Harold & Kumar!!~
Sunday, April 27, 2008 @ 9:40 PM
Harold & Kumar Escape from Guantanamo Bay
Oh~ I love this movie, dudes!! It's like the best! This movie is actually the sequel to Harold & Kumar Go to White Castle. M18~ Lots of crude jokes and not as much nudity as the first movie, I would say. Their crude jokes are AWESOME!~ So funny! These two guys kept getting into trouble, one after another. In this movie, they got mistaken as terrorists trying to hijack the aeroplane :D
The best part is most probably the maths poem Kumar recited.
The Square Root of 3
I’m sure that I will always be
A lonely number like root three
The three is all that’s good and right,
Why must my three keep out of sight
Beneath the vicious square root sign,
I wish instead I were a nine
For nine could thwart this evil trick,
with just some quick arithmetic
I know I’ll never see the sun, as 1.7321
Such is my reality, a sad irrationality
When hark! What is this I see,
Another square root of a three
As quietly co-waltzing by,
Together now we multiply
To form a number we prefer,
Rejoicing as an integer
We break free from our mortal bonds
With the wave of magic wands
Our square root signs become unglued
Your love for me has been renewed
I seriously didn't know you could even create a maths poem. Such a geek =X
Labels: movie
Akira Star
Happy Birthday, WL!~
Friday, April 25, 2008 @ 11:17 PM
Hope you are able to do what you like and not listen to others' bidding!
Follow your own path in life, even though others may block it.
May those idiots get out of your way, and you can obtain your As~
Akira Star
Tuesday, April 22, 2008 @ 9:48 PM
Today is kinda like a fun day for me!~
Did Genomics, which is a recap on problem 6 of Genetics...
Same worksheet even!! XD
And every team presented the same stuff.......
Took my HepA final jab also!~
Screamed and grabbed Audrey's arm during the jab! So painful ._.
Now nette has been vaccinated against Hepatitis A~
-points and laughs at those who aren't vaccinated against HepA/B-
Went to visit my friends', Siying and Sylvia, FYP!
Their project is on keeping the crabs alive and making them fat! :D
I took part in feeding the crabs! Mussels~
Even helped unshell the raw mussels. So disgusting.
Luckily I didn't eat mussels at the first place.
I feed the crabs using this long grabber thing to place the mussels just beside them.
My! They used their pincers to grab for the food!
But of course, I refused to let them get it!
I made them struggled to get their food by swimming all the way up!
So big and FAT! No wonder they struggled!
I felt and smelled like a farmer working in a crab farm!!! :@
After feeding them, I saw a red millipede crawling on the ground.
My first thought was it's not poisonous! GRAB IT!!!!
So that's what I did! I picked it up and let it crawled all over my hands.
So wiggly~ All the legs~~ And I chased my friends with it! XD
They were like running and shrieking all over the place!
Such a hilarious sight!
But then I noticed my fingers (the ones I used to pinch it off the ground) got yellow stains, I threw it on the ground and went looking for a toilet. I guess that yellow liquid it produces acts like some kind of defence/protect mechanism. Most probably nasty tasting, horrid smelling or even cause skin irritation. Anyway, I will take a picture of the millipede on my hand if I get the chance to do so :)

-Thanks Lina for this picture!!^^-
Labels: school
Akira Star
Neuroplasticity +_+
Monday, April 14, 2008 @ 9:54 PM
It's cool!
Labels: info
Akira Star
Rumbling Hearts Cosplay
Friday, April 11, 2008 @ 6:58 PM
I was wondering what can I blogged about... And I realized I havent blog about my recent photoshoot on 23th Mar!
Anime: Rumbling Hearts/Kimi ga Nozomu Eien
Character: Suzumiya Haruka (涼宮 遙)
Location: Liang Court Kinokoniya, Fort Canning
Photographer: Rayblade
So furry~ Mao mao!
Not sure why everytime I have finished my photoshoot, I'll be like dead tired =P Haha!
Labels: cosplay, insects, photoshoot
Akira Star
My FIRST Kenny Stuff!
Sunday, April 06, 2008 @ 10:41 PM
IT'S LOVE!!!~~
and it costs $35...
Akira Star
....... OUCH!
Thursday, April 03, 2008 @ 6:58 PM
Yesterday 2/4/08, I had my last gathering (I think...) with my friends. BECAUSE SCHOOL IS LIKE STARTING SOON! I am definitely not pleased with it. So yeah, we went to eat at Nihon Mura. The Japanese buffet there is only $17.50+, you can eat all you want like sushi stuff, sashimi stuff, fried japanese stuff, free flow of soft drinks + 1 free juice. Yup! For only $17.50! :D
And... I have also pierced my ear! My right ear to be precise! Now I have one more hole~ I'm afraid it might get infected and my whole ear would just rot off ._. Anyway I have been wanting to get one more ear piercing~ I didn't think it would hurt that much and it does! Surprisingly...
Here is it!
I had to wait like one month for it to heal or something...
-I do want that Kenny shirt...
Akira Star