Well, Hello There...

Stressss! Soooo Scary!!

Friday, June 13, 2008 @ 1:01 AM

Listening to: Wheesung Album
-Like A Movie-

Heard that my facilitator for my FYP has already sent in the comments for the report. BUT!! She didn't receive my completed report; and only my incompleted report! My 5,292 words report!!! My precious hard work! I tried to send her the completed one but the whole webmail JAMMED and KILLED itself.

I almost went into a panic attack. I immediately checked my msn for online teammates. And to my dismay, no one was online! DAMN IT! I'm so fucked up now! This is what I thought. Quickly, I thought of an alternate route which is to sms Joshua. Yes, that teammate of mine in FYP. And yes, he took his sweet time to go online and asked me what happened.

From there, I found out what's the problem. My report size is too big to send over!!! 35mb! I had to get my report into a slimming programme immediately. I tried changing the pictures into PNG file. But it failed! Pathetically. It didn't reduce its size but INCREASE IN IT! From 35mb to a friggin' 60mb! I was shocked! I quickly get help from my trusty photoshop to help out in the slimming programme. And by working hand in hand with Paint, the slimming programme was a success! My report has slimmed down from 35mb to 1.2mb!!! :D:D:D

With that, I quickly sent the report over. I hope that it will turn out fine and my facilitator will receive it this time. If not, I can just "go home" already.........

Thank you Joshua for your help and STOP CALLING ME CHIBI JOHN! :@

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