Random Updates.
Monday, May 04, 2009 @ 11:44 PM
Not a lot of things happening in my life nowadays :( So boring. Work. Drive. Slack.
Thus, hereby brought to you... Random updates.
::1st May 09::
It's Labour Day and I'm working for double pay :) And also... most of the theaters are playing X-men Origins: Wolverine D:! And EVERYONE WANTS TO WATCH IT!!! Working at box office on that day. I think that is the dayI have said the words, "Wolverine" and "X-men" the most times in my life. Probably over 50 times. Damn GV Exclusive. Apparently the movies, Star Trek and Harry Potter are going to be GV Exclusives as well. Oh well.
Supposed to end work at 4.30pm, but I left the place at around 5pm(?). Due to the slow closing of counter and super long credit card slip. Met up with Moo and made our way down to Vivo City for the "Sidewalk Astronomy Carnival". This is to provide an opportunity to let everyone learn more about Astronomy and there were telescopes set up on site as well, to view Saturn and the moon :) Anyway I had fun there :D Thank you, Moo!
One of the helpers kept asking people if they want to see planets. So funny that they keep mentioning planets when they are going to let you see Saturn only. If I were the people, I would have felt so cheated. I would then ask them to show me URANUS, ur-anus. LOL!
Supposed to end work at 4.30pm, but I left the place at around 5pm(?). Due to the slow closing of counter and super long credit card slip. Met up with Moo and made our way down to Vivo City for the "Sidewalk Astronomy Carnival". This is to provide an opportunity to let everyone learn more about Astronomy and there were telescopes set up on site as well, to view Saturn and the moon :) Anyway I had fun there :D Thank you, Moo!

A row of telescopes being set up.

Balloons were given out on site and they kept giving them to me!!! D:

Our lovely half moon ;)

Using of telescope to view the moon. So fun :)

I won! Solar System poster!
I actually went to submit the form twice :X

My spoils :D!!
::2nd May 09::
My friends, Puikwan and ShunAn, came to my house to...die DYE our hair. Well, only for ShunAn and me. Puikwan was our amateur hairdresser since she had dyed her hair a lot of times :X If I'm not wrong, ShunAn is the second guy friend that entered into my house O_O! You must be very honored! Anyway, I bought Gatsby Cool Rose and ShunAn bought Men's Beauteen Wild Cherry. Oh. They also took a lot of pictures with my lovebirds... My house is like a mini bird park D:! Maybe next time I should charged entrance fee and photo taking fee.
My friends, Puikwan and ShunAn, came to my house to...

Our hairdresser... Puikwan xD

Begin mixing...

Well, Puikwan helped me dyed my hair first and I waited for 45mins for the colour to set(?), while Puikwan started on ShunAn's. After the 45mins wait, I then rinsed and washed my hair. And yay! Done. The colour is only obvious under sunlight ;) Which is a pretty good thing. After that, we walked to Bukit Merah Central and ate KFC there.

ShunAn said my birds are natural posers! :P
That's Sky... I think ;P

Group picture with my birds! So nice~
My youngest brother, Damien brought back 4 grass-hoppies!!! Remind me of the time my papa caught a big grasshopper at Pulau Ubin and we brought it back to keep it as a pet. It moulted its skin 4 times before dying :( And we buried it in one of our flower pots :X

Pretty cute, eh? :P
Labels: astronomy, event, GV friends, hair, insects, pet, RP friends, stargazing
Akira Star
Akira Star