Random updates~
Tuesday, September 29, 2009 @ 2:22 AM
Some random updates that I don't wanna give a post to each of them.
So I just combine them all together then :)
::14th Sept 09::
Ice cream that I messed up at Jack's Place :) The strawberry ice cream dropped on the table, when I tried to scoop it. I placed it back onto plate so it wouldn't melt on the table.
Sprinkle some salt on it.

Put some vanilla ice cream.

Cover it!!!
And I walked away :X
::22nd Sept 09::
Watched Whatever Works at GV Grand, before going down to Parco Bugis to meet Aim. ShunAn was going to buy his PSP from Aim at $170. After that, we went to the arcade there and tried out this new fighting arcade game, Daemon Bride.

Used this chara, 皇久遠 (Kuon Sumeragi)

Yay! And I get to eat taiyaki. Peanut one :P
Ooki taiyaki!! BIG TAIYAKI!
::24th Sept 09::
Went out with ahsie and XueNi for a lunch date at Parco Bugis (yes,yes, there again). Walked around to search for halal food, but we ended up at Pastamania xD Just when XueNi is getting sick of pasta. So she chose pizza instead. I tried some new pasta with Parmesan crumbs and small pieces of bacon.

We went to iluma to walk around as ahsie had not been there before. Well, now she has xD And we also played arcade there :) I had to buy their game card for $10... because I wanted to play jubeat :( I'm going to have more and more arcade game cards D:

The arcade at iluma is called Tornado :\

ahsie really enjoy playing Taiko drums xD
P1 - ahsie, P2 - me
After that, ahsie had to leave for her tuition stuff. I made XueNi play DDR with me :3 We went back to Parco Bugis to take bus175 to Plaza Singapura. But we got tempted by the accessories sold at Six. "It's okay to buy stuffs on discount" - quoted from XueNi :X

And I bought two necklaces.
Crosses at $4, Heart at $6
At Plaza Singapura, we decided to watch a movie. We didn't know what movie to watch and I also do not want to watch something I have already watched. So we just picked the movie that is not going to end too late, and that is... The September Issue. Went to looklook at the toy stores on the 7th floor. XueNi bought another Scrump! D: Luckily, nothing was able to tempt me there. Okay! Then it was time for our movie~ We requested for blankets before entry. It was really cold and I didn't bring my jacket :\

And... I DIDN'T KNOW THE MOVIE WAS A DOCUMENTARY OF THE VOGUE FASHION MAGAZINE! :\ And moreover... it was the 2007 September issue. There's lots and lots of things I do not understand, because I'm not into fashion at all. But I like the way they do the photoshoots and choosing of the pictures to use in the magazine :)
Before we went home, we stopped by... The Face Shop. And I spent my money again!! Heh... Going out with XueNi = spending moneyyyy :X
Before we went home, we stopped by... The Face Shop. And I spent my money again!! Heh... Going out with XueNi = spending moneyyyy :X

Nail polish remover and cherry red nail polish!~
Another random stuffs...
Another baby lizard that I flung out of the window~~

Gold class with Hazel and Theresa.

Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor,
the NDS game I'm currently playing right now with Puzzle Bobble Galaxy.
The final Bel demon boss!! After killing 6 bosses, I need to fight with the final boss, Babel.
But due to all the battles, I DO NOT HAVE ANYMORE MP LEFT!
SO I DIED... Now I need to start over the whole battle again :(

Thank you Johnatton for this book he bought back from UK for me :)

Labels: animal, book, disappointment, DS, food, game, meet up, movie, random, work
Akira Star
Akira Star
「星蘭祭」 #19
Wednesday, September 23, 2009 @ 1:53 AM
::20th Sept 09::
Hurray! Seiransai (星蘭祭) with the Epsilon! An annual school carnival by Waseda-Shibuya Senior High School, open to public. Another event at another Japanese school! Not wanting to miss out anything or have to queue super long for something like the Natsu Masuri, we decided to go there early. The time set was at 9am at the bus stop opposite Queensway Shopping Centre.
Surprisingly, I'm the earliest there!! I reached there 10mins earlier than the appointed time.
Q.Q~ And we only managed to board bus51 after 45mins, due to waiting for people to reach and also for the bus to come. We were supposed to board the same bus as Edmund, because he was able to take bus51 from his place. When Puikwan received the sms from Edmund about the bus plate number of the bus he took, we were really sure that the next bus arriving would definitely be his. BECAUSE WE WAITED EFFING LONG FOR THE BUS! D:
When the bus51 arrived, we boarded, tapped our ez-link and the next thing we realized... IT WAS THE WRONG BUS! Puikwan immediately called Edmund and told him that we would just meet him at the school itself.

