Cosfest Updates: Meeting the Tailor
Monday, February 08, 2010 @ 5:58 AM
::23rd Jan 10::
With our sketches done from our previous meet up, the next thing to do was meet the tailor and get our costumes done! :D Met up with TingYu, her friend Katherine and Wendy; 11am @ Pioneer station. Jasmine wasn't free to come, Angie overslept, ShunAn has something on and will be coming at a later time. So TingYu postponed our 11am meeting with Michelle the tailor to 1.30pm. We eat our brunch at the nearby coffee-shop and later hung out at a playground that is close to the flat. Wendy took the time to message to the taobao people about our wigs.

At 1.30pm, we went up to the home of Michelle. And she wasn't here yet! One of her daughters let us into the house first, while her youngest daughter then proceeded to disturb us D: I don't really like kids at her age. Anyway, I avoided and ignored her instead. Poor TingYu gotten disturbed the most! Angie and ShunAn did join us afterwards. I went down to bring them up and I stupidly forgot to withdraw money to pay for the deposit! :\

TingYu sure loved her new straw hat xD!!
Anyway, my costume cost $95! I paid a $50 deposit through bank transfer because of my stupidity and forgetfulness @.@ Cosplay really eat up most of my money T_T~ But but but, I really like to cosplay. So I wouldn't mind, I guess... And this Caterpie Ginjinka cosplay has been on my list of cosplays I wanted to do for a long time! So yay :D NO PROBLEM!!!~
Labels: cosfest, cosmates, updates
Akira Star
Akira Star