Tuesday, April 22, 2008 @ 9:48 PM
Today is kinda like a fun day for me!~
Did Genomics, which is a recap on problem 6 of Genetics...
Same worksheet even!! XD
And every team presented the same stuff.......
Took my HepA final jab also!~
Screamed and grabbed Audrey's arm during the jab! So painful ._.
Now nette has been vaccinated against Hepatitis A~
-points and laughs at those who aren't vaccinated against HepA/B-
Went to visit my friends', Siying and Sylvia, FYP!
Their project is on keeping the crabs alive and making them fat! :D
I took part in feeding the crabs! Mussels~
Even helped unshell the raw mussels. So disgusting.
Luckily I didn't eat mussels at the first place.
I feed the crabs using this long grabber thing to place the mussels just beside them.
My! They used their pincers to grab for the food!
But of course, I refused to let them get it!
I made them struggled to get their food by swimming all the way up!
So big and FAT! No wonder they struggled!
I felt and smelled like a farmer working in a crab farm!!! :@
After feeding them, I saw a red millipede crawling on the ground.
My first thought was it's not poisonous! GRAB IT!!!!
So that's what I did! I picked it up and let it crawled all over my hands.
So wiggly~ All the legs~~ And I chased my friends with it! XD
They were like running and shrieking all over the place!
Such a hilarious sight!
But then I noticed my fingers (the ones I used to pinch it off the ground) got yellow stains, I threw it on the ground and went looking for a toilet. I guess that yellow liquid it produces acts like some kind of defence/protect mechanism. Most probably nasty tasting, horrid smelling or even cause skin irritation. Anyway, I will take a picture of the millipede on my hand if I get the chance to do so :)


If you can't see the words... Then sorry... You are blind.
-Thanks Lina for this picture!!^^-
-Thanks Lina for this picture!!^^-
Labels: school
Akira Star
Akira Star