EOY Updates: Lens, Wigs & Stuffs
Tuesday, August 18, 2009 @ 1:54 AM
Contact Lens
Puikwan and GuangHao came over to my house on Sunday, 16th August, to try out contact lens. This is Puikwan's first time putting on contact lens with the guidance of GuangHao, who graduated with an Optometry diploma and now working in an optic shop. And she managed to do it so well! *applauses* Faster than me, when I first learnt.
I too, had to try on the degree-less purple sample contact lens, to test for curvature of the lens and stuffs like that. The lens' curvature were not of mine and I could feel them move whenever I blinked! No choice... Apparently only this brand, FreshLook, has my degrees :(
Brown contact lens for her cosplay chara.
My purple lens...
The colour so dull! Confirm not obvious one!
Only can see a little bit!
Or maybe... NOT AT ALL :\
I think I'll go purchase from blogshops for brighter purple lens...
$15 per pair! Cheaperrrrr :X
I received postage for two wigs already. For both of them, no one was there to open the door to collect them for me when they were delivered to my house! So I had to go all the way down to Telok Blangah East post office to collect them personally. The first wig that arrived was Puikwan's. She went with me to collect it. (For ordering stuffs online, have to wish and hope like mad that the product will turned out to be what you want/order, exactly same to the picture.)
I received postage for two wigs already. For both of them, no one was there to open the door to collect them for me when they were delivered to my house! So I had to go all the way down to Telok Blangah East post office to collect them personally. The first wig that arrived was Puikwan's. She went with me to collect it. (For ordering stuffs online, have to wish and hope like mad that the product will turned out to be what you want/order, exactly same to the picture.)
1st wig collected!
Lovely China birds stamps.
The wig turned out to be a darker colour T_T!
Probably due to the different lighting there...
Free hair rubber band given. NO WIG CAP! :\

I went to check online for cosplayers doing that chara.
I was relieved to find out that most of them used the darker brown wig.
So it's alright then :) Hopefully don't have to order one more :(
-credits to en.curecos.com's cosplayers-
Next wig that arrived was ShunAn's. Went to collect it on my own.

2nd wig collected!
His wig turned out to be alright...
All I have to do now... IS TO WAIT FOR MY WIG TO COME!
The boots have arrived! And it's only one pair :\ Because at the last minute *a figure of speech*, I received a reply from sumin/hammie_belly, saying:
The boots have arrived! And it's only one pair :\ Because at the last minute *a figure of speech*, I received a reply from sumin/hammie_belly, saying:

Wah lao!! I panicked there for a moment and went to search for other GoJane sprees to join. There are very little GoJane sprees, due to the fact, they closed and capped orders really quickly. So they are really hard to join. I e-mailed sumin to ask whether is she going to open another GoJane spree so she does not have to refund to me and just help me order the other pair of boots in the next batch. Hopefully she will be opening one soon T_T!~
sumin will be posting the first pair of boots here soon. I will be passing this pair to Puikwan first, in case anything bad happens *crossed fingers* I won't be blamed for it. So the 2nd pair of boots that is yet to be ordered will be mine.
Sighs... Must every single thing have problems??? When eveything was going so well, there's always something that had to be there to disrupt the flow. Damn it. HOPE THE COSTUMES WILL BE ALRIGHT!!! THEY ARE THE MOST IMPORTANT!!! and the most expensive, out of all the items we had to buy!
sumin will be posting the first pair of boots here soon. I will be passing this pair to Puikwan first, in case anything bad happens *crossed fingers* I won't be blamed for it. So the 2nd pair of boots that is yet to be ordered will be mine.
Sighs... Must every single thing have problems??? When eveything was going so well, there's always something that had to be there to disrupt the flow. Damn it. HOPE THE COSTUMES WILL BE ALRIGHT!!! THEY ARE THE MOST IMPORTANT!!! and the most expensive, out of all the items we had to buy!
Bought fake eyelashes for cosplay at Sasa :) 6 pairs for $4.90.

An assist clip and a lipbalm, as well xD

I don't really like wearing fake eyelashes...
They irritate and annoy me more than contact lens...
I'll have to practice more on putting them on!

I like this dress a lot! But I didn't buy it :\
Bought fake eyelashes for cosplay at Sasa :) 6 pairs for $4.90.
An assist clip and a lipbalm, as well xD
Sasa is now giving out makeup voucher thingy with 3 months validity for any one makeup item purchased. So I went ahead with it, since I'm already there. The makeup artist there did a light makeup for me and also, she helped me put on the fake eyelashes I just bought to test test xD
I don't really like wearing fake eyelashes...
They irritate and annoy me more than contact lens...
I'll have to practice more on putting them on!
I like this dress a lot! But I didn't buy it :\
Labels: EOY, panic, preparation
Akira Star
Akira Star