!!EOY09: "An Extraordinary Journey"!!
Wednesday, February 10, 2010 @ 3:24 AM
::26th Dec 09::
Looks like a sudden flash back for this post.
Finally I'm able to complete and combine all the edited pictures.
Hurray for collages! & phew, it's time to blog this belated post of mine.
Finally I'm able to complete and combine all the edited pictures.
Hurray for collages! & phew, it's time to blog this belated post of mine.
Finally, it’s time to blog about my experience of EOY09: "An Extraordinary Journey". The location held at was pretty different from all the previous EOYs. It’s not longer at the Expo but at the National Library; Drama Centre level 3.
Anyway, I met up with ShunAn and XueNi first at Bugis before heading over to Shaw Tower at 12noon. We were supposed to dress up first and then help Puikwan with hers later when she reached. She had work and will be joining us later. Why we chose to change at Shaw Tower? Because we kinda expected the toilets for Parco Bugis and the library to be packed with cosplayers and other people. I certainly do not want to waste my time walking about, finding empty toilets. And during the whole period, my friends and cosmates kept smsing me to ask me where am I! ShunAn and XueNi were getting pretty annoyed by my ringtone :X
And yay, my EOY team is up and ready! After months and months of hard work and planning. Ahem~ We are pleased to announce that we are cosplaying Gakuen Alice for EOY09!
Me as Imai Hotaru, Puikwan as Sakura Mikan and ShunAn as Ando Tsubasa.

Team GA all ready! :D

Anime: 「Gakuen Alice」
Character: Imai Hotaru
Location: National Library; EOY
All dressed up, we made our way to the National Library which is diagonally opposite and promptly up to the 3rd floor :) XueNi left us at this point. Her task was done and we solemnly thanked her xD I met up with Yusri who was cosplaying as Uchiha Madara, before proceeding into the Drama Centre. I bought my tickets at the SAM which was supposed to be cheaper. As they state in their website, “[ Admission ]$12 (Pre-sale), $15 (Door)”. They forgot to mention about the $1 booking fee. So I paid $13 which is only $2 cheaper. Not very much a big deal…

The booklet given.

1. SAM pre-sale ticket; 2. Door ticket.
The location was horrible, IMO. It was too small. Much smaller as compared to the previous location at Expo. Everyone; cosplayers, photographers and others were pretty much in a tight situation Dx No space to take photos, too much background noise, bad lighting. I almost suffocated in there. I had that heavy oppressing feeling whenever I felt too claustrophobic. Anyway, I was out of there after a mere 20minutes and never went back in again. What a waste… that $13 :( Oh ya, I found ashie and Yehoshua; and I saw Violet there too in that overcrowded space! :P AND I FORGOTTEN TO TAKE A PICTURE WITH ASHIE AGAIN! Dx

Look at the crowd :(
We went down to the first floor and met up with my cosmates; TingYu, Wendy, Angie, Jasmine and photographer; JiaQing! :D This was when the fun truly begins! Cosplay to me is not all about posing for people/photographers to take pictures. That’s just part of the package. But is to hang out and enjoy this activity thoroughly with your fellow cosmates! The best thing is you don’t have to be yourself for a day! xD
Anyway, there’s nothing much to type about at the moment. We spent almost 4 hours taking pictures :D Real amazing xD Although the lighting there wasn’t very good and it was drizzling almost of the time. Couldn’t really go anywhere at all, due to the rain.
Trying real hard not to spam pictures ahead… Collages :D?
& the pictures are not posted in any specific order...
First up, would be pictures of my team Gakuen Alice :P

Individual full body shots xD

I like this set of individual shots! :D

Ahh!~ I love the pictures that I took with Puikwan!! My Mikan~~ xD
I realized I didn't really take pictures with ShunAn @_@
Apparently only group pictures...
Next, are pictures taken with my friends who came to find me/us! :D

So happy to see them! :)
(Tsuki, Teddy, Sally, Yokie, Sheryl, Joanna, Arif & Yehoshua!)
Ahh, next up would be... I can't think of a caption!! T_T! Too many pictures Dx
But most of them taken with fellow cosmates and cosmates-to-be! :)

Some pictures were taken with other cosplayers~
Most of the pictures were us doing random stuffs xD

With Eclair as Ichimura Tetsunosuke; PeaceMaker Kurogane

We just threw our bags on the floor! Heh!

All pouting~~
Can't tell whether Madara is pouting or not :X

Not forgetting the jump shots we did!! xD!

After Thr3e reappearance!!

Limited edition photo of the After Thr3e's jump shot!

Caramell Dansen!!~
Eh!! Madara doing Caramell Dansen as well! O_O

Madara is everywhere!!

Bully the Madara!!

Wow, right? :X

Pop! Goes the bunny!~
But most of them taken with fellow cosmates and cosmates-to-be! :)

Some pictures were taken with other cosplayers~
Most of the pictures were us doing random stuffs xD

With Eclair as Ichimura Tetsunosuke; PeaceMaker Kurogane

We just threw our bags on the floor! Heh!

All pouting~~
Can't tell whether Madara is pouting or not :X

Not forgetting the jump shots we did!! xD!

After Thr3e reappearance!!

Limited edition photo of the After Thr3e's jump shot!

Caramell Dansen!!~
Eh!! Madara doing Caramell Dansen as well! O_O

Madara is everywhere!!

Bully the Madara!!
After looking at all my pictures, I realized I took most of my pictures were taken with TingYu!! xD

Wow, right? :X

Pop! Goes the bunny!~
Ahem, now time for my individual shots :$

This is my favourite of them all! ♥~
Maybe I could cosplay Saya from Blood+!!! xD

Now now, do we actually have to queue to watch a card game??? Dx

Last shot of Team GA before we change out.

This is my favourite of them all! ♥~
Maybe I could cosplay Saya from Blood+!!! xD

Now now, do we actually have to queue to watch a card game??? Dx

Last shot of Team GA before we change out.

My dinner! :P

X'mas present from Yokie :D
After that, we all retreated back to our homes to rest. I really enjoyed my EOY09 except for the fact I wasted my $13… I really glad I could meet up and bond more with my cosmates in this event, since our previous meet up was the flyer trip. I’m super happy that Puikwan cosplayed together with me for this event! Although it was her first and last cosplay T_T~ I’m glad that ShunAn finally has his chance to cosplay :) I’m really sorry to Eclair because I was supposed to be in her team for the EOY09 :X And I'm super glad that our early preparation really paid off!! :D
Appreciation List
Thanks to XueNi for helping us with such efficiency in the background!!^^
Thanks to JiaQing, TingYu for the pictures!!
Thanks to my team for making it happen!!
Thanks to all my friends who went looking for me!!
Thanks to Yokie for the x'mas present!!
Thanks to everyone for making this a wonderful, extraordinary event for me!!

*P/S: It was pretty fun washing my black and purple wigs :D
Really need to wash off all the hairspray from them :\
& I spent around 184sgd on this cosplay includes costume, wig & props!!!
Really need to wash off all the hairspray from them :\
& I spent around 184sgd on this cosplay includes costume, wig & props!!!
Labels: cosmates, cosplay, EOY, event, fun
Akira Star
Akira Star