit, I have been awarded with 1 immediate failure and 28 demerit points. All because of vertical parking. I panicked and spaced out when doing it. All my fault. How stupid can I be? I already did so well for my practice before the test. And I fucked up on vertical parking??? I thought I can pass this damn driving thing and get on with my life. But nooo, I have to come back again to take the test again and more practices as well. I really hate driving. hate. hate. hatred for it. But, I hate myself even more. How weak and stupid I am. Very.
I must pass the next test. If not, I will go commit suicide already...
Thank you Moo, WeiLeng and Joshua for coming down to BBDC to see me after the test as a surprise. Sorry that I let you all saw me at my worst.
Labels: driving, emo, panic, sad, stress
Akira Star
Akira Star