Well, we missed our bus stop so we had to alight at the next bus stop and walk back. I think that's what happened to most of the people going there on their first time. Because... I saw others walking back from the next bus stop as well!! xD Due to the fact that only the back of the school could be seen at the bus stop we were supposed to alight. So only when the bus has passed by, then we can see the school signs :\ Most importantly... Edmund also missed the bus stop and had to walk back as well!! xD
Yay! Finally everyone is here! We can enter the school :) No more waits! No more delays!

The first stop we went to was 2-C's Curry House at the Student Hall (1F). We bought chicken curry (mild) rice + salad at $2, except for Puikwan. Glad we went there first, because most of the curry rice were sold out. There were some band performances playing on the stage as well. I'm really happy to hear some songs that I know, like Taisetsuna Mono (My favourite game song!!).

Finally I get to eat Japanese curry rice!!~

Yay! Finally everyone is here! We can enter the school :) No more waits! No more delays!

No entry fee at all! And the best of all... NO QUEUESS!! xD Had our temperatures taken at the entrances (H1N1 precautions...) and "I'm OK" stickers were given :D Event booklets and face masks were given as well.

The event booklet.

The event booklet.
The first stop we went to was 2-C's Curry House at the Student Hall (1F). We bought chicken curry (mild) rice + salad at $2, except for Puikwan. Glad we went there first, because most of the curry rice were sold out. There were some band performances playing on the stage as well. I'm really happy to hear some songs that I know, like Taisetsuna Mono (My favourite game song!!).

Finally I get to eat Japanese curry rice!!~

After eating, we walked into the main building where all the activities were held. The first thing we came upon was this giant cloth origami crane and there was this HUGE paper collage banner as well. It reminded me of one of the artworks we need to do during secondary school. It was torturous.

HUGE paper collage.

HUGE paper collage.

We went up to the 2nd floor. Oh my god! We didn't know where to begin. Everywhere was so busy and really lively. So many classrooms to visit, so many activities to participate. The first thing I went to was the haunted classroom, because I heard from XueNi that last year, it was really good. But then, I noticed people holding onto tickets. AND I DO NOT KNOW WHERE TO GET THEM. Well, all of us didn't know.
Anyway, we just carried on walking straight. I asked a student at another classroom about the ticket stuff. Apparently, their classroom activity doesn't need a ticket, just have to queue up. Erm... So we went back to the haunted classroom and I repeated my question. Oh! Those tickets had to be collected at the start of the queue. So yea, we got them! As well as the tickets for another classroom who was doing a play.

"Handsome Suits" play at 12.15noon.
"Haunted School" at 2.55pm.
Blindfold.Anyway, we just carried on walking straight. I asked a student at another classroom about the ticket stuff. Apparently, their classroom activity doesn't need a ticket, just have to queue up. Erm... So we went back to the haunted classroom and I repeated my question. Oh! Those tickets had to be collected at the start of the queue. So yea, we got them! As well as the tickets for another classroom who was doing a play.

"Handsome Suits" play at 12.15noon.
"Haunted School" at 2.55pm.
We walked around the 2nd floor, trying to decide what to play first. 1-C's Oh! No Light 村 was chosen as our first classroom to visit. The queue timing was okay (Anyway, the queue didn't even came close to the ones at Natsu Masuri). They gave us number tags so we could keep our bags with them and also blindfolds. XueNi and I didn't keep our spectacles with them and hang onto them ourselves.

