Wednesday, March 28, 2007 @ 11:04 PM
Today, went anime shopping!~ But didn't bought anything =X
Akira Star
Akira Star
East Cost Cycling Outing
Sunday, March 25, 2007 @ 4:26 PM
Went cycling with my fellow Degreeians at East Coast Park on 21st Mar...

These are the people who were there!~

[click to enlarge]
Didnt used the slide show this time... Not much photos were taken on that day... =P
Anyway picture speaks a thousand words. So you can tell from the pictures, how much FUN we are having ^_^ lolx!~
Akira Star
Akira Star
TMNT movie
Saturday, March 24, 2007 @ 9:23 PM
Today I watched this movie!! TMNT!!! My childhood favourite heroes.. haha!~ ^_^
Although I was planning to watch Mr Bean's Holiday, but there were toooooooooo many people... Like the whole Singapore is there... [kinda exaggerated abit =X] So changed my mind and decided to watch TMNT first!! Hurray for TMNT!~
Btw, I watched this with my youngest bro and GuangHao... ^^
I bought these two comic too!~ Blaue Rosen ^_^
Damn funny comic... =) See that yellow haired handsome person is actually a girl!! and the brown haired pretty person is a guy!!! LOLX!~ Can't wait to read them... =P
Akira Star
Akira Star
Sentosa Outing
Thursday, March 22, 2007 @ 7:40 PM
Here's the Sentosa Outing with my fellow Degreeians on 7th Mar... =)
For more details, please view the entry on the 16 Degree^C Blog... Thank you =)

I created this Maple Shana [Shana from Shakugan no Shana] using the BannedStory Simulator!~ Very good simulator to use ^^
Click here to download it: http://abload.de/mirror25.php
I recently watched finish this anime, Samurai 7... It's damn good!!! MUST WATCH!!! =)
Akira Star
Akira Star
Thursday, March 15, 2007 @ 10:25 PM
Today, 15th Mar, I tried a new game... it's called Hackerstory... the corrupted version of Maplestory... it's damn lame loh... the character is a stickman and it's on autofight mode [get it? hacks... lolx!~] There is even cheat to get infinite mesos. This is a screenshot of it :

Lookie at my lvl and my items!~ I'm a GM!! haha!~ [There is a cheat to be GM too =X] I think this is the only place I can be godly in Maplestory...
If you wanna go try it out yourself, here is the weblink http://nproject.110mb.com/hackerstory.html
Akira Star
Akira Star
Tuesday, March 13, 2007 @ 11:30 PM

I was viewing some comic panels by this "Cyanide and Happiness" when I came across this particular one.. that guy looking at the snail with this expression "=D", kinda reminds me of myself ^_^! I LOVE SNAILS!!! haha!~ I remembered counting the snails at my house downstairs. Counted around 52 of them, i think... =) was so happy...
Btw, my blog got music le!! Titled Shinkirou, korean song... And also Black Blood Brothers ending song!!! ROAR~*
[Thanks Puik for helping put up the song on my blog ^_^]
Akira Star
Akira Star
To Animehouse again!~ Broke!!
Friday, March 09, 2007 @ 7:44 PM
Bought something from Animehouse yesterday, 8th Mar. An Ouran High School Host Club Mail Guard [Bunny de] and Fate/Stay Night Rider Card.
Cute right the mail guard? haha!~ [Right? Xiao Yuan? hehe!~] There is another design which is Tamaki's teddy bear. Had a hard time deciding which to buy... BOTH SO CUTE!!!
Rider is my favourite character in Fate/Stay Night... Sexy!~~ =X
Oh ya, the mail guard cost $18 and the card cost $2.10 T_T i'm spending my future money loh... -Broke-
Oh ya, the mail guard cost $18 and the card cost $2.10 T_T i'm spending my future money loh... -Broke-

Something i drew on the 6th of Mar... Was bored... My Gash Bell episode 58 got problem!! cant continue watching... So i drew my favourite demon, Gash Bell!~ Cute? =) He is always so happy ^^ cant bear to see him sad...

Just watch finish this anime, Black Blood Brothers, yesterday... Very nice anime!~ Must watch!! Cos got vampires! ROAR~* 12 episodes only...That guy in red is Jirou! Mochizuki Jirou!~ Very handsome vampire...
One thing they say in this anime is "Having a vampire sucking your blood is more pleasurable than having sex" O_o Wonder if it's true... haha!~
Akira Star
Akira Star
Thursday, March 08, 2007 @ 11:28 PM
Here are the pictures from the EOY'06, as I have promised in my first post... lolx!~ Sorry for the delay... =X
Akira Star
Akira Star
Steamboat/Vivo City
Tuesday, March 06, 2007 @ 8:59 PM
On 3rd March, had Steamboat at Shalee's house with my sec 5N1 friends [it's an every year practice] and later head on to Vivo City to walk walk and take pictures like siao! A PHOTO FRENZY!~
For the China Trip photos, I'll be uploading them maybe later... Too many pictures... Scary... >_<
Akira Star
Akira Star