X'mas Post!
Friday, January 29, 2010 @ 4:28 AM
::24th Dec 09 - X'mas EVE::
Ahh, super late post... Just like all my other posts...
So weird to blog about christmas now when it's already long over :\
Pretty lame, I know. But I still wanna blog about it!! :P Real short & quick, kay?
And so, I spent my christmas eve with a few of my closest GV mates @ Vivo City. Went there to buy candy canes for the GV managers and staffs with Rebecca and Edmund; and ended up staying there the whole entire day! Sally met up with me for awhile so I can give her the x'mas doll I made for her :P

Loitered about everywhere until Brandon and Aaron came to join us xD Had fun at the arcade. Dinner at Long John Silver. Played a fool at Daiso and Toys"R"Us. This is my first time seeing Brandon and Aaron behaving like primary school kids! Probably worst than that D: And soon all of us started following them and wreaking the whole place! 有样学样 @_@...

The Alvin & the Chipmunks were real statues at GV Vivo...
Not like the other GVs including ours... stupid standees Dx

I think Robert Downey Jr. is super cute :P

Brandon and Aaron shooting hoops.

Rebecca bought this silly x'mas hairband from Daiso!! xD

Decos! :D
Had a christmas gifts exchange with my polytechnic clique @ Plaza Singapura; Secret Recipe. I was a little late as usual and Joshua waited for me at the bus stop :P When we have reached the location, they have eaten finish their cakes. Anyway, I ordered a main course, Mushroom Chicken Chop. Had our x'mas exchange, with nowhere to go next, we all went off to our different destination called home. Well, except for Moo who went off with his other clique xD

More on the gift exchange session, one will randomly picked a paper with someone else's name on it. If that person got his/her own name, everyone have to pick again xD More fair, right? It was on the 3rd time then all of us managed to get a different name. I picked the paper with Shuhua's name first, then mine and lastly, Moo's.

Here is the result :)
ahsie's secret santa was WeiLeng
WeiLeng's secret santa was Joshua
Joshua's secret santa was Shuhua
Shuhua's secret santa was LJ
LJ's secret santa was ahsie
Moo's secret santa was me
& mine was Moo
Confusing? [Y/N]

LJ and ahsie went off early...
So they were not in the picture!!! D:

The Alvin & the Chipmunks were real statues at GV Vivo...
Not like the other GVs including ours... stupid standees Dx

I think Robert Downey Jr. is super cute :P

Brandon and Aaron shooting hoops.

Rebecca bought this silly x'mas hairband from Daiso!! xD
Although we have spent the entire day at one location, it was really fun and not at all boring!! :D Need to plan more outings before they start schooling :( So sad that I won't be working on christmas with all of them!!
Vivo City's x'mas tree shots! :D
Vivo City's x'mas tree shots! :D

Decos! :D
::25th Dec 09 - X'MAS::
Had a christmas gifts exchange with my polytechnic clique @ Plaza Singapura; Secret Recipe. I was a little late as usual and Joshua waited for me at the bus stop :P When we have reached the location, they have eaten finish their cakes. Anyway, I ordered a main course, Mushroom Chicken Chop. Had our x'mas exchange, with nowhere to go next, we all went off to our different destination called home. Well, except for Moo who went off with his other clique xD

Here is the result :)
ahsie's secret santa was WeiLeng
WeiLeng's secret santa was Joshua
Joshua's secret santa was Shuhua
Shuhua's secret santa was LJ
LJ's secret santa was ahsie
Moo's secret santa was me
& mine was Moo
Confusing? [Y/N]

LJ and ahsie went off early...
So they were not in the picture!!! D:
Anyway, here are the x'mas presents I received :P
Thank you so much!!! Thanks. Thanks. Thanks.

Two presents from Moo; one from the x'mas exchange.
One from Joshua.
Candy cane from ahsie.

From Joshua.
Keychain with the constellation of Camelopardalis.
Giraffe constellation! :D

From Moo.
Angel cup was the gift from the x'mas exchange.

Snowki from Rebecca.
She spent nights like me trying to finish up the x'mas gifts in time.

Handmade card from ShunAn.

Necklaces from mama.
Thank you so much!!! Thanks. Thanks. Thanks.

Two presents from Moo; one from the x'mas exchange.
One from Joshua.
Candy cane from ahsie.

From Joshua.
Keychain with the constellation of Camelopardalis.
Giraffe constellation! :D

From Moo.
Angel cup was the gift from the x'mas exchange.

Snowki from Rebecca.
She spent nights like me trying to finish up the x'mas gifts in time.

Handmade card from ShunAn.

Necklaces from mama.
Sad to say, Koko had an accident on christmas day :( Its claw got stuck on my shirt and it went into a complete panic. It started flapping its wings like mad and due to that, one of its blood feathers broke D: There were blood on the floor. When we thought the blood has already clotted, Damien put Koko on my bed and yes, there was blood on my bedsheets! We read online that we have to remove the broken blood feather pins because it will act like a straw sucking the blood out. When a blood feather is broken, a bird can bleed profusely and die. So we took a tweezers and tried to pluck the feather out. Hoping it was the broken blood feather. Because there was too much blood and with Koko struggling out of our grips, 3-4 feathers were wrongly plucked out. Those mature feathers with no blood in the pins. I was the one holding the bird down and spreading its wing out, while Damien pluck the pin feathers. Anyway, we tried to wash the blood off so that we can have a better look. The whole toilet looked like a crime scene in the end. Blood droplets on the table, mirror, wall and even my face D: The toilet stank with the stench of rust. To cut everything short, yes we managed to find the broken blood feather and pluck it out. We used corn flour as a pro-coagulant to help stop bleeding; in other words, to play safe. Damien was trying to be stupid and in turn, spilled the flour all over the floor. A real genius =.= Popped Koko back into its cage to rest after the traumatized period. Anyway, Koko is alright and still with us :) We have learnt how to handle a broken blood feather and didn't have to bring Koko to the vet and spent $150 on it!
Internet FTW! ggrks!
Internet FTW! ggrks!

Splatter of blood...

Poor traumatized Koko :(
-End of X'mas Post-

Splatter of blood...

Poor traumatized Koko :(
-End of X'mas Post-
Psst. Look at my horse!
Labels: GV friends, holidays, panic, pet, presents, RP friends, xmas trees
Akira Star
Akira Star