Apparently, we have to go in one by one, so that we won't knock into each other while wearing the blindfold. During this game, we have to be blindfolded and listen to the instructions given by the students to overcome the obstacles along the way. First, I was given a stick and I had to navigate my way through. Next part, a student told me, "No stick" and he took away my stick D: He also told me that this is a jungle and there are spiderwebs. After making through the rubber band "spiderwebs", I was made to sit down and remove my shoes. At first I thought the student told me to REMOVE MY SHIRT! Dx Oh their diction was horrible :X I have to walk on an undulating surface and also crawl through a "cave".
Next, it was a female student. She was speaking to me in Japanese and yes, I could understand basic Japanese so I played along, pretending. Afterward, she explained to me the next part of the game instructions in JAPANESE. I couldn't understand already so I admitted that I don't really know Japanese!! She was shocked and embarrassed xD Sorry~
Anyway, fast forward......... XueNi and I lost our spectacles during the game play. But the students were nice to pick them up and placed them at the entrance so that we could get them back later.
The 2nd attraction we queued up for was the Pokémon classroom. Because the waiting time was long, the students gave us a ticket saying that if we came back at 2pm and presented the ticket to them, we don't have to queue up at all and immediately go in. So why not? xD
Walked to the Bazaar at the Art Room (2F). Looked at some books, clothes, CDS. And that was when I realized I have dropped my tickets for the haunted classroom and the "Handsome Suits" play!! I went back to find them, but I only managed to find back the haunted classroom one :( I couldn't find back the "Handsome Suits" one. So I went back to the classroom and told them I have lost the ticket. The student was nice (oh no... I couldn't think of any other words to use!) and told me to just go in 5mins before the appointed time. Phew~
...We went up the 3rd floor to walk around and also we wanted to try their school uniform at the Uniform Fitting classroom. But unfortunately, all the slots were taken up! Wow. Next time, we must remember to come earlier then. We were too late for the Planetarium as well :( And for the Science Room's Slime experiment, they were restocking then. Eeyer... 3rd floor all so unlucky one :\
We made our way down to the 1st floor as XueNi wanted to buy some bread from the Orchid café at the conference room. Took a picture at the little stage there. Edmund went to the toilet, while ShunAn, Puikwan and me went into their school library to take a look~ And we all met back at the Orchid café.

Wow. All Japanese books :X Like duh.
Next, it was a female student. She was speaking to me in Japanese and yes, I could understand basic Japanese so I played along, pretending. Afterward, she explained to me the next part of the game instructions in JAPANESE. I couldn't understand already so I admitted that I don't really know Japanese!! She was shocked and embarrassed xD Sorry~
Anyway, fast forward......... XueNi and I lost our spectacles during the game play. But the students were nice to pick them up and placed them at the entrance so that we could get them back later.
The 2nd attraction we queued up for was the Pokémon classroom. Because the waiting time was long, the students gave us a ticket saying that if we came back at 2pm and presented the ticket to them, we don't have to queue up at all and immediately go in. So why not? xD
Walked to the Bazaar at the Art Room (2F). Looked at some books, clothes, CDS. And that was when I realized I have dropped my tickets for the haunted classroom and the "Handsome Suits" play!! I went back to find them, but I only managed to find back the haunted classroom one :( I couldn't find back the "Handsome Suits" one. So I went back to the classroom and told them I have lost the ticket. The student was nice (oh no... I couldn't think of any other words to use!) and told me to just go in 5mins before the appointed time. Phew~
...We went up the 3rd floor to walk around and also we wanted to try their school uniform at the Uniform Fitting classroom. But unfortunately, all the slots were taken up! Wow. Next time, we must remember to come earlier then. We were too late for the Planetarium as well :( And for the Science Room's Slime experiment, they were restocking then. Eeyer... 3rd floor all so unlucky one :\
We made our way down to the 1st floor as XueNi wanted to buy some bread from the Orchid café at the conference room. Took a picture at the little stage there. Edmund went to the toilet, while ShunAn, Puikwan and me went into their school library to take a look~ And we all met back at the Orchid café.

