::Quest for IMMORTALITY::
Friday, March 05, 2010 @ 2:14 AM
::27th Feb 10::
Posting for February is about to end! ♪~
Finally managed to go to the Egyptian exhibition at the National Museum of Singapore~
"Quest for Immortality: The World of Ancient Egypt" Ever since I saw the advertisement on the discarded brochure on December09, I have been wanting to go there like ages! Moreover, it's free entry for students :) And I am... a fake student :X
Head count: Moo, Joshua, Shuhua, Edmund, XueNi and I!

Joshua brought four National Museum of Singapore passes. Hoping that there will be discount for NS men and for XueNi who forgotten to bring her student pass! Dx And the deal was even better than expected! Free tickets given for the passes as well! So all of us had free entry to the exhibition :D Awesome~

Before we head down to the exhibition, an old lady came up to us and volunteer to give us a tour around the Nation Museum. We accepted it and we learnt plenty of information on the museum... though... I don't quite remember it already Dx

Fifty french stained glass above our heads!
Anyway, she led us to the Egyptian exhibition and bid us farewell. We made our way excitedly to the exhibition. Well, at least for me, I did. Hope I can find anything relating to Yu-Gi-Oh! in there :X Ahem, picture time then. So happy that pictures could be taken but have to turn off flash. The interior of the exhibition was quite dark, thus I have to hold my camera real steady in order not to have a blur shot! The outer chamber is the activity section and the inner chamber is all the exhibits.

Activity section:

Games? Could it be... Yu-Gi-Oh!?

Learning hieroglyphic numbers!
btw, that pacman thing is a lotus flower :X

Learn how to make an origami pyramid!
I always had trouble folding origami and following the instructions;
Moo had to help me with it xD
Our marked pyramids + Edmund's crane Lol!

Hieroglyphic alphabet signs!
There are 24 Alphabet symbols which represent a single sound.
It's because the Egyptians did not include some vowels in their writing and there are no signs for 'E', 'U', 'V' or 'X', although these sounds were present in the spoken language.

Activity for us to print our names in hieroglyphic alphabet signs :)

Here are ours! :D
With the activity section completed, we headed over to the exhibits section.
Exhibits section:
Exhibits section:

1) Statue of goddess Sekhmet
2) Statue of the god Horus and King Horemheb
Horemheb was believed to be an earthly incarnation of the god Horus.

Serapeum sphinxes
A sphinx has a lion's body and a king's head - an expression of the king's power as
equivalent to the strength and might of a lion.

Only silhouettes could be seen! Dx

1) Inscription of a magic spell for snake bites
2) Coffin for a scarab (Heh! Beetles also have coffins! :X)
3) Mummified crocodile

Some of the potteries they used.
1) Pot with wavy band handles (I have no idea but this is real funny to me :X)
2) Bulbous vessel with spout (Bulbasaur? xD)

Sculptures of some Egyptian gods.
1) Osiris - chief god of the dead and the afterlife
2) Anubis - jackal-headed god of embalming and mummification;
guardian of the dead and a guide through the underworld
3) Standing winged Isis - protective goddess
4) Ptah - creator god
5) Sekhmet - goddess of war, destruction and misfortune
6) Horus - god of the sky or sun

Steles; ancient stone slabs.
1) Tomb stele for Keti & Senet
(shows two sisters standing opposite each other at a sacrificial table piled with offerings)
2) Stele belonging to Djed-her
3) Stele belonging to Amen-mose
(Its three registers show the god Osiris being venerated by different people)

False doors were placed in mortuary chapels to establish a connection
between the worlds of the living and the dead. They allowed the spirit of the dead
to move between the chapel and the tomb to receive offerings.

I like the eye of Horus that is located at the top part of the stele :)

Coffin lid and interior of outer coffin belonging to Padi-imen-em-ipet.
Padi-imen-em-ipet is shown wearing the wig and beard of a god indication that he
has become transfigured in the afterlife. On his chest is a winged scarab with a ram's
head, one of the incarnation of the sun god.

Canopic jars; stores organs of the mummy.
Falcon-headed Qebehsenuef - intestines
Human-headed Imsety - liver
Jackal-headed Duamutef - stomach
Baboon-headed Hapy - lungs

Individual shots taken with Horus.

1) Amulets that were placed on the mummy.
2) Heartscarab were placed over the heart of a mummy to protect it.

The Book of the Dead.
Really interesting! :D
After spending 2hours30mins in the dark exhibition rooms, we finally looked at everything and every exhibits. I would say I totally enjoyed it. My favourite would be the Book of the Dead. If you are interested in the Egyptian stuffs, then you should go before it closes on the 4th of April!! I gotten interested in Egyptian stuffs, due to the wonderful anime/manga/game of Yu-Gi-Oh! Typical of me right? Being an otaku and all :\

$2 badges that Joshua and I bought.
Anubis; his. Bastet; mine.

Our only group picture!~

$2 badges that Joshua and I bought.
Anubis; his. Bastet; mine.

Our only group picture!~

Went separate ways with everyone again. Well, except for XueNi who accompanied me to Bugis :D Moo, Shuhua and Edmund were actually walking to City Hall station but they walked to Bugis instead. For XueNi and I, we walked to City Hall station instead of Bugis... So we had to walk a big round back to correct direction. Whenever I go out with XueNi, we would somehow walk the wrong route, get on the wrong bus and stuff Dx
I thanked XueNi for the accompany and went off to meet secondary school friends at Starbucks. From there, we walked to the Golden Chopstick steamboat place. Continued waiting for the rest of them to come before we start.

I thanked XueNi for the accompany and went off to meet secondary school friends at Starbucks. From there, we walked to the Golden Chopstick steamboat place. Continued waiting for the rest of them to come before we start.

We had two steamboats; Sichuan Hot & Spicy soup and Chicken soup; & Tom Yam and Chicken soup. One side for prawns and the other side do not have prawns. Shalee is allergy to prawns! Anyway, the Sichuan Hot & Spicy soup was terrible SPICY!!! Even though we ordered level one spiciness. It was too much for us to take it. Audrey and Lisa scooped all the chilli oil out of the soup and topped it up with chicken soup to reduce the spiciness.


I, as usual, was the first one to stop eating... I think I wasted my money as usual; eating only the cheap stuffs like 面线 and lettuce! Dx But to meet up with my secondary friends; priceless. We chatted about the upcoming Taiwan trip and lots of other stuffs. After dinner, we all retreated back to our homes~

Group picture!~

Group picture!~
"May Anubis embalm you, for he has acted on
behalf of one whom he has favoured"
-The Book of the Dead; chapter 172
behalf of one whom he has favoured"
-The Book of the Dead; chapter 172
Labels: dinner, epsilon, excursion, HSS friends, RP friends
Akira Star
Akira Star