Yearbook 2009
Friday, May 15, 2009 @ 2:11 AM
Just a short post to mention that I have too received my Republic Polytechnic Yearbook. Not today, of course. But on 12th May :X (I know, I know... Late post!! Have been busy with AuditionSEA and other miscellaneous stuffs.) So here is it!

Closer zoom up on me in the picture :D
Back then, I still have my long hair...... *weeps*
Well, I do not have any feelings for this yearbook at all, unlike my secondary school ones. Seems meaningless and does not hold any memories except for the school picture (points above). Other than that, it's nothing. I'm not in any official IG (something like CCA in secondary school). The IG that I'm in is an unofficial one, the Anime IG. Thus after we graduated from Republic Polytechnic, the Anime IG too, ceased to exist. T_T~~~~~~~~~ *mourns*
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Akira Star
Akira Star