Wow. All Japanese books :X Like duh.
A student with a loudhailer went to the mini stage to announce that the 12.15noon of Handsome Suit will be starting in 5mins and we had to proceed there. We went back up to the lecture room 211 for 3-B's "Handsome Suits" play. We met Jordan queuing there as well :D And yay, we managed to get seats too! The play was in Japanese. Someone even asked out loud whether if there are subtitles. The play was really funny! I'm glad that all the effort spent on watching anime has really paid off :) I could understand them! Well, not all of the words but overall I do understand what they were speaking. So sad that Edmund, ShunAn and Puikwan had no idea what they were talking about. Although I did translate some parts to Puikwan because she was sitting beside me.

Doraemon spotted in the seminar room 212 beside the lecture room.

The set up for the play.

The cast.
Since there was still time before 2pm for the Pokémon attraction, we went to queue for 2-B's "Ma! Lion!?" attraction. We had to watch a pretty weird video about the Merlion got zapped by lightning and we got swallowed up by the Merlion. So we have to play games in order to get out of there. 1st game - firing balls through the holes to get points. 2nd - find the answer on a plastic ball to how heavy the Merlion is (ans: 70tonnes). 3rd - your ever so basic mole-whacking game play.

My score was 15, 100 & 60 respectively.

The prizes I won xD
I really love the corn potage thing!! Where can I buy it???

They decorated the classroom with so many Pokémon cards!

Lots of Pokémon stuffs on the counter as well!!

I want the Pikachu hoodie she is wearing!! *_*

Doraemon spotted in the seminar room 212 beside the lecture room.

The set up for the play.

The cast.
Since there was still time before 2pm for the Pokémon attraction, we went to queue for 2-B's "Ma! Lion!?" attraction. We had to watch a pretty weird video about the Merlion got zapped by lightning and we got swallowed up by the Merlion. So we have to play games in order to get out of there. 1st game - firing balls through the holes to get points. 2nd - find the answer on a plastic ball to how heavy the Merlion is (ans: 70tonnes). 3rd - your ever so basic mole-whacking game play.

My score was 15, 100 & 60 respectively.

The prizes I won xD
I really love the corn potage thing!! Where can I buy it???
Yay! It's 2pm already. We went back to the 1-B's Pokémon Muscle Contest and cut queue in front of a group of kids :( They kept making a lot of noise, really fun listening to them complain and complain :X But they stopped complaining when it was soon their turn and they started talking to the students there at the entrance about what else other then... Pokémon. I really like Pokémon too!~~ ♥♥♥♥


Macho Pokémon... you fancy?


Macho Pokémon... you fancy?

They decorated the classroom with so many Pokémon cards!

Lots of Pokémon stuffs on the counter as well!!

I want the Pikachu hoodie she is wearing!! *_*

There were 5 games in this attraction as stated... 1st game - to find the Pokéballs in the midst of other random balls. 2nd - another basic mole-whacking game play, this time you whack digletts. 3rd - a bowling game, using a basketball to knock down Pokémon water bottle pins. 4th - had to find a Pokémon cutout in a dark room in 30s (ours was a slowpoke, Puikwan actually found it but she threw it back xD). 5th - guess the Pokémon in the box by touching (I managed to guess both of the Pokémons in the box, including their name! The student was impressed xD)

My prize! Lol! :X

My prize! Lol! :X
Since there was some time before the haunted classroom activity, we went back to the Orchid café to see what's left of the bread. And only the mixed wassants were left, the rest was sold out. Well heck, I didn't know what was that but it couldn't be that bad. Bread could never go wrong. And yea, it tasted great! Anyway, we found out that the shop is located at central© B1 :)

Yum :)

Yum :)

What?! We still have to take care of our rubbish in the dustbin?! xD
Ahem, it was reaching 2.55pm. So we went back to 2-F's "Haunted School". And they pushed me to queue first!! Puikwan was just as worse :X They pushed her to the back. So line up was something like me first, XueNi, Edmund, ShunAn and Puikwan last. While waiting, we saw girls running out of the room with really frightened looks and some even cried :\ Was it really like scary? Hopefully not xD
Anyway when its our turn, we went through the door. We have to crawl through a tunnel :\ I was pretty scared because in such a narrow place, there's no space to dodge when something actually popped out. Luckily, there was nothing. The classroom was really decorated well. The students were all dressed up as ghosts and such. I even saw Tomodachi standing in the corner of the walkway. It was really fun and exciting. XueNi kept holding onto me and later, I found out that she kept her eyes closed throughout! D:

A Japanese manga that we were supposed to read before entering the classroom.
See pictures enough already :X

At the back of the manga.

Listening to the students shouting enthusiastically to vote for their class.

Beware~ The moles could appear on top as well xD

My points... I got 0 for the Yoyo Tsuri!!
The paper attached to the hook broke when I tried to lift the balloon out from the water :(
So I went in to try again :X

And I got 4!! :D
I gave one to XueNi because she didn't manage to get one.
Anyway when its our turn, we went through the door. We have to crawl through a tunnel :\ I was pretty scared because in such a narrow place, there's no space to dodge when something actually popped out. Luckily, there was nothing. The classroom was really decorated well. The students were all dressed up as ghosts and such. I even saw Tomodachi standing in the corner of the walkway. It was really fun and exciting. XueNi kept holding onto me and later, I found out that she kept her eyes closed throughout! D:

A Japanese manga that we were supposed to read before entering the classroom.
See pictures enough already :X

At the back of the manga.

Listening to the students shouting enthusiastically to vote for their class.
We went up to the 3rd floor again to check on the science room activity. Sadly, they have ran out of stock. We were too late once again. So since it was still early, we went to queue for the 1-A's Natsu Masuri activity, where we can play the Natsu Masuri games for free! While queuing, we saw XueShan O_O We totally didn't expect her to be there... xD Anyway, there were a total of 4 games. 1st game - shooting game, using a gun made of chopsticks to shoot down boxes. 2nd - another basic mole-whacking game play, this time you really whack water bottle moles. 3rd - ring throwing game. 4th - Yoyo Tsuri game, fishing yoyo balloons using a hook.

The "W"-shaped hook, I mentioned in my "!!Natsu Masuri!!" post.

The "W"-shaped hook, I mentioned in my "!!Natsu Masuri!!" post.

Beware~ The moles could appear on top as well xD

My points... I got 0 for the Yoyo Tsuri!!
The paper attached to the hook broke when I tried to lift the balloon out from the water :(
So I went in to try again :X

And I got 4!! :D
I gave one to XueNi because she didn't manage to get one.
And yay! We were finally done playing at 4pm! Filled up the voting form and put it into the voting box. Japanese students were gathering and shouting their numbers for us to vote because it was the time to submit the voting forms for counting xD

I voted for the Oh! No Lights! and Pokémon Muscle Contest xD

"Vote for 3 お願いします!!", the bloody students + Tomodachi shouted.

I voted for the Oh! No Lights! and Pokémon Muscle Contest xD

"Vote for 3 お願いします!!", the bloody students + Tomodachi shouted.
We left the place without waiting for the results. My head couldn't stand the noise anymore. Especially when the noise was amplified due to the enclosed area... Took bus51 to central© to have our dinner there and also to buy ShunAn's earcuff. I also bought a cross earcuff from FancyPocket at $4!

Lol! Vandalized.

Teriyaki chicken with beehoon at Yoshinoya.
Pepper Lunch not there anymore :(

Pretty~~ :D

Lol! Vandalized.

Teriyaki chicken with beehoon at Yoshinoya.
Pepper Lunch not there anymore :(

Pretty~~ :D
diglett dig diglett dig TRIO TRIO TRIO
diglett dig diglett dig TRIO TRIO TRIO
diglett dig diglett dig TRIO TRIO TRIO
diglett dig diglett dig TRIO TRIO TRIO

diglett dig diglett dig TRIO TRIO TRIO
diglett dig diglett dig TRIO TRIO TRIO
diglett dig diglett dig TRIO TRIO TRIO

Labels: epsilon, event, food, fun, game, pokemon, school
Akira Star
Akira Star